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Okaya, Nagano Prefecture, Japan

January 2011

Saturday, January 1, 2011
Today is New Year's Day. Got up at eight-thirty in the morning. Ate a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch. Watched a DVD of the movie under the title of "Aviator" this afternoon. The film is technically accomplished. However, the portrayal of character for the role of Mr. Howard Hughes in this film is unacceptable, especially in the latter half. It seems that its protagonist is too nervous, frantic, feminine, and rather shorter than the actual person. The advocacy of spy activities in politics may be one of the reasons why the portrayal of his character was made so peculiar in the film. Both a DVD of the documentary film under the title of "Howard Hughes The Real Aviator" and a book under the title of "The Asylum of Howard Hughes" written by Mr. Jack Real describes his personality vividly. Ate a traditional Japanese meal for dinner.

What resource of the energy alternative to fossil energies and nuclear fission energies would Mr. Howard Hughes prefer if he were to live at the present time? It seems that he would like nuclear fusion because of his willingness to take on challenges and his linking for advanced technologies. If nuclear fusion reaches the stage of practical application in the future, it should bring a handsome profit. Deuterium, which is one of the promising main fuels of nuclear fusion reactors, is known to be harmless and abundant in the earth's oceans. Currently, however, it has several difficult problems in technology and politics. Technically speaking, there are three major difficulties in terms of the ignition and the sustainment of fusion reaction and the effective conversion of fusion energy into electricity in a reactor. Its difficulties in politics are really sensitive matters. One of its critical problems in politics associated with the widespread of a future nuclear fusion reactor will "mostly" disappear when not only the isotopes of all elements that are fissionable, such as uranium-235 and plutonium-239 but also the isotopes that can be converted into other fissionable isotopes, such as uranium-238 and thorium-232, are consumed gradually and controllably in the fast breeder reactors under the strict management until their exhaustions entirely on the earth. This problem might be fixed by the future realization of the D-He3 type fusion reactor but Helium-3 is very rare on the earth. To put it in another way, if the D-D type nuclear fusion reactor comes to pass in the future, it will be very ideal for the source of energy, but it will continue to be "too competitive" towards other existing energy industries until the exhaustion of all of the fossil fuels and, when it's put to bad use, it will continue to be "too threatening" towards the preservation of peace until the exhaustion of all of the potentially fissionable fertile isotopes. Obviously, the time isn't ripe for nuclear fusion. Long before all the fossil fuels are used up, it is hoped that an international agreement that enables administrations, international organizations, and/or private organizations to control nuclear fuels tighter than ever all over the world and to shift nuclear power generation from the conventional reactors to the next generation fast breeder reactor will be achieved in the near future. Then, nuclear fusion reactors could take the place of fission reactors in the future.
His large wooden flying boat, the Hercules may bring up the image of the wind turbine made of steel. However, wind power shouldn't be the sort of source of energy he likes. Some people who go in for quantity rather than quality prefer wind power. A considerable portion of ordinary Americans has a tendency to overcome by force of a large quantity. It's quite beyond the bounds of possibility that currently rapidly increasing carbon emissions due to the expansions of developing countries can be canceled out by the extensive uses of wind power and solar power. It should be like a drop of water on a very hot stone. The trick for both wind and solar powers is to take people's time and enduring efforts. The term "wind farm" means the place where wind turbines are used to generate electricity by wind power is much to the point, indeed. In this way of electricity generation, just like the cultivation of agricultural farmlands, people need to develop vast onshore and offshore areas of the wind farms slowly enough not to increase the price of its raw materials on the world market seriously, while recycling worn-out windmills and rebuilding them once every twenty to thirty years continuously forever. Really, it's uncertain whether the Earth holds underground deposits of iron abundant enough to satisfy the energy needs of the rapidly increasing world population or not. Visualizing the image that shows numerous windmills with rotating turbine blades in my mind dizzies me.
His father's drilling tool company may be suggestive of geothermal energy including the EGS. Probably, his father would like this idea. To my knowledge, the practicality of the EGS hasn't yet been proven. The basic concept of the EGS is very attractive.

PS, To tell the truth, most of the political problems even in the energy issues will be settled if a unified nation is formed in the future. In this case, there will be no necessity to withhold nuclear fusion until the exhaustion of all of the fertile isotopes. As written several times, I'm a World Federalist who is expecting an ideal world sometime in the far future.

Sunday, January 2, 2011
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate pieces of Archer Farms' pizza for lunch. Went out shopping at a grocery store this afternoon. Ate a Japanese meal for dinner. Watched a DVD of the movie under the title of "Shine" this evening. In the film, the depiction of the piano-playing scenes brimming with vigor is splendid.

