About Me

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Okaya, Nagano Prefecture, Japan

October 2010

Friday, October 1, 2010
Got up at seven-fifteen in the morning. Ate pieces of Central Market's pizza for dinner.

Saturday, October 2, 2010
Got up at eight-thirty in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal and a side dish of salad for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner. Stayed at home for the entire day.

Sunday, October 3, 2010
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal and a side dish of salad for lunch. Went out shopping at a grocery store this afternoon. Ate a Central Market meal for dinner.

Monday, October 4, 2010
Got up at seven-thirty in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal and a side dish of salad for lunch, and a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for dinner.

My opinion on a hereditary system shall be told today. There are many types of things and rights that can be succeeded such as a fortune, a real property, a legacy, a status, a gene, a social connection, a reputation, a percept, and so on. Either a second-generation or a third-generation usually has advantages over others, especially in terms of its starting point. However, it's often seen that the first generation finds a business, the second expands it, and the third ruins it. This empirical proverb suggests that the outstanding abilities of the first generation may fade away from generation to generation. This trend becomes more striking as both inheritance and gift taxes increase. Although the lack of experiences in enduring hardship in their growth period may weaken the characters of the second and third generations, it can be compensated with good education based on the first generation's personal experience. It's likely that being either a second-generation or a third-generation is advantageous, anyway. Even if one doesn't aim to be in the same profession as one's father, the succession to the estates is favorable in most cases. Needless to say, no one wants to succeed in any debt or vicious habit.
A family with a long and glorious history is favorable because it tends to have respectable tradition, breeding, and percept. Those might enable a descendant to be better than a first-generation. Therefore, no more than either a second-generation or a third-generation is unable to count on my support.

My wife sent me the following email today:
Yesterday two little mice followed after us at the parking area of a HEB grocery store. They are a father mouse and his son, perhaps. Beatrix Potter was inspired by them and created some pretty stories, like "The Tale of Mrs. Tittlemouse" and "The Tale of Two Bad Mice". However, they reminded me of some Japanese political figures. I am not interested in them at all. It is not respectable to play a joke on a lady in public.

BTW, I am also not interested in Takeshi Kitano because I have rarely watched his comedy show since I was young.

Naoko Shiho
It seems to me that a devil dispatched new types of servants in order to bother my wife and me recently. Unfortunately, they are willing to fulfill their duties without reluctance to be called servants of the devil. Hopefully, hangers-on of some high-lineage families have no connection with the devil's servants. Indeed, both the vulgarity and the unscrupulousness of their hangers-on may be really awkward.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Got up at seven-fifteen in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal and a side dish of salad for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

An excellent vehicle should have both a good driving device and a good braking device. The world that is advancing towards the future while carrying billions of people should also have both a good driving system and a good braking system. It goes without saying that a vehicle without brakes is very dangerous. A speed reduction by applying the brakes has to be carried out properly and opportunely while avoiding wasteful spending and fatal accidents. Favorable competition between accelerators and brakes is always necessary, barring unfortunate developments due to overloading of passengers.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Got up at six-thirty in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal and a side dish of salad for lunch, and an American meal for dinner.

A clumsy acting in the neighborhood this evening was trying to allude to one of the possible solutions for energy problems. Concisely speaking, that's about what funds will be used for. Probably, where funds will be used is more important than that for the sort of people. People here want to use them in a state in the US. It's our earnest wish that any fund will never go to any city or organization unfriendly to my wife and me.

Thursday, October 7, 2010
Got up at seven-thirty in the morning. Ate an American meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

My wife sent me the following email today:
I came to America at 30 years old and married at 31.
Now I am 39 years old.

Naoko Shiho
Generally, Japanese people look young for their age. Americans may think that my wife looks younger than her real age by about ten years. She still has no gray hair.

Friday, October 8, 2010
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal, a rice ball a side dish of salad for lunch, and pieces of Newman's Own pizza for dinner.

The following letter was sent to the contact person for this issue of Freescale Semiconductor via email today:
Twenty-one days have already passed since my email and letters regarding the return of my diplomas were sent to Freescale Semiconductor, and seven days have passed since in your last email you promised to check whether my diplomas have been kept in the drawers of the desk I used to use or not. Just an hour seems to be enough time to check it. Because of your slow response, I feel as if Freescale Semiconductor might have been refusing to return my diplomas to me for some reason or other. It's inevitable that suspicion would fall on Freescale Semiconductor. Hopefully, this isn't true.

