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Okaya, Nagano Prefecture, Japan

November 2014

Saturday, November 1, 2014
Got up at seven-fifteen in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. It's a rainy day.

Sunday, November 2, 2014
Got up at seven-thirty in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast and an Asian meal for lunch. Went out shopping at a grocery store this afternoon. Ate a Japanese meal for dinner.

Monday, November 3, 2014
Got up at seven-fifteen in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

On the assumption that the UCCR theory is right, as time passes, everybody on the earth becomes under the influence of the hard and soft fluxes of cosmic rays carrying the uncertainty directly and indirectly. The number of people for whom the low-density high-energy flux of cosmic rays has directly led to the uncertainties increases linearly with the passing of time. A blue-color line with the mark of a circle in the graph on the left side below shows this trend when one out of ten neurons along the trajectory of a strike through the brain is assumed to be disturbed and that consideration takes a second and uses one hundred of the brain cells per person on average. The origin of the transverse axis of time of the graphs can be set at any moment of the present age. As written previously, the people whose last decisions were affected by a casual strike against certain parts of their brains can indirectly alter other peoples' decisions by communicating with them or other means. The total number of people whose last decisions were affected due to the shower of cosmic rays increases in geometrical progression. As a red-triangle line in the left graph indicates, all the people on the earth become under the influence by the UCCR in 24 hours in the case that only one out of ten influenced people transmits the uncertainty to the other uninfluenced person within the following one hour by interacting with him or her in any way. When an influenced person transmits the uncertainty to the other uninfluenced person within an hour (a green-square line) or an influenced person transmits the uncertainty to 10 other uninfluenced people (a yellow-diamond line), these propagations become much faster than the above cases. The right graph shows these four lines when only one out of a hundred neurons along the trajectory is assumed to be disturbed.

Graphs: The number of people influenced by UCCR vs. time when 10% (left) and 1% (right) of the neurons along the trajectory of a strike through the brain are assumed to be disturbed respectively.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese one-pot meal for dinner.

On the surface of Mars, the slope of a blue-circle line of the graphs above becomes zero because there is no life living there. There's a faint possibility that some sorts of unknown microorganisms or their fossils might exist on Mars, but no clear evidence of them has been discovered yet. The direct influences by UCCR are nearly uniform at any sea-level zones and reasonably high ground zones on the earth. The influences by UCCR that take the transmissions from people to people through their interactions into consideration depend strongly upon both the population density and the popularization of mass media. On the central island of Manhattan, the influences should be very strong like a green-square line and a yellow-diamond line, and in a rural village, the influences should be milder like a red-triangle line.
A living thing first appeared on the earth 3.5 billion years ago or earlier, and mammals have prospered since the Cenozoic era. The world population of human beings has increased and has recently reached 7 billion. Since the Industrial Revolution, the modernizations of many technology areas including information communication technologies and transportation technologies have progressed significantly. If the origin of the transverse axis of time may be set at any time much earlier than the period of the first appearance of life, it can be said that our world has become very greatly uncertain from the viewpoint of the time origin, according to the UCCR theory. Based on the fact that uncountable heavenly bodies exist and cosmic rays are traveling around the entire universe and on the assumption that there are many and various living things on many other planets, the universe is still full of uncertainties not only on the subatomic level but also on the macroscopic level. The UCCR theory suggests that the activities of living things are bringing uncertainties from the subatomic level to the macroscopic level in their expanding territories.

Thursday, November 6, 2014
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

The Figure above illustrates the conditions that were applied to the calculations in order to make some rough estimates of the number of people influenced by Uncertainty Carried by Cosmic Rays two days ago. The red-color quantities found in the figure were used for the calculations of "the Number of People Influenced by UCCR versus Time" in that graph.

Friday, November 7, 2014
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a dish of Japanese pasta for dinner.

