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Okaya, Nagano Prefecture, Japan

June 2013

Saturday, June 1, 2013
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast and a Japanese meal for lunch. Went out shopping at grocery stores this afternoon. Ate a Japanese meal following an aperitif for dinner.

Sunday, June 2, 2013
Got up at eight-thirty in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal following an aperitif for dinner.

Intel Corp. released its 4th generation processors utilizing 22nm node technology, namely Haswell, yesterday. This is less power-oriented than its 3rd generation processor, Ivy Bridge.

Monday, June 3, 2013
Got up at seven-thirty in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

CNN's news about the frequent smuggling of dogs as food from Thailand to Vietnam disgusted me.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a dish of Japanese pasta for dinner.

There were a variety kinds of fraudulent essences found in a TV program debating about nuclear energy and the social security number last night. The perspective that they see things in was intentionally set to be narrow. That TV program reminded me of a number of the news about the secondary accidents in the power plants following an enormous earthquake and a gigantic tsunami that Reuters reported previously. Both of them tend to go to rather menacing ways to win the hearts of the people. It's rather risky.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

Needless to say, the lead of a nation, which has the ministerial arm of the laws to execute the death penalty and to engage in warfare, toward totalitarianism is very dangerous, as the history of the world tells. When this tendency is observed, it should be seriously criticized in the early stage. Especially, improper uses of totalitarianism are terrible.
Maintaining some tendency toward totalitarianism in smaller organizations may still be beneficial. That's a matter of both size and degree.

Thursday, June 6, 2013
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

A strange word can be found in a topic in the MSN online news today. The word is 'Senpan-Koku'. The headline of the news says, "Should Japan be a Senpan-Koku forever?"
The Japanese word of 'Senpan' means a war criminal, and that of 'KoKu' means a country. Probably, the word 'of Senpan-Koku' is a blend of these two words, meaning a country of war criminals. It seems that this blended word contains the implication that the fame of war criminals may be protected. Some people are enforcing the responsibilities to all the Japanese people, by claiming the doctrine of joint responsibility, in order to protect the fame of war criminals. This should be a typical example of an improper use of totalitarianism towards a nation.
Japan was a defeated nation after WWII. It's uncertain whether this word is still proper for Japan after about 68 years or not. Obviously, however, the word 'Senpan-Koku' should be irrelevant.

Friday, June 7, 2013
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

Recently, the word 'Delusion' has often been used in the mass media of Japan. Considering the current necessity of Japan, the choice of this word is nonsense. The executive figures of the mass media, the industries, the business, and the officials intentionally misused the word probably.  The appropriate word should be 'Imagination' and 'Creativity'.
It isn't so difficult to guess why they had to make such an improper choice of the word. Investors in the West have been hesitant to invest their precious funds in the country of copying at great cost. The Western investors want either a country of cheap copying or a country of innovation. It seems that some foreign pressures have demanded the executive figures of several fields including the mass media of Japan to educate Japanese people to be more imaginative, creative, and innovative. Because the executive figures in these fields, especially the officials, in Japan, tend to be far from imaginative, creative, and innovative, they can't easily accept the foreign pressures. Simply, they can't deny themselves. Instead, they are just making the foreign pressures muddy, by creating the fashion of the word of 'Delusion' temporarily. Today's topic is rather boring.

Saturday, June 8, 2013
Got up at six-thirty in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast and a Japanese meal for lunch. Went out shopping at grocery stores this afternoon. Ate a Japanese meal following an aperitif for dinner.

Several kinds of stray cats, such as a Tabby cat, a Calico cat, a Black & White cat, a Russian Blue cat, and a Persian cat, sometimes pass through the front yard of the residence where my wife and I currently live. It seems that they aren't pedigree. They wear sullen looks. Cats in the US and Western European countries look happier than those in Japan do, to my knowledge.
Perhaps, the cultural level and the standard living level of the people can be measured by comparing the expression of stray cats to some extent.

This afternoon, the electronic dictionary of mine, the keyboard of which was repaired by the repair service of SII, was delivered to me.

Sunday, June 9, 2013
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta following an aperitif for dinner.