With this letter, I again request that either the human resources or the security departments of Freescale Semiconductor should have my diplomas reissued if my diplomas were shredded already.

Yasuhito Shiho

The following letter was also sent to the CEO of Freescale Semiconductor via email today:
Dear Chairman and CEO Mr. Rich Beyer, and
Sr. Vice President, Human Resources and Security Mr. Michel Cadieux

It seems to me that the contact person for this issue isn't suited to this role because of his insufficiency of circumstantial judgment and his insincerity, as seen in his previous emails. With this letter, I again request that either the human resources or the security departments of Freescale Semiconductor have my diplomas reissued because my diplomas were stolen or missed on its site due to Freescale Semiconductor's negligence. It seems that a representative of the Human Resources and the Security departments should be the right person to investigate and resolve this issue successfully.

Sincerely yours,
Yasuhito Shiho

Saturday, October 9, 2010
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal and a side dish of salad for lunch. Went out for shopping at grocery stores this afternoon. Bought two gallons of low-fat milk and half a gallon of orange juice. No other beverage such as a soft drink was purchased. Ate a Japanese meal for dinner.

Sunday, October 10, 2010
Got up at ten o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal and a side dish of salad for lunch, and a dish of Japanese pasta for dinner. Stayed at home for the entire day.

Who should be a professor? Someone who comes top academically at a university is most appropriate. A rare occurrence that a person with bad results becomes a professor through relying on their parents' connections is one of modern social ills. An increase in the number of second and third-generations whose assumptions of their positions are often attributed to the influence and the economic strength of their parents degrades the quality of education in universities.

Monday, October 11, 2010
Got up at six-thirty in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal and a side dish of salad for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

If you want to discover a person who looks like a great man standing out in history very much, you should try to find a person having good points of likeness to a great man predominantly. You don't have to make too much fuss about any bad point of resemblance to a great man. Supposing he were to meet a person full of bad aspects of resemblance to him, a great man would become thoroughly offended. The problem is that it's much easier to find a person full of bad aspects than to find a person full of good aspects. You should not make easy compromises.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Got up at six forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal and a side dish of salad for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

    "This is an interesting topic found in the OpEdNews today". The following are my comments on it:
About one month before an off-year election, the current ruling party in the US the Democrats is holding to a more middle course in terms of military and energy affairs. They don't want any more counteroffensives from pressure groups in addition to medical groups. In this case for peacekeeping, the obligation to a medal had been valid for one year only.
Indeed, the US is a complicated nation. Some officials of the US government are imposing economic sanctions on nuclear-ambitious Iran, whereas others behave as if they would be encouraging Iran to test its nuclear bombs. Diversity isn't only a good aspect but also a bad aspect of the US. Hopefully, its virtues and faults continue to strike a balance without troubling other countries fatally.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal and a side dish of salad for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

Instead of the reissues of my diplomas by Freescale Semiconductor, an undamaged fence of one of the neighbors' houses was renewed this morning. The replacement of an unbroken fence of the neighbor's house is of no help to us at all. Unfortunately, a troublesome broken fence in the other neighbor's house was left unrepaired.

Thursday, October 14, 2010
Got up at eight-fifteen in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal and a side dish of salad for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

All of the acorns growing on two Texas Live Oak trees and one small White Oak tree in front of my house have already changed color from green to tan. About half of the acorns have already fallen to the ground. Undamaged acorns were scattered on the ground near the bottom of my backyard for wildlife. Damaged acorns were also scattered on the ground around Oak trees for fertilization.

The following letter was sent to a representative of the Blackstone Group via email today: 
Dear a representative of the Blackstone Group,

After two weeks of disregard, the contact person for ethical issues of Feescale Semiconductor has replied to my letter at last. However, the exchange of some letters with the contact person of Freescale Semiconductor for the last two weeks led me to the conclusion that he isn't suited to this role because of his insufficiency of circumstantial judgment and his insincerity. It seems to me that my emails and letters still have never reached their destination for unknown reasons. It's highly probable that a community in Austin Texas the contact person for ethical issues and some secretaries to the executive officers of Freescale Semiconductor belong to might have been obstructing the delivery of my emails and letters to their correct destination. I would appreciate it if you could forward the following letters to the chairman and CEO of Freescale Semiconductor directly.

