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Okaya, Nagano Prefecture, Japan

October 2014

Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

When a company is in adversity, which direction it should go in, a more democratic direction or a less democratic direction, is a fairly easy question to answer. Less democratization is the way to go. If a company advances considerably in a more democratic direction in a bad state, for instance with the introduction of a democratic way of decision-making, the emphasis of favoritism to some majority groups, the discard of a merit system, etc. this decision may give it decisive damage.
When a company is in excellent shape, it can go in a more democratic direction somewhat without harming its profit and fundamental soundness so much.

Thursday, October 2, 2014
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

The first wave of the incidents regarding the divulgence of classified diplomatic information on the international political stage had the control of the espionage activities by the liberal reformists against the ultra-conservatives for its object. It seems that the second wave of the leakage incidents aimed to prevent any misconduct by potential terrorists from occurring, by informing them that the intelligence organizations are always watching most antigovernment activities, communications related to these activities, and suspicious transactions in the whole world. That's based on the theory dismissing individuals' privacy that peoples' behaviors improve significantly when they know they are always under surveillance.  It sounds like a global version of the security service Stasi, which fulfilled its mission with an extreme surveillance measure to ameliorate the public order and to maintain the system in East Germany during the Cold War.
As long as it's limited in public places and isn't driven to extremes, such surveillance may be acceptable to some extent. Fortunately, however, such surveillance can also be used in order to force anyone who stands out to conform, for instance by stealing an idea, taking a sneak photo in a private room, hacking personal information, circulating a groundless spiteful rumor, and so on. Mara, Mephistopheles, and their servants who are hanging around us belong to this kind. They are wicked fiends.

Friday, October 3, 2014
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

Saturday, October 4, 2014
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast and a Japanese meal for lunch. Went out shopping at a grocery store this afternoon. Ate a Japanese meal for dinner. It's cloudy today.

Sunday, October 5, 2014
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese one-pot meal for dinner. It's rainy today.

Monday, October 6, 2014
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. In addition to the rain, the wind had begun to blow early in the morning. The rain and wind had stopped around noon.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. The autumn sky today was clear and deep.

Japan's economic bubble in the late 1980s and its temporarily remaining momentum post its collapse in the early 1990s allowed Japanese researchers to develop the blue LED rather haphazardly, with a way like an all-encompassing house-to-house search, which is the standard measure of the police investigation in Japan. However, this isn't what Japan can afford to do at the present time. From now on, Chinese researchers may be able to do this way of research.
Not only Japan but also other developed countries need more effective and sophisticated ways of research and development.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

Finished recently reading Chapter 18 of The Quantum Theory of Fields, Volume II, which offers the explanation of the renormalization group methods at the wide range of energy in a generalized manner, and the application of it to the non-Abelian Asymptotic-Free SU(3) gauge theory of strong interactions (very high energy) involving fields of quarks, that is, Quantum Chromodynamics, as a special case. Quantum Chromodynamics has been considered to be an experimentally proven theory of the strong force at colliding-beam accelerators though the quarks can't have been detected in isolation as free particles because of the result from its asymptotic freedom probably. The hadrons, which are color-neutral (colorless) particles composed of quarks through the mediation of gluons and are divided into two groups (baryons and mesons), may appear separately. The baryons are built from three quarks and the mesons are built from quarks and antiquarks. This chapter doesn't include a detailed explanation of quark flavors and colors, except for the brief description that there are six flavors (e.g. the u, c, and t quarks having charge of +2e/3 and the d, s, and b quarks having charge of –e/3) and three colors. It seems that either the author or the publisher of this book may not have a liking for this fancy sense of the naming of scientific terminologies, such as "quark", which is diverted from a coined word "quork" used in a classic novel, "flavor", which is one of the intrinsic properties of quark though it sounds like a property of a candy, "strange" and "charmed", which are two of its six flavors, and "color", which is the other of its properties introduced on the analogy of the three primary colors of light and the contrast to the electric charge for the electromagnetic field. Otherwise, they may merely expect that a reader should have already known this theory to a certain extent.
A strange flavor and a charmed flavor of colorful candies are very curious.