The movie on TV last afternoon contains an unfamiliar essence. According to a dictionary, a sin-eater was a person who ate an offering to a deceased while claiming that he or she was taking over the sins of a deceased.
A sin-eater is unfamiliar to me but it's rather suggestive of a dirty measure used in either a locality or a country. For the purpose of interrupting a person who is actively involved in the front lines of a domain outside a locality or a country, the sins and the blame of others are pinned on him or her by spreading rumors from either a locality or a country where he or she used to live. This is called a scapegoat.
That film gave me a creepy feeling.

Monday, June 10, 2013
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

Not falling into delusion but maintaining imagination and creativity isn't easy for most children.
The improvement of people's ability in logical thinking and the establishment of objectivity by education should be an ideal way to achieve this aim. However, this way is rather difficult to carry out. This isn't good enough to prevent all the people from falling into delusion.
An education that regiments young people is effective in preventing a large majority from falling into delusion, but it also effectively prevents them from being imaginative and creative. This way has both merits and demerits. The education system in Japan can be placed under the category of it. After the stage of education that regiments people, the education to develop liberal thinking in the limited academic areas should be necessary in higher education in order to reinvigorate people's imagination and creativity.
Compared to the education system in Japan, the orientation of the education system in the US toward liberal thinking is very strong. The US is proud of its diversity. It's a typical gun society.  The widespread of illegal drugs makes some Americans run wilder. As a result of these tendencies, the crime rate in the US is much higher than that in Japan. However, the overwhelming number and power of its police and military forces are getting control over the criminals inside the country and from overseas. What an intense country the US is! The US is a country of innovations, businesses, trials, and wars.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

The topic today describes my opinion on the necessary reformation of the university system in Japan. This is a system commonly used in the US. The reformation is just minor and doesn't require any increase in the spending of the budget, overall.
The necessary reformation of the university system in Japan is the increase of the tuition fees of the undergraduate courses of national, prefectural, municipal, and other public universities and colleges up to the level of those of private universities and colleges. For the students who have lived in a prefecture for a past certain period of time, for instance, 3 years, 5 years, or longer, the tuition fees of national, prefectural, municipal, and other public universities and colleges in a prefecture can be kept a current low price. The improvement of the scholarship should be imperative while implementing the reformation. The gain in financial resources by increasing the tuition fees, which isn't a large amount probably, will be assigned to the funds necessary for the scholarship.
A couple of lectures designed to develop imagination and creativity should be added at a department in each semester of university and college.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

The topic today describes my opinion on the well-balanced views in Japan.
Because of its homogeneousness and regiment control, the opinions, values, and abilities of the Japanese aren't diverse. Like a quiz show, which expects only the right answer to a question, the views of the Japanese are narrow. It's rather easy to give guidance to the country, by relying upon the influence of mass media and a traditional democratic way, that is, an election.
On the ground of its uniform views, Japan often incurs criticism from foreign countries, especially from neighboring countries. The criticism that hasn't been dealt with has become the political card that has given neighboring countries some advantages in a certain situation.
If a country has diverse views and has allowed criticism from a small number of insiders, it can somewhat restrain such political cards. It seems that Japan needs better balanced views.

Thursday, June 13, 2013
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

A TV program last evening intimated that the pressure from the powers in the Protestant zone that has been exerted on Roman Catholicism to soft-pedal its dogmas against birth control might be strengthening recently.
The people who frequently say, "You know" may be categorized into three types. The first is the people who are just in the habit of saying so.  The second is the people who want to be looked like rock stars. The third is the people who have to impose the opinion that they aren't so confident of upon others.

Friday, June 14, 2013
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

Apple Inc. announced the specifications of its coming Mac Pro a couple of days ago. The shape and the color of its computer casing are cylindrical and black, respectively. Its website explains that its cylindrical casing is efficient in the cooling down of the units on the motherboard thanks to the help of the uprising flow of air through its inside that is generated by a fan located on the top.
The shape and the color of its casing reminded me of the Carbon Nanotube (CNT) FET. It sounds like an ironical humor that the new Mac Pro has a carbon nanotube-like appearance though its CPUs aren't composed of the CNT FETs. It also looks like a tall Setokuro tea bowl. Because of its sleek design, it may match not only the furnishings in a Western-style house but also those in an Asian-style house.
My wife said, "It looks like either a coffee maker or an electric kettle".