Unfortunately, the contact person for ethical issues of Feescale Semiconductor made irresponsible statements, as seen in the attached emails below. He didn't tell me any details of his investigation into the matter I raised. He refused to reissue my diplomas, probably because the formalities of reissuing my diplomas are rather complicated. Judging from communication with the contact person for ethical issues, Freescale Semiconductor doesn't deserve the World's Most Ethical Companies by the Ethisphere Institute as the matter stands. It's my belief that Freescale Semiconductor must be responsible for reissuing my diplomas because my diplomas were missed or stolen by some HR employees on its site due to Freescale Semiconductor's negligence. Freescale Semiconductor shouldn't conceal any act of larceny and harbor any criminal.

I hope your company will successfully help Freescale Semiconductor improve its ethical conduct. 

Sincerely yours,
Yasuhito Shiho

Friday, October 15, 2010
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal, a rice ball and a side dish of salad for lunch, and pieces of California Pizza Kitchen's pizza for dinner.

Three new versions of my signatures were created. One is designed for the purposes of a contract, a personal check, and so on. Two others are just for identification and one of them is used in the header of this diary.

Saturday, October 16, 2010
Got up at ten o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal and a side dish of salad for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner. Stayed at home for the entire day.

Sunday, October 17, 2010
Got up at nine o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal and a side dish of salad for lunch. Went out shopping at a grocery store this afternoon. Ate a Japanese meal for dinner.

Chinese may prefer the idea of three-cornered competition to that of one-to-one competition because of its popular novel the Sanguo Zhi Yanyi (Romance of the Three Kingdoms). This story has been handed down by popular tradition from generation to generation since olden times in China and was novelized based on oral literature and a history of the Sanguo Zhi in the Ming period (the 14th ~ 17th century). In the middle of the story, Zhuge Liang, who is a strategist in private life in Shandong (Jiangling ?) and will become a famous statesman of the kingdom Shu in the Three Kingdoms period (A.D 220 ~ A.D. 280), suggests a far-seeing national scheme to Liu Bei, who is a wandering general at that time and will be a founder and a King of Shu. It's called the scheme of division of the three kingdoms that is intended to enable the weak to compete with the strong, that is, Wei. The weak stirs up a fight between the strong and the third, Wu, which has to be a powerful enemy of the strong, while forming an offensive and defensive alliance with the third, providing backup logistic support to it, and enriching a national prosperity and defense policy of the weak, resulting in the establishment of a three-kingdom structure as a temporary. Obviously, the final goal of Zhuge Liang's scheme is to find a unified kingdom by absorbing two other kingdoms as the result of battles.
The period of the Three Kingdoms had continued only for sixty years. The warring three-kingdom period lasted for quite a short period of time because of the nature of its instability. When one explores the pages of history in China, the Three Kingdoms period is interesting and entertaining because there were many dramas, diplomacies, tactics, strategies, alliances, and treacheries found in a moderately complicated triangular struggle. Considering that the strong finally won the triangular battle that took a heavy toll on lives during this period of time, it's uncertain whether Zhuge Liang's scheme brought good fortune or bad fortune to ancient China. However, it seems that his strategy is still an effective and practical measure that can be applied in various similar situations in modern times.
Like many Americans in the pioneering days, the Chinese have a liking for tall tales in the olden days. According to the vaudeville storytelling told in pubs those days, a deified mortal of Zhuge Liang is about 6 feet 4 inches tall (cf. Wikipedia) and he has three pupils on each side of the eye. He is like a Taoistic ghost. In a culture that has been nurtured by the magnanimity characteristic of continental people, most of the goodies are tall people, but a typical crafty baddie is a person of small stature.

BTW, the protagonist of a history of the Sanguo Zhi written by Chen Shou in the 3rd century is Cao Cao, who is an adopted son of a eunuch in the Han dynasty, and a founder and a king of Wei (the strong), and whose son ascends the Imperial Throne. On the other hand, the protagonist of a novel of the Sanguo Zhi Yanyi written in the Min period is Liu Bei, who is a peddler selling straw sandals and professes himself to be a descendant of a Han emperor. In this version of the Sanguo Zhi, Liu Bei's character is fabricated to raise people's loyalty to the Ming dynasty. In recent times, Communist China revalued Cao Cao, as a great general, for its convenience. The character of the protagonist of many classics has been interpreted and somewhat fabricated in a convenient way to either the Sovereign or the Government then in power for most ages in all places.

