About Me

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Okaya, Nagano Prefecture, Japan

April 2012

Sunday, April 1, 2012
Got up at eight-thirty in the morning. Ate a bowl of noodle soup for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

My health condition was getting back gradually. Still took a tablet regularly in order to prevent dizziness and nausea. However, my driving a car should be refrained from for the next one week, at least. It shouldn't be a good idea to ride any two-wheeled vehicle for the time being. Stayed at home calmly for the entire day.

Monday, April 2, 2012
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of rice porridge for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

Still had a mild feeling of vertigo this morning. Needed to take a tablet periodically to prevent dizziness and nausea.

Completed the 2011 Tax forms today. However, it hasn't been sent to the Austin IRS office yet.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. Vertigo almost disappeared.

For some reason or other, the engine of my wife's car didn't start last for two days. Diagnosed a cause of its hard starting. The voltage generated with the battery met the standards. The battery should be functioning well because it's a quite new one. The sounds of the fuel motor when the ignition key is turned to the accessory setting position are normal. It's likely that the sounds of the starter motor when the ignition key is turned to the position to start the engine are also reasonable.
It seems to me that the carbon fouling that has been abnormally built up on the electrodes and the insulator of the spark plugs installed in the engine of my wife's car, especially during the period when too much enrichment of the fuel mixture while driving due to a broken coolant temperature sensor led to hardness to start the engine on a warm condition, maybe the cause of the misfire because the leakage current may flow through the path on the carbon fouling deposited on the insulator between the electrodes.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of noodle soup for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

Only one of the spark plugs in my wife's car can be removed and cleaned. However, the other three spark plugs can't be removed with the tools we currently have in our garage. Some tools specialized for this purpose may be necessary.

It seems that my health condition has already been fully recovered.

Thursday, April 5, 2012
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of rice porridge for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

Some sorts of conservatives, especially in Asian countries, have a tendency to prefer both a communication style utilizing evasive expressions frequently and a decision-making style relying on democratic methods involving some artificial manipulations. In the world of vagueness, various techniques of cheating are used and new ones are tested from day to day. Most unfortunately, once a fraud sets the wheels moving toward a direction and their movement gathers momentum, they can't be easily set back in their progress in most cases. Particularly in the case that, as a part of the strategy, a manipulator of the wheels lets a fraud cheat while knowing one's trick, it's more difficult to correct the direction.
At least, such a fraud oneself needs to learn the hard way.

Cleaned one of the spark plugs of my wife's car. In order to check it, the plug wire boot was connected to the cleaned spark plug, and then the ignition key was turned to the start position for a few seconds. Either weak or no spark was observed between the electrodes.
Probably, the damages to the spark plugs, the plug wires, the ignition coil, and/or the ECM (Engine Control Module) are the main cause of the hard starting. As written two days ago, the removal of the plug wire from the top of the spark plug located at the back of the manifold can be carried out safely by using the tool specialized for this purpose. The removal of the plug wire entails a risk of breaking the plug wire without using the manufacturer's removable tool. Without taking away all of the plug wires and the ignition coil, the ignition system of my wife's car can't be diagnosed and replaced.

Sent the 2011 Tax forms to the Austin IRS office this evening.

Friday, April 6, 2012
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of noodle soup for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

In order to defend oneself, a fraud has been trying to make a malicious lie turn into reality. More exactly speaking, a community that a fraud belongs to has been trying to do that. Only a fraud can't do that solely. It can be said that their cheating is an outcome of mob psychology. Each member of a community including a fraud can be hidden in the crowd. As a matter of course, fraud and one's fellows are gradually coming to take on the characters of either Mephistopheles or Mara.

Without using a spark plug tester, the conditions of the spark plugs can't be evaluated accurately. The measured resistances of one of the plug wires and the secondary coils of the ignition coil met the standard requirements. The grounding of the ignition coil was also verified. Without using an LED circuit tester, however, the conditions of the ignition coil and the ECM can't be diagnosed.

Saturday, April 7, 2012
Got up at nine-fifteen in the morning. Ate a bowl of rice porridge for lunch. Went out shopping at a grocery store on foot this afternoon. Bought an LED circuit tester. On halfway home, I caught sight of a Yellow Crowned Night Heron searching for fish in a stream. Ate a Japanese meal for dinner.