Either a mechanistic view or a deterministic view doesn't sit well with me. The existence of atomic and subatomic particles is accompanied by the uncertainty that may be considered not to appear in our macroscopic view under normal conditions on the earth. I have sometimes entertained the idea that the mechanism that brings the uncertainty from the subatomic level to the macroscopic level under normal conditions on the earth may exist in nature. This is my motive to seek for the mechanism focusing on the uncertainty carried by cosmic rays. My UCCR theory is the hypothesis that explains the mechanism that the activities and the interactions of living things are bringing uncertainties from the subatomic level to the macroscopic level in their expanding territories. It goes without saying that here I don't deny the possibility of the existence of the other mechanisms that have the same influences on our macroscopic surroundings as the UCCR theory has. However, I haven't found it yet.
As written previously, the experimental verification of the credibility of the UCCR theory is knotty because it's difficult to measure not only the proposed uncertainty in our surroundings but also the uncertainty of subatomic particles as the principle of nature. Although I currently don't have any good feasible idea about the actual experiment to prove the UCCR theory, there is no reason to hesitate to make some quantitative analyses, as demonstrated a few days ago. In order to improve the accuracy of the calculation of the increase in the number of people influenced by UCCR with time, some efforts have to be made additionally. The application of the model of a more realistic brain structure than that of a simplified ball-shape structure is one of these efforts. The accurate estimation of the rate of the unset neurons among the other neurons along the trajectory of a strike may be important. This isn't easy to carry out because this requires either a very accurate measurement of the activities of individual neurons in a normally functioning brain while a single high-energy particle of natural cosmic rays is passing through it in a very short time, or a realistic simulation of the impact of a strike on the functions of the human brain consisting of many organic brain cells utilizing reasonable models, which are considered to be difficult. The estimation of the number of neurons that are used for consideration on average is necessary to perform more accurate calculations. Probably, some reliable values should have already been available in some existing publications. The average rate of the number of people with whom an influenced person transmitted the uncertainty among all the people with whom he or she interacted in any way within one hour following an incident may be also necessary. The estimation of this rate may require some insights into other areas such as sociology. For the purpose of an accurate calculation of the increase in the number of people influenced by UCCR with time, these additional efforts may be required. At this point in time, I would like to emphasize that the results in the graphs that I showed three days ago in my diary reveal a marked tendency toward the UCCR theory.

Saturday, November 8, 2014
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast and a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch. Went out shopping at a grocery store this afternoon. Ate a Japanese meal for dinner.

Sunday, November 9, 2014
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. It's a rainy day.

Monday, November 10, 2014
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

My wife and I don't dislike Broccoli which is an edible green vegetable. Needless to say, however, we dislike the other Broccoli that is made from the dried leaves of a plant containing some sedative substances.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

As written in my diary about ten days ago, the establishment of the circumstances that allow to access necessary information and wholesome impetus should be indispensable to improve creativity and productivity. In most cases, good books allow me to access information and geometrical images provide me with fresh impetus to explore some ideas.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Got up at eight-fifteen in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

The Rosetta artificial satellite that the European Space Agency launched about 10 years ago has reached orbit around a comet recently, and an unmanned probe that the Rosetta satellite has carried is now attempting to land on the rough surface of a small comet. Because of the weakness of gravity on a comet, its landing isn't easy. According to the news sources, one of its missions is to gather the data that may prove the hypothesis that the comets brought the origins of life to the primitive earth in the early period of our solar system.
Gravitation is the weakest of the four interactions. This is one of the reasons why the quantum field theory that unifies the forces including the gravitational force isn't breaking the new ground that's verified experimentally. This may be one of the reasons why any proposed constituent of cold dark matter hasn't been detected yet.

Thursday, November 13, 2014
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

According to a fundamental principle of most cosmologies, observing things very macroscopically, the universe is homogeneous. All of us know that an enormous number of living things have been living certainly on the earth of the solar system in the Galaxy occupying only a very small part of the universe. Obviously, the above-mentioned principle and fact suggest that living things also exist on no small number of other planets in the universe. Currently, however, nobody on the earth has any scientific proof of the existence of living things on planets other than the earth, except for the fact above. In short, this is because the universe is the greatest possible. What we know is that the civilization on other planets that had been capable of generating strong electromagnetic radiation for some purposes may have never existed within the past light cone, the apex of which is set to the present earth. Otherwise, we may have just failed to notice it coming from a very limited part of space-time. On the assumption that the high civilizations have begun appearing on other planets in the universe "only" in comparatively recent times of the history of the universe, just like our civilization on the earth as seen in the rough figure below of Space vs. Time with expressing space in 1D instead of 3D and without taking an expanding into consideration for the sake of simplicity, it should take an electromagnetic signal or slower mediums from them a very long time to reach the earth because they exist far in the distance outside the light cone at the present time. Nobody knows that human beings may be unable to survive until one of the possible signals may reach the earth in the future. This assumption isn't unreasonable because we don't know the preexistence of any high civilizations before our solar system and the universe is seen to be homogeneous.