Monday, January 3, 2011
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of rice porridge for lunch, and a Japanese-Chinese meal for dinner. Watched a DVD of the movie under the title of "Contact" this evening. The opening of this film is brilliant. In this SF film, the truth of the travel to Vega, which is about twenty-six light years away from the earth, by an incomprehensible large-scale device through a wormhole, which is a hypothetical connection in space-time, remains veiled in mystery to the end. The story's ending leaves open the possibility that a dying eccentric industrialist might just play a hoax on people the world over in order to let them believe in God and Heaven more confidently or for some other purposes is interesting. The setting in which the government and the military authorities are always concealing the truth, like many stories adjusted to the taste of an out-of-date UFO mania, is very ordinary.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Got up at eight-thirty in the morning. Ate a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

What one of my close relatives told me about carelessly over the telephone tonight is the last thing I would have expected. There should be a limit to how malicious lies a person can tell. One of the sources of outrageous rumors about me was traced down.  Unfortunately, these sources are found in Asia, mostly in Japan. Indeed, that's quite in the natural course of take.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Got up at eight-fifteen in the morning. Ate a bowl of rice porridge for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

By coincidence, the movies that my wife and I watched on my computer monitor on the 1st and 3rd of January this year tell stories about spending huge funds. The film "Aviator" is based on a true story, as well known. The development of H-4, the Hercules aiming at the transportation of as many passengers as possible was meaningful but wasn't completed in time, unfortunately. On the other hand, in the SF film "Contact", the development of an incomprehensible large-scale device followed by its human testing shouldn't be started until the fundamental theory and mechanism of it are somewhat understood at least. In the real world in our time, such an ill-advised plan can't be approved, indeed.
To make sure that a person doesn't spend money wastefully, it goes without saying that a person has to think logically about the probability of the project's realization, the expenses, efforts, and time required by the project, and the profits from the project over again and again. The use of computer simulations can lead a person to success in performing the above-mentioned estimations rather accurately and delving deeply into problems to some extent. However, a person shouldn't sink into stinginess. It's rather easy to be careful but difficult to be courageous. These films may contribute toward encouraging audiences to keep the spirit of inquiry and accomplishment high.

Thursday, January 6, 2011
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. Watched a DVD of the movie under the title of "Speed" this evening.

Friday, January 7, 2011
Got up at seven-thirty in the morning. Ate a bowl of Japanese rice porridge for lunch, and pieces of Central Market's pizza for dinner. Watched a DVD of the movie under the title of "Sanjuro" this evening.

The following letter was sent to a real estate agent of Coldwell Banker today:
The current listing price of our real estate property is located at 12720 Twisted Briar LN. Austin, TX 78729 is $229,900, as you know. My wife and I have been considering raising the price up to its original of $239,900, rather than further discounting the price.

My wife and I have also been considering building the fences inside my property, instead of repairing the neighbor's fences, if necessary. The reason why we haven't yet built our own fences is that we have been worried that some troublesome large leaves of the neighbor's palm trees may again push the fences down as they pushed his fences down previously. The problem may be fixed if the fences are built inside our property with enough space between the neighbor's palm trees and the fences.

The repapering of the wallpapers in the kitchen and master bathroom should be the buyer's responsibility.

Yasuhito Shiho

Saturday, January 8, 2011
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch. Went out shopping at grocery stores this afternoon. Ate a BBQ meal for dinner. Our Internet access was interrupted tonight, for some reason or other.

Sunday, January 9, 2011
Got up at ten o'clock in the morning. The Internet access from our IP address was recovered this morning. Ate a bowl of Japanese rice porridge for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. My wife guesses that that incident was just a show for one's rise to stardom. She may be right.

The following letter was sent to a real estate agent of Coldwell Banker today:
There is no sentiment. It's just a business.

The price may be negotiable. My wife and I believe that the price of $229,000 is a reasonable initial value for now because of the unattractive appearance of the neighbor's real property. As written in my last email to you, we believe that the price of $239,000 should be reasonable if the appearance of the neighbor's house is improved.

However, the repair of the neighbor's fences should be the responsibility of its owner. We want you to tell both the buyer and his real estate agent that the fences don't belong to the real property at 12720 Twisted Briar Ln. Austin TX 78729. The fence is located inside the neighbor's yard by a distance of about "10 inches" from the borderline between his yard and my yard. Offering correct information to a buyer should be one of the duties of a seller's agent. It seems that not telling correct information violates your business code. We believe that the next owner can build his own fences in his yard, as we recommended. He may choose the way you suggested. 

We remember that you suggested to us that we don't spend thousands for the improvement of the appearance of our real property for selling previously because the gain by the improvement is always lower than the spending for it.

BTW, we believe that the aforementioned fences shouldn't be an inkling of the defense systems against the troublemakers in the neighboring counties of either Japan or the US.