Thursday, October 9, 2014
Got up at seven-thirty in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

It isn't so tough for someone who studied some special fields in English in his or her school days either to revolve in his or her mind or to discuss logically complicated matters of these fields in depth in English. In general, however, it should be tough for someone who studied some special fields in the language of his or her native country, rather than in English, to do so. This is why I practice oral reading of some recondite physics books without translating them into Japanese in my mind every weekend. To be honest, when I encounter a difficult expression in these books, I still sometimes need to translate an English description into Japanese in my mind and then ponder over its matter in Japanese.
For some time, in international places where different people come together to discuss issues in science, technology, business, or politics, English will continue to be an official language. Whether English will take a firmer hold as an official language in these international fields or not should depend upon the continuous efforts of people in currently English-speaking countries.

Friday, October 10, 2014
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

There is another possibility that, with the initiative of the United Nations, a new world language, which should be simple, logical, uncluttered, machine-friendly, and well-regulated by its committee, may be created and come into general use while preserving every native language after all the member nations of the United Nations fall in with a plan in the near future. In due course, a portable information terminal that has a highly functional simultaneous interpretation will be available. Such a device should help make conversation between ordinary people speaking different languages easy and smooth in the future. Indeed, the existence of a concise world language should help hasten the improvement of the abilities of simultaneous interpretation machines.

Saturday, October 11, 2014
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast and a Japanese meal for lunch. Went out shopping at a grocery store this afternoon. Ate a Japanese meal for dinner. It's a fine day.

Sunday, October 12, 2014
Got up at eight-thirty in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. It's cloudy for a greater part of the day.

Monday, October 13, 2014
Got up at seven-thirty in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese one-pot meal for dinner. The season's 19th typhoon came ashore in Southern Kyûshû this morning and was approaching here while gradually weakening. Late in the evening the rain and wind grew rather stronger.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner. It's a fine day.

The appearance of the quark, which was named after a coined word in a classic novel, has never been confirmed as an isolated particle. It's ascribed to the hypothesis that the quarks are believed to be confined in the hadrons. According to this well-supported hypothesis, uniquely, the strength of the strong interaction between each quark through the gluon rises with increasing the distances between each quark. The evidence to indirectly prove the existence of six quarks has been obtained only as hadron-jets in the experimental apparatus such as a large collider. Although a number of indirect evidence for it has been gathered, it's undeniable that some ambiguity still remains.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. It's cloudy with occasional chilly rain.

The cold dark matter, which sounds like a mysterious item found in a gothic story, was proposed earlier than the quark by about three to four decades and has been introduced to a variety of theories of cosmology as a fundamental element of the present state of the universe since then. Indeed, there is much indirect evidence to support the existence of cold dark matter. It seems that conclusive evidence to prove the existence of cold dark matter should be a discovery of its constituent as an individual particle or as a jet. However, it has never been detected on the earth yet, even at the deep underground place where a variety of noises interfering with the accurate measurement of either the gravitational interaction or the weak interaction between each hypothetical constituent subatomic particle of the cold dark matter such as the so-called WIMP are reduced.

Thursday, October 16, 2014
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. It's a fine day.

According to some news sources recently, the gasoline price in the US is dropping continuously because of a substantial increase in the production of shale oil and gas there. It may last for the next few decades if its productions don't cause any serious environmental problems.