Monday, October 18, 2010
Got up at six forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal and a side dish of salad for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

How many countries are necessary on the earth? My answer is that only a unified nation is necessary because of its stability and peace, as written in my diary several times previously. In this case, the highest priority is given to freedom from war.
A unified nation should have a separation of administrative, legislative, and judiciary branches of government. In the administrative branch, a two-party system is most appropriate. A multi-party system could be better than a two-party system if a major reform of the administration system were made. Here, high priorities are given to both stability and fairness.
How many companies are necessary in a grown market, such as a refrigerator, a semiconductor chip for PC, and so on? My answer is that two major leading companies and other smalls are proper because of their minimal wasteful spending. Here, high priorities are given to controlled competition and efficiency.
How many companies are necessary in an enterprising market? Any number of companies is possible at the beginning, and then it should be reduced depending upon the degree of the development of a market. In this stage, motive power, liberal ideas, and flexibility are most important.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal and a side dish of salad for lunch, and a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for dinner.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal and a side dish of salad for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

    "This is an interesting topic found in the Reuters online news today". The following are my comments on it:
Apart from the question of whether the observations of probably disappearing of extremely high energy particles followed by appearing through neither pair-annihilation nor pair creation in the LHC could be the direct proofs of the existence of either parallel world or extra dimensions, or not, it's a sure bet that even the CERN scientists nowadays need to appeal to public opinion for their spending in their researches by referring some matters that interest the general public, especially SF fans in this case.

Thursday, October 21, 2010
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal and a side dish of salad for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

My view on recent robotics shall be told today. A tool is any instrument that a human being can use to do some particular sort of process. Both a computer and a robot are categorized as advanced tools. That can justifiably be said until either a computer or a robot is equipped with artificial intelligence in the future. A computer is an electronic device that can store and process large amounts of data at a high speed and may replace some particular kinds of brain work. A robot is any machine that can operate automatically by the control of a programmed on-board or remote computer and may replace some specialized manual works. Robots have ever been used to manufacture automobiles, electrical appliances, etc. automatically or semi-automatically in manufacturing factories. Advanced robots have already been used and may be used in the future for a variety of necessary tasks such as mining, probing, building, scrapping, nursing, and fighting in hazardous environments. In this case, only a robotic arm is necessary. In another case, a plane, a helicopter, a car, a ship, a submarine, a tank, a bed, a chair, or a satellite type is suitable, depending on the situation.
However, a robot isn't necessarily like a human. Indeed, almost all of the currently operating robots aren't humanoid types. It goes without saying that it's very difficult to create a humanoid that is capable of functioning like a human being. Although the application of a humanoid is currently unclear and may be quite limited, many laboratories of companies and institutes have been intensively engaged in the development of humanoids. What is the most desired application for a humanoid?  A clerk at the window may be the one. A toy may be the other. It's my view that people don't need any maid robot that can cook meals at home. People can go out to a restaurant or buy a frozen meal that is cooked by simple non-human-like robots in a food factory when they want to have an easy time. An advanced wheelchair should serve some useful purposes for both a handicapped person and an old person, but a biped robot chair seems to be unreliable and unsafe. An advance in the walking frames that are designed to support a lightly handicapped person in walking may be useful.
Recently, my wife said that the robotics engineers might have been developing humanoids from the same motive as Pygmalion. That sounds rather creepy. Indeed, it's true that there are some example cases indicating that a twist of such a primitive desire had helped promote the sales of some electrical appliances such as a video recorder, a PC, etc. in their early stages. Hopefully, the robotics engineers will have and retain the purity of Pygmalion's soul.
It seems to me that there are too many companies and institutes that have already demonstrated their state-of-the-art humanoids, probably as the advertisements of the robotics industry and their own advanced technologies. Surely, such humanoids can attract public attention. Contrary to their expectations, however, the general public may worry that robotics engineers must be taught not to waste funds.

Friday. October 22, 2010
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal, a rice ball and a side dish of salad for lunch, and pieces of Central Market's pizza for dinner.

Saturday, October 23, 2010
Got up at nine-thirty in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal and a side dish of salad for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. Stayed at home for the entire day.

Sunday, October 24, 2010
Got up at eight forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal and a side dish of salad for lunch. Went out shopping at several stores. Two bottles of zinc supplements and two pieces of frozen whole pizzas were purchased at a store of Target. Repaired a broken blower and cleaned out both the garage and the patio of my house using it this evening. Ate a Japanese one-pot meal for dinner.