Yasuhito Shiho

The following letter was also sent to a real estate agent of Coldwell Banker this evening:
The price of $229,000 is a reasonable initial value. It isn't necessary for you to inform this buyer of the original price of $239,000. You should tell both the buyer and his real estate agent that the fences don't belong to the real property at 12720 Twisted Briar Ln. All records indicate that the fences belong to the neighbor's real property. No lender will be able to request us to repair the other's property, naturally. We are worried that you have been just trying to give your fellow a profit out of a transaction of our real property.

Yasuhito Shiho

Monday, January 10, 2011
Got up at seven-thirty in the morning. Ate a bowl of lunch, and for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

The following letter was sent to a real estate agent of Coldwell Banker today:
My wife and I would like to believe that you told both a buyer and his real estate agent that the fences don't belong to the real property at 12720 Twisted Briar Ln. This isn't about disrespect. This is about fraud if you didn't give buyers agents the correct information on our real property.
As the true meaning can be grasped from the contexts in our last two emails, we are worried that you have been just trying to give "your fellow in a community in Austin" a profit out of a transaction of our real property. The troublesome neighbors will gain a profit, obviously.

Yasuhito Shiho

The following letter was also sent to a real estate agent of Coldwell Banker today:
By way of precaution, my wife and I are considering resending you a hard copy of the Disclosure Notice Form filled and signed by the former owner of the real property at 12720 Twisted Briar Ln. Austin TX 78729. This document indicates that the fences we talked about don't belong to the real property at 12720 Twisted Briar Ln. We are also considering resending you the other hard copy of the Land Survey Form indicating that the fences are located inside the neighbor's yard by a distance of about "10 inches" from the borderline between his yard and my yard. Please inform a buyer and his agents of the correct information on our real property.

Yasuhito Shiho

Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of lunch, and for lunch, and a Japanese one-pot meal for dinner.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of Japanese rice porridge for lunch, and a Japanese-Western meal for dinner.

It's still fresh in our memory that a stealth bomber B-2 crashed in Guam in February 2008. However, it's some comfort for the US military that it fell down to the ground inside its airbase there. Therefore, the possibility that some pieces of the remains of the wrecked B-2 were smuggled out of Guam into a foreign country is probably low.
The stealth bomber and fighter are very "offensive" weapons. Recently, China opened its own fighter jet J-20 to the public through the Internet. Today, its officials announced that China's J-20 is equipped with some stealth technologies. It's obvious that J-20 has some anti-detection technologies against radar transmissions because the body of J-20 is probably coated with a sort of dark-colored radar-absorbent material such as ferrite or other advanced materials. The point is how good its stealth technologies are. The shape of its body isn't so aggressively designed to reduce radar reflections, compared to US's stealth fighters F-117 and F-22. It seems that any advanced anti-detection technology to reduce infrared radiation against an infrared-guided missile, like a jet engine nozzle of an F-22, can't be seen at this stage. The advancement of electronic devices inside J-20 can't be evaluated only by their appearance. Naturally, as the qualities of Chinese consumer products improve at a highly accelerated pace, those of its military products, that is to say, its weapons should also do. As well known, not only electronic parts but also finished products utilizing the most state-of-the-art electronics technologies such as semiconductor and wireless communication technologies have been manufactured in neighboring counties of China and the speed of their developments still has been accelerating.  How long it takes China to catch up with the US in terms of stealth aircraft unless the situation changes is an interesting question.
Needless to say, the defense systems are intended to diminish or knock out offensive weapons, such as stealth aircraft, submarines, and missiles. Generally speaking, to defend is more difficult than to attack. The upgrading of the national defense system to a suitable level isn't a hostile act but a reasonable act.

Thursday, January 13, 2011
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a Japanese-Western for lunch, and a Japanese-Western meal for dinner.

Friday, January 14, 2011
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of Japanese rice porridge for lunch, and pieces of Archer Farms' pizza for dinner.

Saturday, January 15, 2011
Got up at eight-thirty in the morning. Ate a bowl of Japanese rice porridge for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

Sunday, January 16, 2011
Got up at ten-thirty in the morning. Ate a bowl of Japanese rice porridge for lunch. Went out shopping at grocery stores this afternoon. Ate a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

The following letter was sent to a real estate agent of Coldwell Banker today:
Would you make the status of the listing of our real property inactive? My wife and I would like to put the listing of our house out of sight on the Internet temporarily. Could you also come to pick up the shoe cover package left on the entrance porch of our house at any time convenient for you?