Although whether it's credible or not is indefinite, Lockheed Martin Corp. announced yesterday that they made a breakthrough in nuclear fusion technology that enables them to produce an operational fusion reactor within the next 10 years. They also announced that an experimental nuclear fusion reactor in a compact size of about 7 by 10 feet (2.14 by 3.01 meters) at their laboratory in Munich can generate about 100 megawatts of electric power. Whether the electric power that is necessary to start and maintain the fusion reaction in their reactor is subtracted from this electric power of 100 megawatts or not isn't pointed out specifically in the news report. Their proposed reactor utilizes the deuterium-tritium fusion reaction, which most scientists believe to be used for the first generation of the fusion reactor. When the next generation reactor that utilizes the deuterium-deuterium reaction is also realized in the future, the abundance of deuterium in the ocean could fill the whole energy needs, probably for the remaining period of human beings' time on the earth.
If this news is really telling the truth, most of the problems associated with energy resources and climate change will be resolved before long. If so, the spacecraft Escargot will be able to take tours into space starting from the surface of the earth without risking any environmental pollution in the near future. Actually, this news is too good for most human beings if it's true. On the other hand, the news may give a rather ominous impression to the pessimistic people who are anxious about nuclear proliferation even though the fuel for the fusion reactor in itself isn't so dangerous. Probably, it's too bad for any other energy industries dealing with any older types of energy sources, e.g. fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas), fissionable materials (uranium and plutonium), and renewable energy sources (wind turbine, hydroelectric power, bio-fuels, solar cell and geothermal).
Yesterday was Wednesday, October 15. It shouldn't be April 1. The interpretation that some of the people who don't dislike Uranus but dislike Hades for various reasons may do something naughty is probably reading too much into the matter. Opinions should be divided on the question of whether the naming of the elements found by Prof. Martin Heinrich Klaproth and Prof. Glenn Theodore Seaborg et al. is really apposite or not.

Friday, October 17, 2014
Got up at seven-thirty in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a dish of Japanese pasta for dinner. It's a fine day.

The use of some automated fingerprint identification systems has already started being widespread among the general public for the purpose of secure identification, by introducing these systems into personal computing devices. To put it concretely, the fingerprint identification system is added to the computing devices in order to unlock its system and to authorize a transaction through the Internet more securely. A feeling of reluctance against fingerprinting by Europeans and Americans may be growing thin gradually nowadays. The tight control of individual fingerprints as private information should be of importance. Anyway, the potential damages due to an undesirable leakage of individual fingerprints by some rare accident or by identity theft are less objectionable than those of the genetic information carried by individual DNA.

Saturday, October 18, 2014
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast and a Japanese meal for lunch. Went out shopping at a grocery store this afternoon. Ate a Japanese meal for dinner. It's a fine day.