The Rosetta project might provide us with some insights into the mysterious origins of life not only on the earth but also on other planets in the universe.

Friday, November 14, 2014
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

The appearance of a comet was considered to be an evil omen old days. If the hypothesis that a number of comets really brought the origins of life to the primitive earth is experimentally proven someday, some superstitious people may feel more unsettled in determining whether the essence of life is good or not. Probably, many people don't like the weird idea that ancient witches flying on broomsticks gave birth to the origins of life on the earth. Well, that's just a superstition. The novel scientific idea that the origins of life may be discovered in the structure materials of the comets is interesting in terms of some aspects including this ironic coincidence. The universe is full of things that can't be comprehended easily.

Saturday, November 15, 2014
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast and a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch. Went out shopping at a grocery store this afternoon. Ate a Japanese meal for dinner.

Sunday, November 16, 2014
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese one-pot meal for dinner.

Monday, November 17, 2014
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

According to the news sources, in the second quarter of its current fiscal year, the Japanese economy was caught in a recession due to several causes including the recent increase in its consumption tax rate up to 8%. The growth rate of its GDP during the second quarter fell to minus 1.6%.
A currently developing country may need an appropriate inflationary tendency. On the other side, a developed country doesn't need either inflation or deflation in general. It seems that neither inflation nor deflation is what Japan needs these days. The efforts to reduce the unreasonable prices of daily living necessaries by moderate price competitions utilizing both the optimized liberalization of trades and the improvement in the efficiencies should always be necessary. However, there is no necessity to make any convulsive effort to reduce the prices of value-added products and name-brand products. The continuous development of new value-added products and then the casting of these products onto the markets at reasonably high prices are important. On average, the prices of goods and services in a developed country shouldn't be changed so much. The exchange rates of a developed country's currency to another developed country's currency should be well stabilized.
I believe that the currencies of the developed countries should be unified eventually though the floating exchange rate system governing the relative values of other developing countries' currencies to the unified currency is maintained for a while.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Got up at seven-thirty in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

Japanese actor Mr. Ken Takakura passed away of malignant lymphoma at the age of 83 recently.

According to some news sources, the world population may have reached 7.2 billion in 2013. The world population is still vigorously increasing and will probably continue to increase for quite some time. It's uncertain when the world population will stop growing.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a dish of Japanese pasta for dinner.

The European Space Agency announced recently that an unmanned probe Philae that landed with rather unsteady steps on the rough surface of a comet several days ago detected either some organic molecules or carbon compounds there before its battery ran out of electricity. If their haste experiment was accurate, the outcome might suggest that the comets brought the organic materials, some of which are the essential elements of life, to the primitive earth in the early period of our solar system. Indeed, however, its outcome doesn't prove that only the comets brought the origins of life to the primitive earth where there was no organic material.
Although Philae may provide evidence that the comets traveling around the sun of our solar system may contain some kinds of organic materials, the origins of the comets haven't been verified yet. A scientific group assumes that the comets that have carried some organic materials and water have their origins in scattered pieces of a planet of the previous solar system where there was life. As written above, however, it isn't necessary that only the comets brought the origins of life to the primitive earth. The origins of life may have preexisted before the comets began falling to the earth. Moreover, this hypothesis is in an impossible dilemma when the origins of the origins of the origins of life are pursued. Taking the estimated ages of the universe and our solar system and the estimated average lifespan of a solar system into account, it's generally believed that there might be none or one previous generation of the solar system before our solar system. It seems to me that there will be no answer when following this course. In this case, a horizontal bar indicating the lifespan of the planet where there was life may be placed on the left side of a bar indicating the age of the present earth in the past light cone of the rough sketch shown in my diary last Thursday if it's intelligent. If not, there is no need to add these bars to the figure.
Another scientific group proposes a different hypothesis suggesting that the water, the organics, and other materials that the comets orbiting around the current sun are holding any time and are scattering as gas and dust when coming near the sun were brought from our earth when some meteorite cores were grazing along the surfaces of its oceans without colliding with its ground at very high speeds in ancient times. Obviously, this hypothesis doesn't support the theory that the comets brought the origins of life to the primitive earth and doesn't unravel any mystery of the origins of life. Differently from the hypothesis above, this hypothesis isn't contradictory to what I wrote in my diary last week at all.