Yasuhito Shiho

Monday, January 17, 2011
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of Japanese rice porridge for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

About two years have passed since I wrote several times in my diary that I demanded that people who have been following my wife and me around and eavesdropping our conversations at home and over the telephone for several years or longer should pay us 100 million dollars as compensation for your illegal acts. An eavesdropper who has been haunted in our house should have several times heard the demand from my own lips. So far, you haven't yet paid it to us. Instead, you have continued to spy on us. You must pay us for it.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

People's motivations to do something should differ. My motivation to wear this sort of clothes is just my wish to feel self-satisfaction. My enjoying the beauty of clothes and fabrics bears a close resemblance to my enjoyment of the pictorial arts. My attention may be drawn to both a classic and a modern. Even if nobody around were to look at me at all, I would still enjoy wearing my favorite clothes. Probably, my primary motivations to study and work are also the same as above. The motivation initiated by my self-satisfaction of mine is rare in Japan. Needless to say, it's different from a selfish motivation.
Some people are eagerly classifying other people into several categories in terms of their motivation to do something. In other words, they would like to know how to control people's behaviors. People are generally made to carry out orders by education, law, persuasion, deceiving, basic desires of reward, promotion, fame, pleasure, achievement, and possessiveness, basic fears due to threat, thirst and punishment, other psychological means such as competitive spirit, mass psychology, and depth psychology, and so on. The motivation of most Japanese to work is oriented by its rather totalitarian education and mass psychology and stimulated by a good bit of the allowances for overtime work. Different from the average Japanese motivation, my motivation to work has never been excited by mass psychology or overtime pay.
I am a rather easygoing person who has been trying to enjoy some positive aspects of the above-mentioned ways in our social customs such as awards, fashion, status, etc. since my childhood, in spite of my realizing their true natures.

Thursday, January 20, 2011
Got up at seven-thirty in the morning. Ate a bowl of Japanese rice porridge for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

My opinion on the spirit of competition shall be told today. An "intentional" introduction of competitiveness in order to dissolve a monopoly or stagnation has often been seen in many areas of our human society such as the economy, politics, education, study, development, and so on. However, it goes without saying that the principle of competition doesn't always lead to a desirable result. To introduce competitiveness may cause an unexpected serious consequence when it's introduced at a place where there isn't enough proper supervision. When it's in a state of poor control or, in extreme cases, anarchy, a competition may come to grief together after a number of mutual wasteful interferences. So as to obtain a beneficial result from it as a conclusion and a whole, a competition has to be carried out on a fair field according to appropriate open rules. Unfortunately, a sort of people with disappointing character and talent in the old guard tend to use an introduction of competitiveness under unfavorable conditions against a promising figure that makes them worried, about their own protection. Unfortunately, they sometimes choose a gangster organization as a contender against a rising figure. For all ages and in all places, there are numerous bad examples.
An intentional inflaming of competitiveness to the two rival countries is very risky because there is no proper international rule and no fair international organization at the present time. Any war as a result of intentionally inflamed competition among counties or unions isn't necessary, with some notable exceptions. For the relations among countries and unions, mutual cooperation is always hoped in order to be in win-win situations. However, people may enjoy some international team competitions for innocent entertainment.

Friday, January 21, 2011
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and pieces of Central Market pizza for dinner.

I'm a World Federalist who is expecting an ideal world sometime in the far future. In order to dispel any misunderstanding, a brief explanation for my version of World Federalism shall be made again.
The World Federalism is very ideal and also realistic. If a unified nation were formed in the future, it would bring people in the world various lasting benefits. World Federalism is well compatible with most political systems such as Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, Constitutional Monarchy, and so on. Probably, it doesn't match to Absolute Monarchy. To be honest, it isn't impossible but most people of today dislike Absolute Monarchy. For the establishment of a unified nation, the standardization of the public laws, the secondary language, and the currency should be required. There shall remain the cultural and religious diversities in the future unified nation. The national borders shall remain but be lowered when the uniformity of law & order and economic conditions among countries is advanced in the future. All the defense systems in the world's countries shall be placed under the control of the future unified nation. Many of the problems that can't be easily settled currently, such as peace negotiations, territorial issues, resources issues, energy issues, etc may be brought to resolutions.
One of the orthodox ways to lead the world to a future unified nation is to rely on the leadership of the current United Nations. Here, it isn't a good idea to devote a good deal of space in my diary to the fault-finding of the United Nations. For this traditional path to the ideal unified nation, only a couple of my suggestions shall be marked here. The separation of religions and politics should be still imprinted on the minds of all UN staff. The relocation of the UN headquarters should be carried out at regular intervals in order to advance fairness and globalization furthermore. The interval of 50 years or shorter seems to be appropriate for these purposes. The candidate cities for the next UN headquarters may be Cairo (Egypt), Dubai (UAE), Jerusalem (Israel), Moscow (Russia), Nagoya (Japan), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Shanghai (China) and so on. The current UN headquarters will become its US branch.

Saturday, January 22, 2011
Got up at nine o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of Japanese rice porridge for lunch. Went out shopping at a grocery store this afternoon. Ate a dish of Italian pasta and a dish of Western soup for dinner.