I recently started reading Chapter 3 of Cosmology. According to this book, the quantum fluctuations during the period of the last scattering of the early universe 300,000 to 400,00 years after its beginning are considered to be one of the main reasons for a slight anisotropy observed in the cosmic microwave background radiation, apart from the question whether inflation, which is one the speculative theories in cosmology, is credible or not. It seems to me that the direct influence of such a slight anisotropy in the cosmic background radiation upon our daily lives is negligible. On the analogy of the theory of the early universe explained in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 of this book, I considered whether the properties of the cosmic rays coming from the stars, the supernovas, and other celestial bodies, e.g. the type, amount, energy, momentum, direction, and time, especially from the sun of our solar system, are reflecting the quantum fluctuations in the high-energy and high-density plasma cores sustaining an enormous quantity of various sorts of reactions (primarily, in the case of the stars, nuclear fusion reactions) among subatomic particles of these celestial bodies or not. This question also reminded me of the other previous question whether the hard and soft components of cosmic rays are influencing the possible uncertainties in our daily lives on the earth or not, which I considered and wrote in my diary on August 23, 2011. Recently I revisited this question sometimes before I fall asleep on the bed.
It's my belief at the present time that these properties of the constituents of the cosmic rays reflect the quantum fluctuations in the plasmas of some celestial bodies and cosmic rays are always bringing uncertainties around, differently from what I wrote in my diary previously. Not only individual particles in cosmic rays should entail a very small scale of the uncertainty between the momentum and position, and between the energy and time but also the fluxes of cosmic rays may entail some types of uncertainties reflecting the quantum fluctuations in these plasmas. As well known, a variety of fluxes of cosmic rays that probably entail some uncertainties are traveling around the entire universe, especially near the stars, and are continuously showering down on the surface of the earth through its geomagnetic field and atmosphere. When a charged or uncharged particle with high energy in the shower of cosmic rays (e.g. proton, neutron, meson, alpha particle, other nuclei, photon, etc.) happens to hit a part of the human's brain that is transmitting messages related to either logical thinking or memorization necessary for a certain consideration via nerve impulse, it may change the membrane potentials of the synapses controlled via the transmission of chemical substances between them in part and may upset the outcome from a consideration. Indeed, the energy of such a strike can be strong enough to damage some out of a few dozen billion neurons in the cerebral cortex. Because the frequency of the strikes by the particles in both primary and secondary cosmic rays into the human's brain at the sea-level zone on the earth is probably estimated to be only about 4 incidences per second, the influence of these fluxes carrying some uncertainties on our brain activities should also be negligible when we consider only one examinee. If we compare the influences of the uncertain cosmic rays on the brain activities of an examinee at a deep underground place with those at a high place on the earth under the same environmental conditions (e.g. temperature, pressure, humidity, view) controlled with some equipment except the frequency of the cosmic ray strikes, no noticeable difference should be observed. Then, this will lead me to the same conclusion that I reached a few years ago.
However, when we regard all the people on the earth as examinees, this thought experiment would reach a different conclusion. The frequency of the cosmic ray strikes per brain and per unit time is quite small, but the world population is very large. Currently, it's above seven billion, which is about 20% of the number of neurons in the human cerebral cortex. The influences of the cosmic ray strikes on the brain activities of all people, on the whole, shouldn't be small. It seems that a very small portion of the world population is affected every time. On the assumptions that a strike disturbs the functions of all the neurons along its trajectory in the simplified ball-shape brain, that consideration takes a second and uses the number of brain cells per person of Nc, and that all the people will give consideration to a rather simple matter for the next one second and then will put it in practice soon according to the decision they made, a very rough estimation suggests that, if Nc is 10, 100 and 1000, the cosmic ray strikes may upset the considerations of 0.00034% (24,000 people), 0.0034% (240,000 people) and 0.034% (2,400,000 people) of the world population per second respectively. A matter may be just a daily decision, for instance, which news program he or she will choose to watch next. A decision may be what route he or she will choose to use to get to his or her destination from now on. The first assumption above may be excessive. If only one out of ten neurons along the trajectory in the brain are assumed to be disturbed instead, the estimated percentages of the influenced population for the next one second become 10% of the above-mentioned values, and If only one out of hundred neutrons in the brain is assumed to be disturbed, the estimated percentages become 1% of the above-mentioned values. As time passes, everybody on the earth is directly under the influence of the uncertain fluxes of cosmic rays sooner or later. The people whose last decisions were changed with a casual strike against certain parts of their brains can indirectly change other peoples' decisions by communicating with them or other means. The secondarily influenced people can change the other peoples' decision after that. So, in such a way, the population of the people whose last decisions were changed with the shower of cosmic rays increases in geometrical progression. It isn't necessary to limit the examinees only to human beings. All of the living things on the earth can be incorporated into this thought experiment as examinees. Not only the living things but also our global environments on the earth should be mildly affected by the shower of uncertain cosmic rays. These strikes may always affect the conditions mostly in the upper atmosphere and bring change and uncertainty to weather conditions of the earth to a certain small degree, which should affect our lives certainly.
In conclusion, on account of the uncertainties carried by cosmic rays, especially by solar cosmic rays and supernova cosmic rays, a mechanistic or deterministic view doesn't explain our everyday phenomena and lives anymore, and our world is always accompanied by growing indefiniteness though its growth may appear to be very faint from a local point of view. The indefiniteness in our complicated macroscopic world on the earth can have its origin in the fundamental physical phenomena of the plasmas in the celestial bodies, in our case mostly those in the sun of our solar system and in faraway supernova explosions, with the uncertainty principle, which governs a fundamental behavior of the matters at the scales of atoms and subatomic particles. In brief, what I would like to say here is that our future hasn't been fixed since the distant past, and the showers of cosmic rays from the high-energy and high-density plasma cores of some kinds of heavenly bodies are anytime making our future uncertain little by little either directly or indirectly.
After I turned the above subject over in my mind I got to a deep dreamless sleep last night. Someday I would like to read a good book dealing with solar astrophysics in order to gain a deeper insight into this hypothesis.