Thursday, November 20, 2014
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.  Imposed a daily task of push-ups, in addition to sit-ups, isometrics, and stretching.

According to the news sources, an intense glint of light sailed across the sky of Russia again recently. It looked like either a meteoritic bombardment or an artificial-satellite bombardment. I don't think that somebody has already built a rail gun on the surface of the moon or something similar in the orbit around the earth.

Because the universe is seen to be homogeneous and an enormous number of living things including human beings have been living on the earth in the Galaxy occupying only a very small part of the universe, the assumption that living things have existed on planets other than the earth is reasonable. On the other side, because of its expansion, the universe isn't symmetrical about time. The conditions of the universe at a distance of 5 to 10 billion years in the past, which is about half to one of the estimated lifespan of our solar system, should be considerably different from those of the current universe. Therefore, it isn't necessary that there had existed life on a planet of the possible previous solar system. That's why I made the assumption that the high civilizations have begun appearing on other planets in the universe only in comparatively recent times of the history of the universe, just like our civilization. This is more realistic than the view that living things including intelligent beings exist only on the present earth and the other view that they have existed only on both the earth and a planet of the possible solar system older than ours by one generation, though none of three views are significantly contradictory to what have been observed. Currently, it's almost impossible to estimate accurately the possibility that living things including intelligent beings have existed only on the present earth. Actually, its probability should be very small because it isn't logically defensible. Therefore, in view of this additional factor, my UCCR theory suggests that the activities and the interactions of living things are bringing uncertainties from the subatomic level to the macroscopic level in their expanding territories only in comparatively recent times of the history of the universe.
By pure chance, the earth was formed into the orbit superbly positioned in the solar system, so that living things have been sustained on it since their first appearance. It seems that the origins of life preexisted on the primitive earth by coincidence because the origins of our solar system have contained all the necessary ingredients, which had been gradually formed with the evolution of the universe since its beginning. However, I have no idea whether living things were generated from nature on the earth coincidentally or created inevitably.

BTW, from the viewpoint of observing the entire universe, I made the assumption that the high civilizations have begun appearing on other planets in the universe only in comparatively recent times. From our daily viewpoint, however, it may safely be said that some of them might exist a long time ago.

Friday, November 21, 2014
Got up at seven-thirty in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. There was a record-breaking November snowfall in the Northeastern US for the last few days, due to a severe cold snap projecting from the Arctic zone. Some people may attribute it to the recent changes in the earth's climate. On account of the cold floors of a house in the Okaya-Suwa district of Nagano prefecture Japan, which is situated about 1000 meters above sea level, the chilblains on my toes and heels are already itching.

The establishment of an objective point of view is important for modern people. People need to choose an extent of an objective view and a span of time suitable for the matters relevant to a subject. The most extensive in actuality is the view of the entire universe, though there are some suppositional views greater than that such as the view of the multiple universes, which isn't considered here. On the other side, the smallest actual view is subatomic. The earliest of time may be safely considered to be the beginning of the universe, and the last of time is still an open question.
In our everyday life on the earth, the necessary extent of an objective view isn't so wide, and the necessary span of time isn't so long. Although living things may have existed on planets other than the earth, their influence upon us has been nil, so far. On the assumption that the UCCR theory is right, the establishment of an objective view in detail covering a long span of time in the future direction isn't beneficial because the future events except some immutable events aren't exactly predetermined yet. People sometimes need to look at matters from various different viewpoints within an appropriate view extent and time span.

Saturday, November 22, 2014
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast and a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch. Went out shopping at a grocery store this afternoon. Ate a Japanese meal for dinner. An earthquake of magnitude 6 to 7 shook Northern Nagano prefecture tonight. For the first time in a long time, we felt an earth tremor. Fortunately, it was slight here. It's a fine day.

Sunday, November 23, 2014
Got up at eight-thirty in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese-Western meal for dinner. It's a nice warm day.