BTW, the age of mass production of the CNT FET may never begin because of many difficult hurdles to overcome. At least, it will never within the next ten years.

Saturday, June 15, 2013
Got up at eight-thirty in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal following an aperitif for dinner.

The examples of the success of the education of a genius in a skill can be seen in the modern history of music and sports. However, it's rather difficult to identify an example of the success of the education of a genius in imagination and creativity.
In the 20th century, there are a lot of examples of the fabrication of a star in various fields that meet the necessary conditions to be so at least but don't actually have a genius. Such stars were created for various purposes, such as the driving forces of a new growing industry, a new trend and fashion, a new religion, a new political party, and so on. Such fabricated stars don't make the old guards uneasy. They were often chosen from the old guards.
Instead of trying to educate a genius in imagination and creativity, searching for him or her in a crowd of people is necessary. More importantly, such a genius looks dangerous to them, the old guards should refrain from blocking the way for him or her. Compared to the Western countries, there remain stronger and deeper customs and traditions to disturb a genius in Asian countries. This is one of the dominant reasons why Asian countries lagged behind Western countries in history.
It isn't easy to find a genius in imagination and creativity in the history of Japan, especially in modern Japan. Here, the protruding nail is hammered down. A real historical figure of rare genius in Japan is Nobunaga Oda. His growth with liberal thinking wasn't severely hampered because he happened to be born the son of a warlord. He wasn't an idiot, a hothead, a delinquent, an insane, or the Devil, but a warlord of liberal and logical ideas who strived for the unification of the whole country. Thinking back to his deeds and achievements in the history of Japan, the older guards in Japan probably knew that a man of liberated thinking who is not bound to the fixed ideas in systems, customs, morals, and religions established by the older guards is dangerous because he could threaten them. However, being too cautious of a genius should have weakened the country.

Sunday, June 16, 2013
Got up at nine o'clock in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast. Went out shopping at a grocery store this morning. Ate a dish of Japanese noodles for lunch, and a Japanese meal following an aperitif for dinner.

Recently, my wife and I enjoyed watching "Onihei Hanka-Chou (the Record of the Judicial Decisions by Onihei)" in the evening of every weekday. A hard-boiled historical novel of "Onihei Hanka-Chou" was dramatized for TV more than three decades ago.
Heizou Hasegawa, commonly known as Onihei, was a real historical figure in the middle of Edo period. He was a direct retainer of the Tokugawa shogun who took the responsibility of directing the special police force against vicious incendiaries, burglars, and rebels in Edo during those days. According to the original novel, he was a master swordsman. Probably, it's true because of his position. The novel tells that his severe criminal investigations and crackdowns earned him the nickname of Onihei, which means a raging demon.
Liberal Americans may think that Onihei looks like Darth Vader when they watch the climax of the drama where he's slaying the murderers. Indeed, he has some points of similarity to the Star Wars villain who wears a black round helmet and black clothes. He is a pro-establishment who used to go around with the crowd of anti-establishment.
Needless to say, Onihei wasn't a villain, but a hero who tamed nonradical rats. There's no Jedi knight in this drama. Amnesty International was founded in London in 1961, about two hundred years after his era.

Monday, June 17, 2013
Got up at six o'clock in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

According to the news sources, the former US Vice President, Mr. Dick Cheney takes his stand behind the controversial surveillance programs of the US. He may like the TV drama "Onihei Hanka-Chou" if he happens to watch it.

Today's maximum temperature is 86 degrees F (30 degrees C).

Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

Hesitate to endorse the plan to amend the ninety-sixth article of the Constitution of Japan, but agree with the amendments of some other articles. The Constitution of Japan should be kept rigid.

"Which electronics manufacturer in Suwa, Nagano may name its desktop PC product Cocoon and succeed in marketing?" I asked. My wife's answer to it is that Cocoon may be a nice name for female consumers, but it's well known they are fascinated by another type of electronic device currently.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Got up at seven-fifteen in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. It's a rainy day.

Had a trifle dream early in the morning. There's a long line of people waiting to participate in the running high jump somewhere. My turn had finally come around. Made a dash for a high-jump pit followed by a backward jump. It's successful. Realized while standing by the bed that that was a dream.