Sunday, October 19, 2014
Got up at eight-thirty in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

It's an undeniable fact that cosmic rays travel throughout the entire universe, and the stars, the supernovas, and some other celestial bodies in it are continuously emitting cosmic rays during their lifetimes. The sun of our solar system, which the earth is orbiting, is one of the stars.
Living things were generated in the ocean and have undergone evolutions everywhere on the earth, which cosmic rays have always showered down on. Therefore, under normal conditions, the shower of cosmic rays shouldn't cause any serious problems in the states of health of the living things that live at the sea-level zones, reasonably high ground zones, and underground zones of the earth, because the densities of cosmic ray particles are very low at these levels. The screenings with some magnetic fields including the geomagnetic field and the collisions with the nuclei in the earth's upper atmosphere of primary cosmic rays are the major reasons why cosmic rays are thin near the surface of the earth. An extraordinary event in the climate of the earth or the sun, or a sudden appearance of a supernova explosion relatively close to the earth might lead to some difficult troubles in the future. Conversely, the shower of some kinds of cosmic rays in a broad sense, i.e. sunlight, is essential for living things on the earth. The very low-density shower of high-energy massive and massless particles in cosmic rays might be related to the occurrences of mutations.
For convenience's sake, let's call the hypothesis about the Uncertainty Carried by Cosmic Rays the UCCR theory. The UCCR theory may explain why what a prophet foretold is always indefinite and abstract. The very low-density shower of cosmic rays from some sort of heavenly bodies may always introduce uncertainties that cloud their abilities to foresee the future faintly but increasingly.

Monday, October 20, 2014
Got up at eight-fifteen in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

Our environments are filled with various kinds of fluids such as air, water, oil, and so on. About seventy percent of the human body including the brain consists of a fluid of water. In the same manner as the weather forecast, it's difficult to predict very accurately in what way the human brain is functioning, how it feels, and what it thinks. It can be said that this is because our environments and our bodies are very complicated. The fuzziness in thinking is characteristic of the organism's brains that have ambiguous mechanisms for logic and memory, the low homogeneity in the characteristics of the microscopic neurons and the neurotransmitter, which are composed of water and some organic substances, and probably the chaotic behaviors in these complicated brain systems filled with fluids, which originate from high sensitivity to their initial conditions actually and therefore aren't uncertain. This fuzziness should be different from the uncertainty. Although at a very low temperature (below about –271 degrees C) some phenomena characteristic of the quantum properties of constituent atoms of the fluids such as superfluidity of liquid helium, which stems from the Bose-Einstein condensation, may come out in the open, hydrodynamics doesn't describe the mechanics that the fluids are reflecting quantum fluctuation in our macroscopic world on the general conditions with the exception of some extreme temperatures, to my knowledge. Quantum computing that utilizes some quantum mechanical phenomena including the uncertainty principle is also operational only at a very low temperature. Although some kinds of semiconductor devices, the dimension of which is scaled down to the atomic level, exhibit some phenomena associated with the tunneling effect that stems from the quantum properties of electrons, at a normal temperature on the earth it appears as just a leakage current with a function of the barrier width in these devices. I have sometimes inquired into the possibility that there is an unknown mechanism in the brains of living things that links the fuzziness in thinking to the uncertainty in the atomic and subatomic phenomena, for instance in a mechanism of the transmission of the electric nerve impulses among the neurons related to the changes in the membrane potentials of the synapses by the transports of the cations, anions, and molecules in the fluids penetrating selectively through the 10nm thick semipermeable membranes and in some possible chaotic behaviors in the fluids and complicated brain systems, but any solution of this inquiry other than the hypothesis of mine about the uncertainty carried by cosmic rays (UCCR) that I explained in my diary the day before yesterday hasn't occurred to me so far. I don't think that the difficulty in forecasting these matters is associated with any uncertainty if the above-mentioned factor of cosmic rays from the high-energy and high-density plasma cores of some kinds of heavenly bodies isn't taken into consideration.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Got up at seven-thirty in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