Monday, November 24, 2014
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

The applications of the perspectives based on my UCCR theory to some sample cases will be discussed this week. First of all, its application to the field of international politics will be briefly dealt with as an example, as follows. Probably, this is the most complicated of the fields in our world.
It's proper that a necessary extent of an objective view for the field of international politics should be the view of the world including all the countries on the earth. The influence of a country on others should depend on the present strengths of its economic and military powers. The most important should be the actual facts at the present time. A necessary span of time in the past direction for this purpose ranges over the recorded history of the world. As the time in the history comes up to the present, the importance of the matters should rise. In a similar way to the above, as the time comes from the future down to the present, the importance should also increase. This is because the correlations of the present events with the recent events and the near future events should be stronger than those of the present events with the far past events and the far future events, respectively. It's natural that the trustworthiness of the recorded history should become dim with going back to the past. On the assumption that the UCCR theory is right, the forecasts of future events in detail covering a long span of time aren't beneficial because the future events except some immutable events aren't exactly predetermined yet. However, it's commendable that the images of the ideal future surrounding some probable immutable events, which may work as the anchors cast in an ocean of the uncertain future or the lights of the lighthouses seen through the uncertainty fog on the voyage, should be highly cherished. The future plans covering a reasonable span of time should be wisely designed to include some flexible choices while reflecting on what is learned from the past records, what is obtained by making the best use of the analysis of the present facts, and what is preserved and planned for the future ideal images. Within the range defined above, people actively in the field of international politics need to look at the matters relevant to a subject of international politics from different viewpoints in the nations concerned in terms of various factors, such as the policies, the social systems, the factional conflicts, the economic statuses, the trades, the currencies, the resources, the cultures, the religious believes, the education levels, the technologies, the public orders, the military powers, etc. in the order of ascending priorities.
The unceasing activities of modern intelligence organizations employing the pick of officials, the growing influences of the media in various aspects, and the utilization of the powers of the media as some political levers on the surfaces and behind the scenes especially through the Internet and TV have been making the clear foresight of the matters in the field of international politics more difficult. The more active the human's mutual interactions have become, the higher the uncertainties in the world have grown, according to the UCCR theory. The more intellectual the human thought processes become, the higher the number of brain cells in a brain that are used for consideration become, and then the higher the uncertainties grow.
On the other hand, what ordinary citizens can do in their daily lives is to expect future matters by following either their simple and empirical logic or their emotions and interests. Although each of their influences is weak, on the whole, the indirect influences of a huge stack of decisions about various trivial matters that an enormous majority of ordinary citizens have been making any time on the basis of either their superstitions or institutions not only on the complexities but also on the uncertainties of international affairs can't be treated lightly in highly democratized countries these days.
Nobody knows the future events exactly. However, people can estimate the possibilities for future events, whether it's accurate or not. People can strive to improve the accuracy of the possibilities. The applications of advanced technologies in computing are one of the methods to help manage the matters in this field somehow by gathering the necessary information from the increasingly complicated new societies filled with the nebulous flood of various topics as a means of communicating ambiguous expressions and by analyzing it to calculate the possibilities for the future events, so that a way with a high possibility to succeed, which may only be better than nothing, can be identified.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a dish of Japanese pasta for dinner.

My diary today deals briefly with the ITRS Technology Roadmap in the field of the semiconductor industry, as an example of the application of the perspectives based on my UCCR theory.
The semiconductor industry is unique to the private sector in terms of some aspects, i.e. growing high costs in plant and equipment investments for both R & D and manufacturing, strong necessities for the tight quality controls to improve the yield rate and profitability, and so on. For the purposes of reducing wasteful spending as a whole industry, ensuring international compatibilities, and allowing effective uses of the international foundry businesses for the manufacturing of low-priced products, the standardization of the features and the specifications of the semiconductor integrated circuits and memories for every technology generation has ever proceeded. The ITRS Technology Roadmap was introduced to press ahead with the standardization of semiconductor technologies in the private sector worldwide.
Compared to the field of international politics, the standardization with maintaining and updating the technology roadmap of the semiconductor industry is much simpler. It can safely be said in other words that the purpose of maintaining the roadmap is to make the matters relevant to the semiconductor industry simpler and cheaper. In general, the roadmap covers several future technology generations counting from the latest released. Someone who is interested in the specifications of previous technology generations should consult some older roadmaps than the latest available. Because of increasingly high costs in plant and equipment investments on the constant cycle, the semiconductor industry is always susceptible to the recent trends and the future prospects for business activities in some of the developed and developing countries, which are inevitably accompanied by uncertainties according to the UCCR theory. The roadmap has been wisely updated once a year so that the features and the specifications of the integrated circuits and memories for future generations listed on it can be revised while reflecting on the recent business activities. The ITRS Technology Roadmap has approximately followed the forecasts for the scaling of the CMOS transistors on the basis of the renowned Moore's law while taking the performances, the power consumptions, the costs, the manufacturability, the yields, etc. appropriate for each generation into account for the coming one to two decades.
The latest ITRS Technology Roadmap covers several CMOS technology generations up to the 1.8 nm node, the gate length and the supply voltage of which are 7 nm and 0.68 V respectively. The year of production for the 1.8 nm technology generation is forecasted to be 2025. The scaling limit of the gate length of the CMOS silicon transistors is considered to be about the gate length of this generation. At the 1.8nm generation or earlier, the scaling of the CMOS silicon transistors has to be given up probably. After the period of the CMOS scaling, it seems that the technologies of the non-silicon integrated circuit and the photonic-integrated circuit are promising. The technology of the photonic-integrated circuit has great potential in the development of some innovative light-emitting devices for it.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