Gave an ignition circuit test by measuring the signals from the ECM to the ignition coil during cranking using the LED circuit tester. No signal is detected between pins 1 and 4 and pins 3 and 4 of the power connector that is designed to provide the electricity and the signals to the ignition coil via the ECM when the ignition switch is on. That means that either the crank position sensor, which can't be easily reached using ordinary tools, or the ECM, which can't be diagnosed without using a specialized tester, is defective.
Probably, either the crank position sensor or the ECM, or both of them in my wife's car have to be replaced in order to regain some sparks from the plugs. The replacement of the ignition coil may also be needed. However, only a fault of the connection somewhere in the entire ignition system wirings may be a cause of the misfire. These may be the best results that can be obtained using the limited tools in my garage. The computer diagnosis system may be required to know exactly which parts are defective, the ignition coil, the crank position sensor, the ECM, or the wirings.

Sunday, April 8, 2012
Got up at nine-fifteen in the morning. Ate a bowl of lunch, and for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

Measured the resistances between pins 1 & 2, pins 1 & 3, and pins 2 & 3 of the connecter of the crank position sensor. According to its specifications, the standard resistances should be infinity, infinity, and 750 to 1200 Ohms, respectively. However, three of the measured resistances were infinity.
Also confirmed using an LED tester whether the voltage applied between pin 1 and 3 of the connecter from the ECM (about 5V) was present or absent. No voltage was detected.
Those results suggested that both the crank position sensor and the ECM might be defective.

Stayed at home for the entire day. 

Monday, April 9, 2012
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. Restarted doing stretching and isometric exercises today.

My opinions on a speech shall be talked about today.
First of all, I would like to say that I like to give a speech if I have something to talk about and enough time to prepare for it. The number of audiences doesn't matter farthing. I don't hesitate to give a speech in front of tens, hundreds, thousands, millions, or billions of people. The more audiences I have, the higher motivation my speech will be full of.
However, I don't like to give any speech in front of even a person if it isn't well prepared. Because of my tendency toward perfectionism, I would like to avoid leaving a stain on my achievements by giving an unprepared or an ad-lib talk. I don't want to give any speech where it isn't clearly welcomed. Since I am not a speech enthusiast, if there is nothing to talk about, I don't want to do it.

Who should give a speech may be an interesting topic for a sort of people. It should be decided on a case-by-case. Basically, someone who would like to give a speech should do it. Someone who thinks up an idea, elaborates a plan, writes a manuscript and most understand them should do.
In a case, someone who should give a speech by observing the norms of society may do so. In another case, someone who is appointed as a representative of a group by virtue of his/her brilliant narrative skill, desirable appearance, and/or respectable leadership may do so.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of rice porridge for lunch, and a Japanese-Western meal for dinner.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a dish of a bacon egg fried sunny-side up for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

Ordered both a new crank position sensor and a used ECM from auto parts shops through Amazon.com this evening. It seems that a used ECM is good enough for the purpose of the repair of a 14-year-old car. According to some websites, its ECM is swappable because it isn't equipped with any immobilizer. Only the ignition switch sees an identification number coded in the ignition key electrically for the anti-theft purpose.
It goes without saying that my wife and I would like to purchase our brand new cars, instead of repairing an old car.

Thursday, April 12, 2012
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of noodle soup for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

Friday, April 13, 2012
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of rice porridge for lunch. Went out shopping at a grocery store on foot this evening. Ate pieces of California Pizza Kitchen's pizza for dinner.

Saturday, April 14, 2012
Got up at nine o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. Cut down an elm tree, about 10 feet in height, in our backyard that was withered due to severe drought last year. Stayed at home for the entire day.

Sunday, April 15, 2012
Got up at nine o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of rice porridge for lunch, and a Japanese-Western meal for dinner. Stayed at home for the entire day.

Monday, April 16, 2012
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of rice porridge for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

Installed both a new crank position sensor and a used ECM in my wife's car. Different from my expectation, the signals from the ECM were detected only between pins 3 and 4 of the connector of the ignition coil when the engine was cranking. No signal from the ECM was detected between pins 1 and 4. Currently, half of the engine cylinders can fire.
This diagnosis suggests that a used ECM may be defective or a program on it may not match my wife's car. It's uncertain whether someone may have played a trick on its program. The reprogramming of the ECM may be necessary. Only the VW dealers and the authorized repair shops can do the ECM program in Austin, to my knowledge.
Reinstalled the original ECM in my wife's car. It became clear that the engine of my wife's car operated normally under the control of the original ECM. It seems that only the crank position sensor became superannuated in this case. The ECM was fine.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of noodle soup for lunch, and an oriental meal for dinner.