Comedy is one of the two major styles of classic dramas. Today, my opinion on two types of comedies shall be told. One is a comedy satirizing the authorities and the other is a comedy sucking up to the authorities. It has been considered that the daily life of either a man or a woman in the street of the same age makes a proper theme for the classic comedy. In some of the Western countries in modern times, however, an exceptional event of a historical figure, a high personage, or a holy person, who are typically seen as the dramatis personae mostly in the classic tragedy, has gradually become one of the main themes for the popular comedy. As the nature of the comedy, it tends to satirize humanity and society, in this case mostly those of the authorities, and it sometimes breaks the long taboo. No little surprise has been occasioned by some of these sorts of comedies created by provocative Westerners. Comedian's overdoing it might put them in jeopardy.
On the other hand, Asians, who are more submissive to the authorities than Westerners, have been getting more familiar with the comedies that suck up to the authorities than in the past. In Japan, for the last three decades, the comedians who are up to their usual practices to provoke laughter from the audience by bullying the weak have gotten into public favor. Because such low comedies had been all the rage among Japanese for quite a long period of time in the 1980s, 1990s, and later period, they have had some negative effects on the minds of Japanese who are susceptible to outside influences by mass media. Indeed, a person who professes himself or herself to be witty is always looking for his/her partners who may be suitable targets as the dumb just like in a comedy duo has often been seen at parties and meetings everywhere in Japan. Such disrespectful attitudes to others should be kept inside Japan in order not to catch any international hostile attention. Don't be a country shunned by others.

    "This is an interesting topic found in the Reuters online news two days ago". The following are my comments on it:
Currently, nobody knows what essentially brought about the heavy rain that caused Australia's calamitous floods. The price of coal produced in Australia is currently rising because of the ravages of the coal mines due to the flooding. Its price rise has also led to the rapid rise of steel and others produced in Asia. The main material for the windmill is steel, which is made mainly with iron through refining and alloying processes in the coal-burning furnace. As the source of energy, coal emits the largest amount of carbon per unit of the gained electric power in all the fossil fuels when it burns, as well known. The topic of Australia's calamity sounds as if a goddess would restrain people from pursuing the energy scheme relying too strongly on both coal and windmills. Logically speaking, it should be just a coincidence.
This event shows that the energy plan relying on both the coal-fired power plants and windmills for the generation of electricity is probably the worst of all possible plans, in terms of emissions of carbon, though wind power can still be one of the potential alternative sources of energy for a long term perspective. Because coal-fired power generation is the cheapest and wind power generation attracts favorable attention, especially from environmentalists, this energy scheme has been adopted in several countries. In this stage, a rapid expansion of wind power isn't a good idea in terms of the environment. Most unfortunately, the carbon emissions from the top two countries in GDP are noticeably higher than the other countries in the world chiefly because they have relied on this energy scheme. The figures tell the truth.

Sunday, January 23, 2011
Got up at ten o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese-Chinese meal for dinner. Stayed at home for the entire day.

So many people, so many ways to understand a thing. One of the ordinary ways to understand a thing easily is to search the other things similar to it out of familiar things. However, such an easygoing habit of thinking probably restricts people's ability to understand. Don't always look for an analogy for the purpose of understanding.
This is one of the points of learning modern physics. As far as people are trying to understand a theory in modern physics such as quantum theory and relativity by searching for a physical phenomenon similar to it out of well-understood phenomena in classical physics and our daily life, they never understand it. The theories in these fields sound quite odd to everybody. The truth is that the theories in modern physics are more accurate than those in classical physics. The theories in classical physics, which mostly describe the phenomena that human beings can see with their naked eyes, are only approximately right under some conditions.
So as to identify a new device in engineering or a new method in social science, or to further the advance of the existing works in natural science, first of all, people need to learn the basic theories, the prior works, the necessities for advancement, etc in a field. Different from natural science, there are many more chances to find a new idea in engineering or social science. Then, people in engineering or social science should try to invent a new device or hit on a new method with their own efforts. After either a new device or theory is come up with, people have to search the existing devices or methods similar to theirs. In most cases, rather disappointingly, people can find some prior arts similar to or identical to theirs. However, don't spend too long time to search for prior works before you try to have your own great idea.
In order to recognize the character of a person clearly, some sort of people would like to search the other person similar to him or her out of historical figures and public figures. It's so mysterious to me.