My diary today will touch on the meaning of the existence of living things including human beings on the assumption that the UCCR theory is right. On this assumption, the uncertainties introduced by the very low-density shower of cosmic rays through the activities of living things are greater than those through lifeless things. The uncertainties introduced by the very low-density shower of cosmic rays through the activities of human beings, especially people of today, are much greater than those through the activities of other living things. This is because human beings have been actively changing their environments and its degree has been intensifying at gathering speed. Nowadays human beings are extending their area of activities to the orbits around the earth and many of their planetary and interplanetary probes are traveling throughout our solar system, and one of the probes has already gotten away from it. As human beings' territory is expanding, the uncertainties that come to light in a macroscopic view through human beings' activities are more widespread in their world than ever. The reason for the existence of living things is steeped in deep mystery.
The UCCR theory suggests that the reason for the existence of living things is to make the world uncertain. It may be interpreted constructively and optimistically in the way that living things including human beings may be expected to accomplish something unpredictable and magnificent. Human beings are not just following the exactly prefixed course.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Got up at seven-thirty in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. It's a rainy day.

The UCCR theory should be a hypothesis classified into the field of natural science. Therefore, the discovery of some methods to verify the UCCR theory experimentally is important, but the implementation of its experimental verification isn't easy. This is because the measurement of the uncertainties in the decisions and behaviors of a mass of people that are brought from the cores of some celestial bodies through the very low-density shower of cosmic rays is difficult.
The uncertainty principle is one of the basic principles of the quantum theory. The existence of cosmic rays was detected in the earth's atmosphere early in the twentieth century, and the truth that a portion of cosmic rays come from the high-energy and high-density plasma core of the sun of our solar system sustaining an enormous quantity of various sorts of reactions among subatomic particles was verified observationally later on. The plasma cores of other celestial bodies including other stars and the supernovas outside our solar system have been considered to be the other sources to generate the remaining portion of cosmic rays. Because there are many kinds of data to support these physical phenomena, no additional experiment for these is necessary.
To my knowledge, there is no clear data exhibiting the influence of the very low-density shower of cosmic rays on the brain's activities of living things at the sea-level zone. No accelerated test for its influence on living things utilizing irradiation of a high-density flux of radiation, instead of a very-low-density flux of cosmic rays, is necessary at all, because its outcome is obvious. Cosmic rays are some kinds of radioactive rays. The exposure of the brains of living things to a high-density flux of radiation should not only derange the brain functions partially and temporarily but also injure their health seriously with permanent cell damage. A strike of some neurons in the brain by a high-energy massive particle or a high-energy massless particle should upset a consideration and/or memorization if it happens to pass through a certain part of the brain, like the single event upset of the computing. The difficulty to prove the UCCR theory is associated with that to prove the uncertainty in itself.
Indeed, it's difficult to prove the uncertainty of subatomic particles as the principle of nature. As a matter of course, the experimental verification of the credibility of the proposed theory about the uncertainty in the decisions and behaviors of a mass of people in our macroscopic world, which stems from the uncertainty of subatomic particles, should also be very difficult. Currently, I don't have any good feasible idea about the actual experiment to prove the UCCR theory. It seems to me that the thought experiment of mine that was explained in my diary a few days ago is reasonable.

Thursday, October 23, 2014
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. It's rainy in the morning.

Friday, October 24, 2014
Got up at seven-thirty in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. It's rainy in the morning. It's a fine day.

Saturday, October 25, 2014
Got up at seven-thirty in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast and a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch. Went out shopping at a grocery store this afternoon. Ate a Japanese meal for dinner. It's a fine day.

Sunday, October 26, 2014
Got up at seven-thirty in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

Monday, October 27, 2014
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

As mentioned in my diary on June 11 this year, I have come to realize gradually that there has been something unfair going on around me since the latter half of the 1990s. Probably, that is about the decision-making system going uncontested under the cloak of kindness to the women's liberationists and the human rights supporters. Recently, I was informed that the Japanese have a strong tendency to conceal from a person the information that is supposed to be given to him or her according to the rule if he or she is promising but doesn't belong to their cliques.
Because the concealment of information with bias is a Japanese-style and I am currently living in Japan, there is no expectation of a change for the better. I still don't know who is supposed to give me information about it.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