For the last half year, the coolant temperature sensor and the crank potion sensor of my wife's car have ceased functioning in succession. The failure rates of the electronic devices installed in it seem to be rising rapidly by following the upward slope of the bathtub curve after 14 years of use. Because there are a number of electronic devices used in a modern car, it's hard to predict which part will malfunction next.

Thursday, April 19, 2012
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a dish of a bacon egg fried sunny-side up for lunch, and a BBQ meal for dinner. Went out shopping at grocery stores by car this evening.

Returned the ECM that we purchased online last week to a used parts shop today after the confirmation of its refundability by a seller.

It seems that because only one of the spark plugs of my wife's car was cleaned, its engine was thrown off balance to some extent when the engine speed was above 4,000 rpm.

Friday, April 20, 2012
Got up at seven-thirty in the morning. Ate a bowl of noodle soup for lunch, and a Western-Japanese meal for dinner.

Replaced one of the spark plugs with a new one. The engine of my wife's car regained better balance.

Saturday, April 21, 2012
Got up at nine o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of rice porridge for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner. Looked after the front and back yards of our house this evening. Stayed at home for the entire day.

Sunday, April 22, 2012
Got up at nine o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

Successfully, managed to remove the other three sets of spark plug wires and spark plugs from the engine of my wife's car using both a pair of regular radio pliers and a regular ratchet wrench this afternoon. Replaced these old spark plugs with the new ones. It's verified that the engine balance of my wife's car became reasonable, after replacing all of them.

Looked after the front and back yards of our house this evening.

Monday, April 23, 2012
Got up at seven o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of rice porridge for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

According to some online news, Intel Corp. is releasing the Ivy Bridge chips that utilize its 3D transistor technology "Tri-Gate technology" into the markets. The Tri-Gate is Intel's version of the FinFETs. Intel's Ivy Bridge chips will debut as the central processing units and microprocessor units for high-end computers, tablets, smartphones, and so on.
The adoption of the multiple-gate device configuration should enable the scale of the dimensions of the transistors by thinning the fin thickness for the next several technology generations. Needless to say, the integration of computer circuits utilizing the 3D transistors with the Si channels into a semiconductor chip doesn't raise any risk of environmental pollution, as a substitute for the 2D transistors with the Si channel.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

It's my belief that the adoption of the multiple-gate device configuration is necessary before the substitution for the conventional Si channel because the short channel control of a transistor with the Ge channel or promising compound semiconductor channel is worse than that with the Si channel due to their higher permittivity (Si:12, Ge:16, GaAs:13, InGaAs:13-14.5, InP:14, InAs:14.5, InSb:18). In the case of the multiple-gate device, thinning the fin thickness down can compensate for the degradation in the short channel control that arises from the substitution for the Si channel.
The replacement of the Silicon channel fins with the Germanium channel fins for pFET should improve hole mobility and hence the performance of pFET, especially when the uniaxial strain is applied to its channel. The pFET drive becomes comparable to the nFET drive. The adoption of the Ge pFET shouldn't bring any environmental problems. However, it imposes a difficulty in its process integration. Because of the low melting point of Germanium, the process integration following the formation of the Ge fins should be carried out at a temperature below 958.5 degrees C. A complicated process integration utilizing low-temperature annealing should be necessary in order to form both the Si n-channel fins and the Ge p-channel fins together on the substrate. Needless to say, the integration of computer circuits utilizing the 3D transistors with not only Si channels but also Ge channels doesn't raise any risk of environmental pollution.
The additional replacement of the Silicon channel fins with the compound semiconductor channel fins for nFET should also improve electron mobility and hence the performance of nFET. The impacts of the adoption of the compound semiconductor channel on the environment aren't serious because only the fins with very small volumes are formed on the surface of the Si substrate. The environmental impacts can be minimized when the disposal of the used semiconductor chips is processed separately. Naturally, more complicated process integration should be necessary in order to achieve both the compound semiconductor n-channel fins and the Ge p-channel fins together on the substrate.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of rice porridge for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