Monday, January 24, 2011
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of Japanese rice porridge for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

A brief comparison of the fundamental functions between fission and fusion shall be made today. Let me first make it crystal clear that a fission reactor is a very practical power generator but a fusion reactor is a very difficult one. Compared to the fusion reactor, it's very easy to start a fission reaction, it's rather easy to control the fission reaction and it's easy to convert the nuclear energy obtained in a fission reactor to electricity. Although the enrichment process of reactor fuels to higher levels requires some energy, no additional energy is necessary to start fission reactions. Heavy nuclei of fissionable isotopes spontaneously undergo fission while emitting a few fast neutrons around. Gathering an amount of enriched fissionable fuel at the core in a reactor causes a fission chain reaction. Inserting some of the control rods among fissionable fuels enables to blocking of the fast neutrons emitted from fission reactions so that the fission reactions in a reactor can be rather easily controlled. Therefore, the temperature of the reactor's core is also desirably controllable for the purpose of electricity generation using turbines and alternators. A fission reactor can effectively generate electricity by rotating a turbine, which is commonly used for conventional power generation plants. One of the two primary problems associated with a fission reactor is the harmfulness of its reactor fuels. The other problem is that, after further enrichment up to the weapon grade is performed, its fuels can be directly used for nuclear weapons.
The fundamental function of the fast breeder reactor is very similar to that of the conventional thermal reactors. In the fast breeder reactor, any moderator isn't used. Instead, liquid sodium, liquid lead, or helium gas is used as the coolant in order not to moderate the fast neutrons emitted. As a high kinetic energy of an incident fast neutron is maintained, the number of neutrons emitted from a fission reaction increases more. A fast neutron or two emitted from a fission reaction are used to sustain the fission chain reaction, and the other fast neutrons emitted are used to breed the fissionable isotopes as the result of the absorptions by the fertile isotopes such as uranium-238 in a reactor. The advantage of the fast breeder reactor is that its future success in technology and especially in politics will enable it to make full use of the fertile materials. The fertile materials on the earth can stratify people's energy needs for millenniums potentially. Therefore, the fast breeder reactor should be one of the promising solutions for the future energy crisis. However, it can also be a rather desirable technology for people who are ambitious for nuclear armament. It's also a troublesome existence for people who have already possessed and worshiped their perilous idols and monopolized the threatening power. 
On the other side, it's very difficult to ignite fusion reactions, it's very difficult to confine and sustain fusion reactions and it's very difficult to convert the nuclear energy obtained with fusion reactions to electricity effectively. As well known, p-p chain fusion reactions last a very long time in the core of the Sun, which is a sphere of hydrogen (~90%), helium (~9.9%), and other elements. In the case of the Sun, fusion reactions in its core spontaneously started when our solar system was formed because of high pressure and heat due to its strong gravity there. Different from fusion reaction in the core of the Sun, in a man-made reactor on the earth, people need to ignite artificially the fusion reactions of a small amount of nuclei of theoretically fusionable isotopes such as deuterium, tritium, helium-3, etc, and their mixtures (e.g. T+D, D+D, H-3+D, etc) by utilizing some sorts of the methods (e.g. the compression using a laser beam in an inertia confinement reactor, and the ohmic heating by changing the magnetic field, the injection of neutral beam and the radiation of high-frequency electromagnetic waves in a magnetic confinement reactor, etc). Every promising method to ignite nuclear fusion requires the consumption of an immense amount of energy. Officially, the ignition of fusion reaction in a reactor has never been recognized internationally, so far. Now you may say it, but a few countries previously claimed that they succeeded in igniting fusion. The magnetic confinement method utilizing the superconducting magnets is the most promising method for the confinement of high-energy plasma at about 150 million K or above. Obviously, it also requires a considerable amount of energy to confine and sustain fusion reactions at the center of a reactor. The energy produced is carried mostly away from fusion plasma by emitting fast neutrons and gamma rays. In order to realize a fusion reactor, the amount of electricity that is generated must be higher than that that is used to ignite, confine, and sustain fusion reactions in a reactor. Many estimate that fusion reactions can generate higher energy than the energy consumed in those steps. However, it seems that whether the electrical energy converted from the fusion energy gained can be higher than the energy consumed in those steps or not is still uncertain. To put it in another way, whether the traditional method using turbines and alternators to convert the fusion energy from the kinetic energy of the fast neutrons emitted to heat energy on the surrounding heat- & neutron radiation-resistant walls of a reactor, and then to electricity is efficient enough is still uncertain. If the electrical energy gained is always lower than that, any fusion reactor will never reach the stage of practical application. One of the two main advantages of a fusion reactor is either the harmlessness or less-harmfulness of its reactor fuels though irradiations of the fast neutrons and gamma rays emitted from fusion plasma in operation can cause genetic damage. The other benefit is that one of its primary fuels; deuterium is abundant in the earth's ocean. The hidden problem is that an operating fusion reactor can be used for the production of destructive weapons. This can be called either an improper use or a bad use.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese one-pot meal for dinner.

My revised planning proposal for future power generation is shown below (Revision 1). The first version of my planning proposal was written in my diary on January 15, 2010.