After the enthusiasm generated by Nobunaga Oda was calmed down following the deaths of him and his loyal followers such as Hideyoshi Toyotomi, the existence of Ieyasu Tokugawa was overpowering others in Japan. He completed the unification of Japan and established the Tokugawa shogunate in 1603. It seems that Ieyasu Tokugawa wasn't a liberal but a conservative, unlike Nobunaga Oda. He is a very patient researcher and executor. He well learned from both the successes and failures of forerunners. The Tokugawa government had continued for 265 years. During this feudal period of time, every samurai class in Japan had to obey the traditions of the Tokugawa family, e.g. ardent loyalty, detailed surveillance, and strict control.
The Tokugawa government ended in 1867, soon after the closed door of Japan was wrenched open by the Western powers such as the US and Britain. During the Meiji era, with the strengthening of the control of the new government, some of the traditions cultivated in the previous era were extended to every corner of Japan gradually and gradually. Japan's characters that were formed during the Edo period still remain, though some of them considerably weakened but others strengthened, whether it's still proper or not.

BTW, Ieyasu Tokugawa would have been the last man to close his territories when there were a lot of adversaries around. Naturally, he never completely closed the door of Matsudaira to outsiders. It's well known that his grandson closed Japan to foreigners with a few exceptions about thirty-six years after its unification.

Thursday, June 20, 2013
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

Rapid westernization is what Japan started in the Meiji period. That can be called rapid modernization. High degrees of uniformity, loyalty, and wariness of the Japanese, turbo-boosted by the madness cultivated since the middle of the Edo period, made it possible to accomplish such rapid growth. Modernization in the fields of all kinds gave Japan strength. During this period of rapid growth, on the whole, the way of thinking of Japanese transitorily came to incline toward rather liberal because all of them were beginners in terms of and on the condition of modernization. A wide variety of and a large quantity of state-of-the-art machinery including weapons were introduced from overseas. Taking a relative point of view, the military strength of Japan reached its maximum strength.
After the triumph in the Russo-Japanese War, a swinging back of the way of thinking to the past, which can be called Asianization, happened through the modernization of the industries continued. In other words, spiritualism, irrationalism, and deification recrudesced. It's rather harsh to blame Japan's leaders those days. For all ages and in all places, swinging back often happens. Compared to the Western powers, the military strength of Japan stopped growing. It might have started rather weakening, relatively speaking. Unfortunately, the madness, which previously contributed to the Meiji Restoration as the radical zeal for the revolution, wasn't quenched. It seems that the cause of the mistake thereafter was the misjudgment in handling the madness. That had to be calmed down properly during that period of time.

Friday, June 21, 2013
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

About four decades after the defeat in WWII, the economic strength of Japan fully recovered and reached its highest tide. The military strength of Japan was kept below a certain level under Japan-US security arrangements. Japan took its place among the ranks of the industrially advanced nations in the 1980s. The more the manufacturing industries of Japan were advanced, the stronger the demand for the innovation the other industrially advanced nations made.
Under those circumstances, it seems that, after searching for a way out of becoming innovative, Japan chose the way that it has never done since the medieval period. Unlike the period of the post-Russo-Japanese War, Japan didn't entrust itself with a swinging back of the way of thinking to the past. Japan eased up the teaching and training considerably while strengthening the administration. The reformation can be called Latinization for adolescent education. Probably, it just took away Japan's future competitive edge in the world, without cultivating imagination and creativity, simply because it's unfit for Japan. This is the way to lead Japan to the 20th spot or worse. It's rather easy to find out who gained some profits by tempting Japan's leaders to do so.
My opinions on what Japan had to choose those days were described in my diary several times. To speak in plain language, while laying the foundation of the way of thinking by Ieyasu Tokugawa, who learns from both the successes and failures of forerunners, a proper amount of the addition of the way of liberal thinking by Nobunaga Oda, who is free from the fixed ideas, is necessary at the proper moment. To put it another way, education delicately and sedulously designed to modernize the way of thinking for people aged twenty years and above is necessary. The education to modernize the way of thinking should be specialized for each field individually. It shouldn't be so difficult for the experts in a field to identify the education method that is specialized for a field necessary for this purpose. This seems to be right up its street for a racially homogeneous nation. Don't only rely on overseas studies.
Needless to say, however, the madness is unnecessary. A doctrine that leads people to do what is right, wise, and brave without losing one's composure, better than that is necessary, especially in times of peace.