Some sorts of Hispanic American, African American, Canadian American, Asian American, and Japanese gave my wife and me some kinds of trouble in the middle of the 2000s. In the US and Japan around 2005, some senior Hispanic Americans and Japanese dashed themselves against me feigning accident very frequently for some reason. Some African Americans recklessly took a leap in front of my pickup truck running on the road or the parking lot in those days. Fortunately, there was no traffic accident by my truck involving those pedestrians. A car driven by an American hit my truck from behind. A car driven by an unidentified American hit my wife's car from behind and then ran away. Some cars driven by African Americans intentionally got closer to either my wife's car or my truck a few times after sending an email asking for a donation to the Red Cross.
Also taking the above-mentioned cases into consideration, it can be concluded by saying that Japanese and their Asian friends who have strong feelings of anti-American values attempted to cheat Americans with the aid of Hispanic, African, and Asian Americans in order to publicize the value of seniority system in the US. They also planned something fraudulent in order to scatter the funds on the projects to rebuild the infrastructures and other buildings in some disaster areas for the benefit of the construction business and the projects to draw tourists for the benefit of the locals in both the US and Japan in those days, while concealing their true intentions. It seems to me that they are still doing the same monkey businesses for the same purposes as those days.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Got up at seven-thirty in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for dinner.

The unmanned rocket Antares exploded in the sky of Virginia of the US several seconds after its lift-off. Fortunately, it resulted in no fatality among people involved in the launching and a crowd of visitors.
The primary of the variable binary star Antares in the constellation Scorpius is a red supergiant about 420 light-years distant from the earth. It's relatively close to the earth. The primary star of Antares may be in a late stage of stellar evolution at the present time. I don't think that it has already exploded within the last 420 years. It should take that red supergiant quite a long time to reach the end of its evolution. I don't think that I am too optimistic.
Every star evolves and then comes to its end. These events are unchangeable. The firm affirmations that human beings will be able to survive until the end of the Antares primary star should be beyond the compass of human ability. People of today don't know whether the end of the Antares primary star will bring a calamity down on the earth by an enormous amount of high energy cosmic ray particles or not. The influence of it on the living things on the surface of the earth may be only negligible. Whether some human beings will get through such a possible future calamity either by concealing themselves in some deep underground holes or by escaping far away from Antares by interstellar spaceship temporality or not will depend upon the efforts and conducts of human beings through successive generations. It seems to me that the future of our posterity isn't exactly predetermined, according to the UCCR theory. Figuratively speaking, there is an inerratic far-future event foreseen through thin fog. Because it's far away, the scenery around the big event is very obscure.

Thursday, October 30, 2014
Got up at seven-thirty in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

It's relatively easy for the eye of a seer to predict future events if these are on a grand scale, whether far future or near. The end of Antares is a clear case of point. On the other hand, the uncertainties of the coming trifle events grow with increasing the time span from now to the future and/or the degree of complexity in the involvements of living things. To cite an instance, it's very difficult to predict the stock price of a company on the NASDAQ market one thousand years from today. According to the UCCR theory, it's almost undetermined. No person of today can guarantee even that a company will still exist and that trading on the stock market will open in the future day. However, it's rather easy to predict the stock price one week from today because the uncertainty that increases with the passage of time is much smaller than in the case above, though the stock price isn't exactly predetermined. For an example simpler than that about the stock price above, what I will have for breakfast tomorrow is much more predictable because of the shorter time span from now and less complexity in the human involvements, but even in this case, it hasn't been exactly predetermined yet according to the UCCR theory.

Friday, October 31, 2014
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

My diary today deals with a good environment advantageous for creative thinking and productive working. The definite establishment to accomplish his or her objective is most important. Depending upon the type of field, the timeline has also to be set clearly but flexibly. A culture of distinctive and straight conversation should be very important. A merit system should be introduced but an excessive degree of competition inside a working team can be harmful. The establishment of facilities that allow to access the necessary information and wholesome impetus should be indispensable. It's a matter of course that the comfortable conditions in climate, finance, and human relationships should always be needed.