About Me

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Okaya, Nagano Prefecture, Japan

March 2012

Thursday, March 1, 2012
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of noodle soup for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

Recently, a large part of the fences that one of our neighbors owns suddenly collapsed because of their rotten bases. So far, about 50% of their fences or larger placed at their site near our site and other neighbor's site have already fallen down. Last weekend, they thoughtlessly leaned their dilapidated fences against other neighbors' fences, probably as makeshift. Hopefully, their attempt will not result in an undesired failure together.
Today, my wife sent the neighbor a letter making them a suggestion that their fences should be removed for our mutual benefits and safety.

In March 2002, about two months after formally registering our marriage in December 2001, I sent a written application to cover my wife with Humana's health insurance to the Motorola Human Resources Department in Chicago by facsimile. Because the modification of the family health-care benefits was allowed once a year and its due date was the end of each January, I also had to send a letter that explained the reason for the delay of its modification by about two months to either the Motorola HR or the Humana Customer Service. In a letter of explanation, I used an inappropriate word. That's "confess". I wrote something like the following: "In this letter, I confess that I asked you to make a change in our health insurance plan after the due date." The word "confess" should be inappropriate in this case because I didn't commit any misdeed and I had no secret to reveal in a letter.
Since then, people who professed themselves to be anti-establishments had started hanging around my desk in the office while muttering something dubious, such as a dealer, a smuggler, a smoker, a burglar, a spy, a killer, and other disquieting words. Needless to say, I have never committed such misdeeds in my life. It seems to me that they imposed on my misuse of the word in that letter of explanation. How childish they are!

For the last year or longer, Humana has frequently sent me letters which are addressed to my house the addressee of which is "Mr. Charles Smith". Although my wife and I have always returned those letters with a note of "Not At This Address" near the address on them, Humana has persistently sent us a different sort of letter after another. So far, they sent us such letters more than twenty or thirty times. Probably, the anti-establishment people in Chicago, Austin, and/or Louisville are afraid of the US officials and a person whose name is "Charles".

According to my experiences and knowledge, anti-establishment people exist in most organizations, companies, cities, states, and countries. Evils are hidden in the crowd, as expressed in the fresco by Giotto in Assisi which depicts a devil hidden in the cloud.

Friday, March 2, 2012
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of rice porridge for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

The date of my birth is January 29, 1966. My record on the database managed by the Motorola Human Resources Department used to be correct. Somewhat, however, the date of my birth on the database was changed to June 29, 1966, after the spin-off of its Semiconductor sector from Motorola.
In order to correct that error found in my record, I had to send a written application with some certifications to Motorola in Chicago several times in 2004 and 2005. In those days, the database for the personal records of every employee of Freescale Semiconductor wasn't yet isolated from that of Motorola. For some reason or other, it took them one to two years to correct that error in my record. During that period of time, I also facsimiled Motorola in Chicago the hard copies of several certificates including my birth certificate, marriage certificate, diplomas, grades certificates, and so on. As told in my diary several times, the original diplomas of mine that were kept in the locked drawer of my desk were stolen or discarded. Who did that seems to be obvious. The anti-establishment people and/or the conservative Asian people did that.

Saturday, March 3, 2012
Got up at nine o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. Stayed at home for the entire day.

Sunday, March 4, 2012
Got up at eight-thirty in the morning. Ate a bowl of rice porridge for lunch. Went out shopping at grocery stores this afternoon. Ate a  BBQ meal for dinner.

Mr. Vladimir Putin succeeded in being reelected as president of Russia today.

Monday, March 5, 2012
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of rice porridge for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

I have experienced boarding airplanes many times at a variety of airports in my life. The only airport where airport staff asked me to let them take my fingerprints with a fingerprint detector, with many other transit passengers, is O'Hare International Airport in Chicago. It was a fine day early in the winter of 2006. Due to an uncertain cause of a delay in the flight connecting to Narita Airport Japan, I had to wait for it at a departure lounge of the airport for several hours.
Maybe I'm imagining things, but I get the feeling that both the anti-establishment people and the conservative Asian people in Chicago schemed to acquire concessions by using my fingerprints on their own accounts. I remember that there were some plump people with beady eyes hanging around a lounge at that time. I think that most Americans dislike fingerprinting in general. It's hard to believe that passenger fingerprinting is commonly carried out as a part of check-in at an airport in the US.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of noodle soup for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

Increased the number of times of sit-ups up to 100. The exercises consisting of a set of 100 sit-ups, a set of isometrics and a set of moderate stretching per day should be enough for my age. However, it's still uncertain whether a buildup of my abdominal muscle would help mitigate abdominal pain or not.

Thursday, March 8, 2012
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of rice porridge for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

Friday, March 9, 2012
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese one-pot meal for dinner.

The soil is reasonably moist in Austin day after day of rainy weather. A flock of American robins often flew down to our backyard to feed. Their motion to feed on the ground is funny.

Because the troublesome neighbor has made no response, my wife again sent them the same letter as before.

Saturday, March 10, 2012
Got up at eleven-fifteen. Ate a bowl of rice porridge for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner. Stayed at home for the entire day.