Probably, Latinization is still somewhat meaningful and enjoyable for grownups in Japan.

Saturday, June 22, 2013
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast. Went out shopping at a grocery store this morning. Ate a dish of Japanese noodles for lunch, and a Japanese meal following an aperitif for dinner.

It may be considered that the education that regiments young people and the education that develops their abilities of liberal thinking are incompatible with each other. It's my belief that education that regiments young people moderately while avoiding spoiling their abilities of liberal thinking is possible.
Roughly speaking, the subjects that people happen to know, learn, understand, and keep in their minds everywhere in Japan can be classified into three types. The unquestionable subjects belong to the first type. The questionable subjects belong to the second. The obviously wrong and problematic subjects belong to the third. It's rather easy to deal with the subjects in the first type. Unquestionable subjects should be taught and learned without causing any obstruction if their difficulties are ignored. How to deal with the subjects in the second and third types is an arguing point. There are a lot of subjects belonging to these two categories in the real world. The education that regiments young people by not only teaching the subjects in the first but also imposing those in the second and the third types has often been criticized.
The education that regiments young people can be regarded as a rather insouciance way of teaching. It's designed to make people inure themselves to accept and obey any of the laws, customs, and systems of an organization, a society, or a country, for the time being, whether they are unquestionable, questionable, or wrong. Indeed, the force of habit is very strong, especially a habit from one's childhood days. This way of teaching significantly improves the crime rate. This should be one of the most important advantages of this way of teaching. However, there exist many disadvantages. One of the examples is that such a way of education potentially harms the people's ability of liberal thinking. The people who were taught with such a way of education can't be imaginative, creative, or innovative. The other is that an organization, a society, and a country that are composed of people have difficulties to change and improve themselves. Without foreign pressure, they can't change. Although there should exist many other disadvantages, no more mention of them will be made here.
  Now, how to protect the people from harm to their abilities of liberal thinking within this education system will be talked about. Naturally, any compulsion of the wrong subjects should be avoided. That's stupid. A compulsion of a questionable subject should be accompanied by a brief explanation. If necessary, a teacher can tell that people have to live in the real world where there are a lot of questionable and undesirable matters, or something better than that. The choice of questionable subjects for the purpose of education for young people should require care. They can be selected from regular and trivial things in society. Any corporal punishment shouldn't be inflicted on young people for the purpose of imposing a questionable subject or a wrong subject. Such an extreme act makes young people frightened of thinking liberally when it's necessary. That may considered a criminal act nowadays.
Today's topic said nothing new, so far.

Watched the movie entitled "Independence Day" on TV last evening. This SF entertainment movie contains an example of questionable subjects that are about a spirit of self-sacrifice. This is a questionable subject but isn't appropriate for the purpose of the above-mentioned education for young people because this isn't an everyday occurrence.
A spontaneous act of self-sacrifice to save lives while causing no other casualty should be mostly considered to be an unquestionably right act in Christian countries, to my knowledge. Christians may say that it's a respectable act. In other countries, it may be considered to be a rather questionable act. Some people there recognize that an act of suicide isn't reasonable under any circumstances. Christians may say that Jesus Christ never committed suicide and he knew his resurrection. It seems to me that the point is what a person believes in.
At a battlefront, a spontaneous act of self-sacrifice to save lives while causing some casualties among enemy soldiers may be considered to be a questionable act. Toward the end of the above-mentioned movie, it's regarded as a heroic deed. It's still controversial even for grownups everywhere. Needless to say, a spirit of self-sacrifice in a war zone is very serious. It's too serious as an educational material.
Whether it causes no other casualty or some casualties, a forced act of self-sacrifice to save lives should be a wrong act. It can be seen in history that totalitarian countries forced their people to commit such acts. This is also a typical example of an improper use of totalitarianism towards a nation. An act of self-sacrifice while causing casualties among civilians is also a wrong act. An act of terrorism that some extremist groups sometimes force/guide either their members or believers to commit belongs to this category.

Sunday, June 23, 2013
Got up at eight forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a dish of Japanese noodles for lunch, and a Japanese meal following an aperitif for dinner.