Carrying out repairing my wife's car sometimes for the last few weeks reminded me of a weird old man.
It was more than two decades ago. An unfamiliar old man made an abrupt appearance when I was immersing myself in repairing my motorcycle near the front gate of an apartment house I lived in early in the winter of my senior year at Science University of Tokyo. He asked me to fill out a survey form or a census brusquely. I answered politely that I would send a filled survey form later on. Somehow or other, he demanded me to fill out a survey form immediately. My next answer was, " Because I am currently repairing my motorcycle with my hands covered with engine oil, I will complete a survey form this evening" while showing my both hands. He still insisted that he had to obtain information through a survey by questionnaire without delay. My next answer was still polite. That was, "How many questions you had to ask". Without answering my question, he started to ask questions. It should be the proper time to tell off an old man who behaved rudely.
Behaving properly without distinction of age, status, race, and sex was one of the principles of my philosophy of life. For the same reason, any insolence shouldn't be permissible without distinction. In most cases, my creed matches a society with a seniority system, which I regard as a primitive system. However, such an old man who is misinterpreting a monkey mountain is really a nuisance. As near as I could guess from what he said, he might be either an ex-municipal or an ex-gangster boss.
He left there while grumbling about something. Sparing the time of thirty minutes to one hour from my very busy schedule, I filled out it before I went to work that evening and sent it through the post within a few days, as I promised. Those days, I appeared at classes during the daytime on weekdays, and I was busy covering my tuition fees for a master's course at Tokyo Institute of Technology by doing part-time work as a security guard at a large department store in the neighborhood during nighttime every day while reading textbooks at recesses. During that period of time, I mostly slept overnight at the workplace for security guards. The repair of my motorcycle was urgent in order to get to work there.

Thursday, April 26, 2012
Got up at six-fifteen in the morning. Ate a bowl of noodle soup for lunch. Went out shopping at a grocery store this evening. Ate pieces of California Pizza Kitchen's pizza for dinner.

Friday, April 27, 2012
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of rice porridge for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

Saturday, April 28, 2012
Got up at nine o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of noodle soup for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner. Stayed at home for the entire day.

The reason why I chose a night-shift security guard as my part-time work in the latter half of my senior year is that the total amount of my salary from it during that period met the requirement for my tuition fees of a graduate school, and because it duty caused almost no mental fatigue its influence on my studies in the daytime was kept to a minimum.
During a patrol, in the darkness at a department store those days, I often thought it over again and again the path I chose finally. As told previously, because of my father's opposition to my first choice, in the summer of my senior year, I had to alter the choice of the path I would follow after completing undergraduate studies. Since then through my graduation from Science University of Tokyo, I have done part-time work as a security guard. 
I shouldn't have needed to do such part-time work anymore if I had taken the course I first chose and hadn't changed to the other. I should have been exempted from the return of the student loan I had received if I had taken the first course.
Several days after my graduation from an undergraduate school and about one month before my entrance into a graduate school, my father, who opposed my first choice, suddenly fell into a coma due to a subarachnoid hemorrhage. Sitting on a divan in the waiting room of a hospital in the darkness around midnight, I had to rethink the path I chose. Unfortunately, my father passed away within a week after he fell. After his funeral, I entered a graduate school because I had already earned tuition fees for it and gained an agreement for the student loan that could be allotted to my living expenses.

Those days, there was no scholarship in Japan, different from what it is currently. One was exempted from the return of the student loan only when one got certain job positions. Only superior students are generally allowed to receive the student loan without interest.

Sunday, April 29, 2012
Got up at nine-fifteen in the morning. Ate a bowl of rice porridge for lunch. Went out shopping at a grocery store this afternoon. Ate a dish of Japanese noodles for dinner.

Which course is better, an extreme course, the other extreme course, or a middle course, should depend upon the circumstances.
There are more Westerners who prefer an extreme course to a middle course than Asians who prefer. On the other hand, Asians aspire to choose a middle course more frequently than Westerners do. The difference in their orientations of the choice of the courses is mainly attributable to the difference in their religions. Considering what caused the difference in their religions, the difference should originate in the difference in their modes of living from ancient times, such as the degree of dependency on hunting, that on farming, and that on gathering.
Western's liking for extremism has made them dynamic, as seen in their history. Westerns have been remarkably pioneering in many fields, especially after the medieval period. Asian's liking for moderatism has helped them to find a better state than an extreme state. At the present age, their advantage in finding optimal conditions is outstanding in the productions. However, the tranquility of staying in a fair condition has sometimes reduced their activity to a moribund state.
One of the principles of my philosophy for the research and development fields is to drive myself into liberal thinking covering freely and widely from one extreme to the other extreme in order to be creative and imaginative in the early stage, and then leading myself into the moderatism in order either to find an optimal condition or to make it work in the later stage.
This is the reason why one of my papers is entitled "Moderately Doped Channel Multiple-FinFET for Logic Applications".

Monday, April 30, 2012
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.