Sunday, March 11, 2012
Got up at ten-thirty in the morning. Ate a bowl of noodle soup for lunch. Went out shopping at grocery stores this afternoon. Ate a Japanese meal for dinner.

An unparalleled earthquake followed by large-scale tsunamis in Japan a year ago today claimed the lives of about sixteen thousand civilians and some thousands of the missing. The leakage of radioactive materials from the nuclear reactors damaged by the tsunami hits might have been avoidable if the reactors had been well designed or if some mobile electric generators had been prepared for an unexpected misfortune ahead of time. So far, the dilapidated nuclear reactors haven't caused any loss of human life, according to several news sources.

Monday, March 12, 2012
Got up at seven-fifteen in the morning. Ate a bowl of noodle soup for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

Recently, female American robins chirp hysterically at dusk and dawn. My wife likes their notes very much.

Unfortunately, the troublesome neighbor declined the suggestion that my wife and I made earlier this month. Probably, both the anti-establishment people and the conservative Asian people in Austin have abetted them in such hippie behaviors. This morning, my wife sent another letter confirming that, if the possible collapse of their fences damages our property or injures our visitors, they will have a responsibility to cover the damage by themselves or their insurance.
An oak tree 30 to 40 feet in height that was planted in their backyard died off due to drought about seven years ago, and it fell down suddenly about five years ago. An impact due to the falling down of the withered oak tree against the ground was strong enough to ignite a warning signal of our home security system at that time. Obviously, in order to avoid any damage to their property, they had to cut it down before the collapse of it happened. Fortunately, its collapse caused no damage to our property. However, the collapse might have injured some people in the neighborhood if it had hit them. Indeed, that might have killed people.
Now, a part of their fences seemed about to fall down and damage our air-conditioning compressors on any windy day.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of rice porridge for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

Started listening to the UPI's Radio Archive in order to accustom our ears to English sounds. Listened to both the 1959 Year and 1960 Year in Review of UPI online this evening.

Our backyard is alive with the droll songs of white-winged doves without ceasing in the daytime. Spring is here. Summer is just around the corner in Texas.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of noodle soup for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

Listened to both the 1961 Year and 1962 Year in Review of UPI online this evening.

Thursday, March 15, 2012
Got up at seven-thirty in the morning. Ate a bowl of rice porridge for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

Listened to both the 1963 Year and 1964 Year in Review of UPI online this evening.

Friday, Mach 16, 2012
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of noodle soup for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

Listened to both the 1965 Year and 1966 Year in Review of UPI online this evening.

Saturday, March 17, 2012
Got up at eight-fifteen in the morning. Ate a bowl of rice porridge for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. Stayed at home for the entire day.

Listened to both the 1967 Year and 1968 Year in Review of UPI online this evening.

Sun day, March 18, 2012
Got up at nine o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of noodle soup for lunch. Went out shopping at a grocery store this afternoon. Ate a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

A young Texas live oak that I have raised from an acorn in a pot on our patio since last spring has grown to one foot in height. Planted it at a distance of about three feet from the place where a small elm tree used to be planted in our backyard.
Transplanted some small portions of the lawn from our backyard to the middle of the two regions at our front yard where the lawns were somewhat withered due to last year's drought. Currently, the lawns cover above 90 % of the total areas where they are designed to grow in our yards. The lawn condition in our yards will be fully recovered within a few months unless the drought returns again.

Listened to both 1969 Year and 1970 Year in Review of UPI online this evening.

Monday, March 19, 2012
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of rice porridge for lunch, and a dish of Japanese noodles for dinner.

This morning, my wife and I happened to see a brace of black vultures or other similar birds of medium-to-large size soaring higher and higher in the sky after a short rest on the roof of our neighbor's house. Their bodies are black and their heads are gray. They are rather smaller than the raptor that I saw on the roof of our house last summer. Probably, last year's raptor was either a golden eagle or a bald eagle.

Repaired a part of the gutter attached to the lower edge of the roof of our house this evening.

Listened to both the 1971 Year and 1972 Year in Review of UPI online this evening.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese one-pot meal for dinner. A severe thunderstorm broke during the night. A heavy rain continued with no letup all night. Some residential regions in Texas were struck by tornados.

In terms of fire prevention, it should be safest that people don't possess any gasoline-engine powered vehicle, any gasoline-engine powered tools, or any tank filled with gasoline in their house. Currently, however, this idea would cause some inconveniences for people in the US. It seems that maintaining all the gasoline-related articles including the vehicles inside the locked garage that is separated from their house by an enough distance may be the second safest. Obviously, this idea requires a wider landed property.
Let's move on to the comparison between more practical ideas. It's uncertain which is safer, maintaining the gasoline-related articles including the vehicles inside the garage attached to their house, or maintaining these gasoline-related articles outside the garage. If there is a considerably high possibility that some criminal groups may commit crimes for kicks or other reasons in their neighborhood and/or the other high possibility that the hailstorm may inflict some major damages on their vehicles in their area, maintaining all the gasoline-related articles including the vehicles inside the garage is safer. If not, maintaining the gasoline-engine-powered vehicles outside the garage and maintaining the gasoline-engine-powered tools and the filled gasoline tanks inside the shed that is located at a distance from their house in the backyard is safer. So, which is safer should depend upon both the situation and the location.
Besides the substitution for gasoline-powered articles, household uses of electrical articles such as electrical ranges and electric water heaters in substitution for the gas ranges and the gas water heaters can also help improve the safety of their house potentially, but currently, it may be rather inconvenient or costly. Although these electric articles may also start a fire accidentally due to a short circuit or other causes, unlike the gasoline articles and the gas articles, the fire from the electric articles isn't explosive in general. Only from a safety point of view, it's more desirable that every explosive fuel is consumed at the electric power stations away from the residential areas, and the generated electricity is transmitted from there to the individual households through the power cables. The tendency toward electrification should be promising because all of the energy sources of fossil fuels will run out at some future time. However, the demand for electrification isn't so urgent currently.