My diary today takes up the subject of the development and commercialization of a new device by way of illustration of the application of the perspectives based on my UCCR theory. In general, the essence of natural science must be independent of financial states of affairs. Nowadays, however, there's an upward trend in the difficulty of raising funds for the experimental sciences without appealing to the social contribution of research, so the financial state of affairs is increasingly affecting the progress in science. Unlike the fields of natural science, in most cases, most fields of technology should be clearly bound up with economic and international situations. Therefore, when a new device is in the course of development followed by the desired commercialization, several factors that are accompanied by uncertainties in varying degrees should be taken into consideration, according to the UCCR theory.
In most cases, an extent of an objective view and a span of time suitable for the matters relevant to the epoch-making invention and the practical implementation of a new device shouldn't be much different from what is used in the ITRS Roadmap, though there certainly exist some variations depending upon the types of applications and industries. If a novel device has to be invented and actualized for several purposes, the time span for its development should be extended over a longer period, and the time slot for its probable commercialization may be left open in the early stage. Within the defined range of applications, people who are engaging in device development need to look at the matters relevant to it from different viewpoints in terms of various factors, such as the necessities, the performances, the manufacturability, the durability, the safety, the costs, the profitability, the competitiveness, the popularity, etc. in the order of ascending priorities. During the early period of the development of a new device following the plain definitions of the application range and the necessary factors, what people have to do should be the gathering of necessary information. After obtaining the necessary information, what people have to do next are detailed analyses of the data, the logical deliberations of the factors above, the invention of innovative ideas, and then the actualization of a new device from scratch or the introductions of some new ideas to improve an existing device. So many people, so many kinds of talent and so many ways of thinking. My way of thinking about research and development was briefly explained in my diary on June 9 and September 20, 2011. How nice the outcomes of research and development are, who comes up with these outcomes, and when these occur may be accompanied by uncertainties because intellectual brain activities should require frequent uses of a number of brain cells for many hours, days, or months, according to the UCCR theory. Judging at regular intervals from the project's progress, the likelihood of success, and the economic and international situations, a project plan to develop a new device may be modified flexibly or if necessary may be canceled.

Thursday, November 27, 2014
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

As demonstrated in my diary for the last three days, there are a number of cases to which the perspectives based on my UCCR theory can be applied. It goes without saying that these three sample cases unfolded on the assumption that the UCCR theory was right. Although the validity of it hasn't been verified yet, it seems to me that the results of the applications of the perspectives based on it to these sample cases sound reasonable. At least, these theories and perspectives satisfy my questioning mind.

Friday, November 28, 2014
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

The origin of the solar system is understandable, and the theory proposed for it on the basis of the formation of a gathering of an enormous amount of massive particles by the mutually attractive force of gravitation followed by the ignition of the fusion reactions at its center is agreeable. This is mostly because it's verifiable observationally. On the other hand, there are many theories about the origins of life, but none of these theories has been proven experimentally. The situation to burrow into the mystery of the origin of the universe is much more severe. Probably, it's more difficult to understand the origin of the universe than to understand that of life, and it's even more difficult to verify the theory about the origin of the universe scientifically. In science, the origins of the universe and life are still deeply cloaked in mystery. In religion, God created the universe and life.

Saturday, November 29, 2014
Got up at eight forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast and a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch. Went out shopping at a grocery store this afternoon. Ate a Japanese meal following an aperitif for dinner.

Sunday, November 30, 2014
Got up at eight-fifteen in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. It's a nice warm day.