The campuses of Science University of Tokyo are located in Tokyo, Chiba, and Hokkaido prefectures, and those of Tokyo Institute of Technology are located in Tokyo and Kanagawa prefectures. None of the campuses of my alma maters above the undergraduate level can be found in any other prefectures in Japan.

Today, my opinion on a territorial issue will be dealt with. This issue was once described in my diary long ago. In brief, the territorial issues will be relaxed or resolved after advancing cosmopolitanism. You may think that my view is too leisurely. Indeed, that's true.
A territorial issue is one of the most important issues for every country. Only when one of the countries that assert the right to possess a territory gets into a seriously difficult situation, it may peacefully give its territorial right up in modern times. When none of them has such grave difficulty, in other words when there is no hope of success in dealing, the leaders of the countries that are maintaining stable relationships with each other should take care not to make the international relationships worse by broaching this issue. 
A politician who often broaches a territorial issue not only in the drama of domestic politics but also in the drama of international politics may be classified into two types. One is a politician who intends to make the relationship between the countries worse increasingly. A tiny minority of them may really want to start a war. The other is just ignorance.
The continuous development of the strength of a country in terms of the economy and military while having the territorial issues stay within the drama of domestic politics may give a good opportunity in the future. This way doesn't violate the idea of cosmopolitanism.  It's a leisurely idea but the right way.
It might be possible to devise some stratagems in order to gain some advantages over the neighboring countries by driving them into difficult situations and to go on with the negotiations for the territorial issues. This way violates international morality and the idea of cosmopolitanism. It's no great credit.

Monday, June 24, 2013
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

The improvement of public order is always a major issue in the US. The crime rate in the US is much higher than that in Japan.
As written a couple of weeks ago, compared to the education system in Japan, the orientation of the education system in the US toward liberal thinking is very strong. Although shifting away from the current education system toward the education system that regiments young people should improve public order in the US, the majority of Americans don't want their children to receive it. The education to bestow objectivity on young people should also help maintain safety.  Instead of shifting these directions, some other ideas about education to improve public order have been introduced on a trial basis. The mass media has participated in softening the personality of young Americans and making their liking childish by popularizing Japanese animated cartoons and comic books more than before. It is doubtful how effective it will help them improve public order there with it. By the way, the education methods emphasizing memorization utilizing a quiz style have also been introduced, as a part of No Child Left Behind. Some Americans may make fun of these tendencies, by calling it Japanization.
The fact that the US is proud of its diversity can't be changed. The tightening of gun control laws, for instance, the law controlling assault rifles and more lethal ones, may help reduce the number of mass shooting cases to some extent. However, its legislation is currently a deadlock. The widespread of illegal drugs has become a serious issue of public concern for quite a long period of time. Compared to the situation in the 1970s, the control of illegal drugs in the US is better. Recently, however, there has been a tendency to swing back to worse.
A possible way to improve public order effectively in the US is the new regulations for the control of lawbreaking before the cases happen. After 9/11, the necessity to heighten the control of public safety against terrorist acts brought about the introduction of surveillance programs, whether they are liked or not. Since its introduction, it has been very effective in preventing terrorist acts from occurring. The expansion and strengthening of the surveillance program is still controversial, but it can't be denied easily.
Today's topic said only two new things, so far. One is the education system that moderately regiments young people and the other is the education system that develops their objectivity. Their details were described in my diary the day before yesterday. Probably, Americans don't like it.

Under the circumstance that the surveillance programs become things of daily necessity while encroaching on people's right to privacy in the US, questioning American officials are continuously expanding the surveillance programs overseas, too. Their power in intelligence activities is increasingly overwhelming those of other countries including the other advanced nations. Under such a circumstance, a couple of the leakers who are challenging the US officials have become very popular. It's interesting to guess who is helping them behind the scenes.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

According to the MSN online news today, the fact that there exists one more type came to light. This type is very rare in Japan though there are a lot who belong to this type in the US.