Phase 1, for the next tens of years
Most people who now live in the world are directly responsible for the matters during this period of time. In this period, the world's population may hit 10 billion. The growth of developing countries may proceed more extensively than they have been until now. Fossil fuel or two may be depleted during this period. It's hoped that the achievement of international peacemaking will make progress to some extent.
Focus on international peacemaking efforts by mutual consent and compromises for the next few decades or longer.
Seek after the conservation of energy in consumer electrical appliances, automobiles, etc. while giving the highest priority to the degree of safety.
Attempt substituting the natural-gas-fired power stations, the clean coal-fired power stations, and every type of power generation utilizing renewable sources of energy available for the existing non-clean coal-fired power stations "as many as possible without hurting the economy", during this period of time. Solar power is suitable for desert districts and hot districts, geothermal power is suitable for cold districts, hydroelectric power is suitable for mountainous districts near a stream, and wind power is suitable for windy districts.
Continue to improve the safety of the fast breeder reactor. Also, continue the research of the fusion reactor and other new energy technologies such as the Enhanced Geothermal System and so on.

Phase 2, for another hundred years or longer
Early in this period of time, most of the fossil fuels may be depleted.
Will start to replace the existing thermal reactors and all of the existing fossil-fuels-fired power stations with the next generation fast breeder reactors after the achievement of international peacemaking early in this period of time is advanced to some extent. The fast breeder reactor can stratify people's energy needs for millenniums. It's more desirable that an international agreement that enables administrations, international organizations, and/or private organizations to control nuclear fuels tighter than ever all over the world will be achieved before starting to use the next generation of fast breeder reactors. During this period after the achievement of international peacemaking is advanced, the uniformity of law & order and economic conditions among countries, the standardizations of the public laws, the secondary language, and the currency may make great progress hopefully. Moreover, all the defense systems in the world's countries may be placed under the control of the future unified nation.
If any achievement of international peacemaking isn't progressed or the situation becomes worse, some drastic measures for power saving globally including the tight control of the world population may be necessary, instead of advancing the use of the next generation fast breeder reactors. In this case, there seems no way to get around the persistent economic sluggishness. Currently, the prospect of population control is very slim because it's just an opinion of the old-guard minorities that aren't good at the arts of persuasion. It seems that the power of the growing majorities assisted by the people in the world of business will continue to be dominant over them for a long time.
Need to judge the practicality of the nuclear fusion reactor. Lay further emphasis on every renewable source of energy gradually if the practicality of the fusion reactor is denied.

Phase 3, for the far future
The forecast about the far future is nearly impossible.
Replace the existing fast breeder reactors with the fusion reactors, if the fusion reactor can be realized in the future. Desirably, the conversion to the fusion reactor will be carried out after all of the fertile isotopes are used up on the earth. When "the unified nation" is already organized, the conversion to the fusion reactor will be smoothly accomplished even before the exhaustion of all of the fertile isotopes.
If the practicality of the fusion reactor is denied in Phase 2, only renewable sources of energy will need to satisfy people's energy demands when all of the fossil fuels, fissionable isotopes, and fertile isotopes are depleted completely. Hopefully, mankind will discover an ideal new energy source alternative to all others until this point in time.

To sum up, in terms of the political aspects of the energy issues, the foundation of a unified nation is the best way. In terms of technology, the shift to the fast breeder reactor after the achievement of peacemaking to some extent is a reasonable way to gain time. The conversion to the fusion reactor should be carried out after either the foundation of the unified nation or the exhaustion of all the fertile isotopes. The discovery of an ideal new energy source alternative to all others should be superior to all others.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of Japanese rice porridge for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, a spy is "a person employed by a government or other organization to secretly obtain information on the activities and plans of an enemy or competitor". My view on the mentality of a spy shall be told today.
In brief, spying activity is a necessary evil. In a rather wordy style, a spying activity is sometimes necessary for reasons of national security, but it isn't necessary for reasons of any popular-level activities. The spying activity may contain some crimes such as a stealing of personal information and an infringement of personal privacy when it goes beyond a certain point in some advanced nations. Indeed, whether some spying activities violate the law or not is quite inexplicit on the international stage.
It's just my guess that a spy is highly professional in attitude while having little sense of public morality. The habituation cultivated in the daily special duties may make his/her morality paralyzed. Probably, a typical spy should attract very little attention in public, unlike James Bond. It's generally thought that a spy who engages in an intelligence service should have a strong loyalty to his/her country. If this is really true for every spy agent, a double spy, who often appears on the scene in a spy novel, should be rare. If not, it makes the world complicated.