Listened to both the 1973 Year and 1974 Year in Review of UPI online this evening.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of rice porridge for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

Currently, all of our gasoline-related articles including our vehicles are kept in the locked garage attached to our house. In the winter and spring seasons, the gasoline reserve tanks for our garden care tools are nearly empty for safety reasons. In order to avoid any recurrence of the malicious mischief against our vehicles, which we suffered from several times previously, my wife and I have kept our vehicles inside the garage on most occasions.
It's to be more desired that we will soon be able to keep all of our gasoline-related articles including our new vehicles with either a gasoline-electric hybrid or a conventional gasoline engine inside the garage that is located at a distance of about 20 feet or longer from our house in a landed property of ours. A short path connecting between the garage and the house may be covered with a roof made of heat-resistant material, if necessary.

Found that litter had been accumulated in the bottom of the gutter attached to the roof of our garage little by little for the last ten years, though the gutter has been covered with several meshed caps. A large amount of litter hampered a stream of water in the gutter and gave a heavy load on its supports. Cleaned up litter in the gutter this evening.

Listened to both 1975 Year and 1977 Year in Review of UPI online this evening.

Thursday, March 22, 2012
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese-Western meal for dinner.

Listened to both 1978 Year and 1979 Year in Review of UPI online this evening.

Friday, March 23, 2012
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of rice porridge for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

The aggressive liberal entertainers who may profess themselves to be anti-establishments have recently launched two reality shows in the actual fields of both the US and Europe in order to support their fellows in the political world. It seems that they also want to help some of the troublesome servants of the conservative Asian people while forcing the blame only onto others.

Listened to both 1980 Year and 1981 Year in Review of UPI online this evening.

Saturday, March 24, 2012
Got up at nine o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of noodle soup for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner. Stayed at home for the entire day.

Listened to both 1982 Year and 1983 Year in Review of UPI online this evening.

Sunday, March 25, 2012
Got up at nine-thirty in the morning. Ate a bowl of rice porridge for lunch.

Replaced a degraded o-ring attached to a joint between two of the parts composing the carburetor of our lawn mower with an ordinary rubber band two inches in diameter. Looked after the front and back yards of our house this afternoon. The engines of a lawn mower, a trimmer, and a blower of ours started operating smoothly. The overall conditions of these engines are reasonably good. After use, the remaining gasoline that was left in the fuel tanks of these tools was put back in the reserve tanks for safety reasons.

Went out shopping at a grocery store this afternoon. Ate pieces of California Pizza Kitchen's pizza for dinner.

Listened to both 1984 Year and 1985 Year in Review of UPI online this evening.

Monday, March 26, 2012
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

Listened to both the 1986 Year and 1987 Year in Review of UPI online this evening.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of rice porridge for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

Listened to both the 1988 Year and 1990 Year in Review of UPI online this evening.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese-Western meal for dinner.

Listened to both the 1992 Year and 1993 Year in Review of UPI online this evening.

Thursday, March 29, 2012
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of rice porridge for lunch, and a Japanese one-pot meal for dinner.

Listened to the 1994 Year in Review of UPI online this evening.

Friday, March 30, 2012
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of noodle soup for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

Saturday, March 31, 2012
Got up at seven-thirty in the morning. What a horrible day!

Had a dreadful vertigo on the bed early this morning. Felt as if the room had been spinning. Unfortunately, severe vertigo lasted while causing nausea, vomiting, and heavy sweating. My wife and I suspected that I might suffer a stroke.
Went to the hospital for a medical examination this morning. A medical doctor diagnosed the cause of my severe vertigo as benign positional vertigo, which isn't a serious disease. The conditions of both my heart and brain were fine. One of the nurses in the hospital gave me three injections for relief of dizziness, nausea, and other.
Once vertigo ceased, but, several hours after injecting, mild vertigo returned. Felt as if I had been on a ship tossed about by angry waves all day long. Took a tablet regularly in order to prevent dizziness and nausea.
This is my first experience having attacks of benign positional vertigo in my life. Hopefully, this will be the last experience of mine having such a queasy vertigo. According to the explanation given by a medical doctor, once a person is over the first episode of vertigo, it may never return. Sometimes symptoms recur off and on over several weeks or longer.

Ate a bowl of noodle soup at three o'clock and a Japanese meal for dinner.