As the size of an organization shrinks down, differences between the direction of the teamwork by an individualist and that by a totalitarian closer up increasingly. However, there are still differences between them even in an organization, the size of which is much smaller than that of a nation. Concisely speaking, teamwork by an individualist tends to be more oriented toward "all for one", and that for a totalitarian tends to be more oriented toward "one for all". The teamwork oriented toward "all for one" is more appropriate for some kinds of non-profit organizations such as human rights NGOs, and that oriented toward "one for all" is more successful for some kinds of profit-earning organizations such as a company. Every organization needs to have a well-tempered balance of "all for one" and " one for all", depending upon its aim, size, and condition of it.
It's simply obvious that there are some factions at a company. At a company in the US, there are many factions based on gender, race, the old school tie, the native place, the religion, the age, and so on. Some of these factions tend to be more oriented toward "all for one" in order to protect the individuals belonging to them and to give sometimes the value of a faction higher priority than that of a company. This is because lifetime employment was not protected in the US. There, the employees can change the company that they work for, but they can't change the factions that they belong to in most cases.
As long as the economy of a company is in good shape, such behaviors at a company may be allowed to some extent. On the other hand, when it's in bad shape, these behaviors seriously hurt a company's financial condition and result in a vicious circle there. In this condition, teamwork more oriented toward "one for all" in a company is desirable ideally. In a practical manner, however, it's rather difficult to accomplish it. Therefore, although there do exist factions, any competition among the factions shouldn't be encouraged and any bias against some particular factions should be avoided at a company. In an industry, controlled competition among a proper number of companies is beneficial.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

Today, an environment, a situation, and conditions appropriate for maintaining energy in my mental and physical activities will be talked about. To be honest, the geographical environment isn't so important. The comfort inside a house where to live is more important. A reasonably large space, a pleasant temperature and humidity controlled with air conditioning and heating, and a reasonable silence in a room of a house are always desirable. As the season is getting warmer, my wife's and my activities become more energetic recently.
Some convenient equipment such as the new computers with a large monitor and the latest software are also necessary. Naturally, a healthy financial situation should render all of them feasible. Setting up the objects clearly and getting rid of all the bothersome issues are advisable. It seems that this is quite an ordinary opinion.

Thursday, June 27, 2013
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

My wife screamed for help following the dull explosive sounds in the kitchen early this morning. She said that something inside a microwave suddenly blew up twice when it was warming up a cup of tea. The smoke of burning plastic pervaded around. Confirmed that it malfunctioned due to the end of its useful life span most probably.
Fortunately, she escaped without injury. There's no damage to other furnishings and appliances.

Friday, June 28, 2013
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast and a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch. Went out shopping at a grocery store this evening. Ate a Japanese meal for dinner.

Found that there was a trace on an electric wire connecting a microwave and a wall socket that was damaged and repaired botchily long ago. Copper wires were rusted bronzy there. A tiny area on the wallpaper nearby a damaged part of the electric wire was somewhat stained black with smoke. A short in that portion of the electric wire may be a possible cause of the malfunction of a microwave.
My wife saw a shower of sparks inside a microwave when it's going wrong yesterday. It seems that some parts inside the microwave were severely damaged. Generally, most of the repair parts of an electrical appliance aren't available for the consumer in Japan, especially if it's old. The repair of a broken microwave may cost more than the purchase of a new microwave. Bought a new one at a nearby electrical appliances store today.

Saturday, June 29, 2013
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a dish of Japanese noodles for lunch, and a Japanese meal following an aperitif for dinner.

The distinguished persons who have the potential to be actively involved in the front lines of the organizations and the teams of foreign countries may be categorized into three types.
The first is a person who is capable of grappling with a difficult question and settling it. The second is a person with a very special skill. The third is a person with strong support from the influential groups. In the narrow and true meaning, the third type may be excluded from this classification.
The distinguished persons who belong to the first type may be found in the superior students who graduated from good universities and the excellent employees working for leading companies and agencies. Persons of this type can be engaged in the areas of politics, business, research, technology, and so on. The strength of a country can be measured by evaluating both the quantity and quality of the people in it.
There are various kinds of artists and athletes belonging to the second type. Basically, these areas come under the category of education and entertainment. In our time, persons of this type have also been contributing to encouraging the will to work in developing nations and advancing human rights activities in the world.
If the persons in these types are also innovative and creative and aren't unscrupulously hindered, they will be more confident of success on the international stage.

Sunday, June 30, 2013
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal following an aperitif for dinner.