Thursday, January 27, 2011
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

The temptation to the path of depravity seen around shall be told today. There are four major categories in the annoying interferences from others I have seen and undergone for the last two decades or longer. One of them is the temptation to the path of depravity by others. Thinking back to the past, a considerable number of people have been privy to the plots against me, indeed. The three other interferences are the compulsion by a swindle, the spread of groundless rumors, and the confinement for the purpose of concealment.
The temptations to the path of depravity that I have seen around seem to be designed to lure a targeted person astray by likening to the capital mortal sins; pride, covetousness, lust, anger, gluttony, envy, and sloth. This tendency suggests that the plotters are very conscious of Christian's sense of values and attention. In my case, most of the abettors are Asians. The temptations to the path of depravity that were designed to allure me into the snares can be classified into four groups; gamble (covetousness), unfaithfulness (lust), anger, and idleness (sloth). It seems that a sort of people with disappointing character and talent in the old guard tend to use the above-mentioned usual measures against a targeted person by taking mean advantage of some weak points. Indeed, in my case, those aren't my weaknesses but the weaknesses of a close relative of mine. Unfortunately, they often send some gangsters or gangster groups, who don't mind doing the dirty work, as the perpetrators. They also use a sort of spy group. While they are conscious or unconscious of it, they became just like Mephistopheles or Mara, and its servants, by creating a mixture of only the aspects convenient to them from various cultures of another country. Such an easygoing attitude just gives birth to an evil spirit in their heart.
When the temptations to the paths of "unfaithfulness", "anger" and "idleness" by an evil spirit are refused, according to their backup plan, they tend to compel their favorable opinions bordering on the swindles and to spread groundless rumors about the sinful acts about a targeted person. As written several times, the purpose of this diary is a countermeasure against groundless rumors. When the camouflage is ready to be disclosed in a way, they try to hide it, for instance, by immobilizing a targeted person in a place for the purpose of concealment, according to another backup plan.
It sounds, as if a departed spirit of either the Gestapo or a counterpart in Japan disbanded in the 1940s were still wandering around, even in the US. Hopefully, it was only my imagination that some organizations in the US have brought in similar old tricks of such a departed spirit sometime last decade. Most unfortunately, they and/or others meanly utilize the weakness of the policy that overstresses the anonymous reports, in other words, rumors.

BTW, as an eavesdropper who has been haunted in our house should have several times heard the demand from my own lips, the purpose of my purchasing lottery tickets during a period in 2006 is the expulsion of an evil spirit and its servants. That wasn't a worthwhile gamble because they haven't yet been expelled. Since then, my wife and I have never bought any lottery tickets. Let me say a few more words in conclusion, whether a gamble is a sinful act or not is a matter of opinion.

Friday, January 28, 2011
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of Japanese rice porridge for lunch, and pieces of Newman's Own pizza for dinner.

The following letter was sent to Trulia today:
To: Trulia

My real property at 12720 Twisted Briar Ln. Austin, TX 78729 isn't on the market currently. Would you put the listing of my house out of sight on the Internet after you check its status on the real estate database Trulia refers to?

Yasuhito Shiho

Saturday, January 29, 2011
Today is my 45th birthday. Got up at eight-thirty in the morning. Got up at ten o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese-Western meal for dinner.

When a country attempts to bring in elements such as a culture, a custom, a law, and a system of another country, very careful thoughts should be necessary. In most cases, an element alone doesn't function well. An element works properly only when some other elements exist together because they are complementary to each other even though it may not be seen as so. A single-handed element that may be favorably introduced from another country is mostly a rigorous one. Any element shouldn't be intentionally brought into a country only for the purpose of convenience to a sort of people. Don't attempt bringing any satanic ones.

Sunday, January 30, 2011
Got up at nine forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of Japanese rice porridge for lunch. Went out shopping at grocery stores this afternoon. Ate a Japanese meal for dinner.

Monday, January 31, 2011
Got up at seven-thirty in the morning. Ate a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese-Western meal for dinner.

There should be some reasons why some spies have been following my wife and me around and eavesdropping on our conversations at home and over the telephone for several years or longer. Their real motivation should be to find faults favorable for them with everything and nothing in our conversations. Perhaps, it includes an aspect of corporate spying if they intruded into our house without gaining our permission when we were going out. What the spies say in justification for their spy activities may be a vigilant watching on my wife and/or me while putting some groundless protests against us without being noticed. This should be one of the reasons why they are always spreading groundless rumors around.
Needless to say, my wife and I live in a different world from spies, violent criminals, suspicious dealers, and terrorists. We installed very secure locks on every door of our house. The ADT home security system is always turned on when we are out. An additional home security system is also monitoring our house. All of our important documents are kept in a fireproof safe. Every document containing personal secrets or business is put through a shredder if it isn't necessary.
I sometimes have a suspicion that ADT may have been helping the spy activities because it's easy for them to wiretap our house without exciting suspicion. Recent strange incidents attached to its security system deepened its suspicion.