Three servants of the devils were hanging around the Gateway area about one week before the US Midterm Election. This time, two of them are Koreans, and the remaining is an African American. Their acts happened to let fall a hint that who the devils are. Some of the minor devils seem to be unattractive politicians and comedians. Most of the devil's servants are made up of the Asian pressure groups. Their usual measures are always hyena and vulture's ways of doping.
Today's occurrences reminded me of what had happened at the Fairmount Hotel in Washington DC on 16 and 17 May 2006. My wife sent me the following email about it on April 30, 2009:

Some people who had experienced great hardship have written the memoir. A famous person's wife is one of them. I feel sorry about what happened to her.
My husband always tells me whatever happened to him, except classified information about business. For example, when he visited D.C. to attend a kind of meeting and gala, he told me over the telephone that a strange woman spoke to him in the hotel lobby. I'm happy that he is not such a man to fall into a trap.
By the way, in the summer of 2005, my husband and I invited a female Japanese student who stayed in Austin as an intern for dinner at a restaurant and it was all that happened.
--------Naoko Shiho

As my wife wrote in her email above, a strange woman who represented herself as a Korean tried to get to know me with an eye on mine at the lobby of the Fairmount Hotel just after both my check-in to at hotel and my registration for a meeting and a gala were completed that afternoon. She introduced herself as a Democrat supporter and presented her business card. She disturbed my pleasant rest on a lazy afternoon in late spring, by talking about her views on political matters without asking my permission for about fifteen to thirty minutes. It occurred to me that she might be either a lobbyist or the other shady woman. Within an hour after her unilateral talk with me in the lobby, my wife heard that occurrence related to a self-proclaimed Korean woman from me over the telephone, as my wife wrote in her email.
The next day at a meeting, a Korean woman suddenly entered the meeting room in the middle, talked to me about something one-sidedly in a little while, and then went to have a seat at the very front part of the meeting room. After that, other senior Asian women also appeared in a conference room, and one of them asked a presenter several meaningless questions about some energy issues. A presenter gave no answer to her questions and addressed questions to other attendees.
After the meeting, I attended the gala and then shook hands with the US President that evening, stayed in a room at the Fairmount Hotel that night, and got home the next day of the gala.
    Forty years old (~165 pounds)
Thinking back to the past, an African American group has persistently followed my wife and me in those days. It seems to me that there are some similarities between our situations in those days and now.

BTW, my wife received a card from me and she threw it into a trashcan at our house a couple of days after my visit to Washington DC. Within my knowledge, I have never made a pass at any non-Japanese woman in my life. I have never been unfaithful to my wife, as written several times previously.

Monday, October 25, 2010
Got up at seven-fifteen in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal and a side dish of salad for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

It seems that Korean capitalists in the US have learned how to tame American politicians from Chinese capitalists, mainly Vietnamese capitalists, Chinese capitalists in Hong Kong, and Taiwanese capitalists. For quite a long period of time, the tamed US politicians have been acting in order to bring many benefits to their homelands and to be hostile to their adversaries. As well known, they used to get into favor with the Representatives. As their economic powers grow more, they have gradually become adventurous and have tried to help raise larger campaign funds for candidates for the Senate and even for the presidency.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Got up at seven-fifteen in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal and a side dish of salad for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

A fellowship group, some members of which support or belong to the Democrats in the US and the Labour Party in the UK while holding up anti-Establishment thought, may believe that the country that used to pursue an imperialistic policy long ago should owe the people who are originally from its former colonies. Based on the reason above, the politicians in the US whom Asian pressure groups including their Japanese endorsers tend to raise anti-Japanese feelings, as their usual measures.
Some sorts of members in a fellowship group always form a group, meddle in affairs, blackmail an opponent one after another, and disappear into the crowd of a group when inconvenient. As long as they are targeting a group, they might be justified in doing such dirty ways. When they go after an individual, however, their ways of doping are just nasty and cowardly. Indeed, they behave like people possessed of devils.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Got up at eight-fifteen in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal and a side dish of salad for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

    "This is an interesting topic found in the BBC online news today". The following are my comments on it:
My wife, who studied especially in children's literature at a University during her graduate school days, told me previously that in response to an interviewer's question that a ring of both The Lord of the Rings Trilogy and The Hobbit is a metaphor for nuclear energy, Prof. J. R. R. Tolkien answered that it isn't. In disregard of his comment, however, some readers have believed that Prof. Tolkien used the word a ring as a metaphor for a nuclear weapon. Indeed, every reader has the freedom to interpret novels how he/she likes. In any case, it's certain that a ring shouldn't represent the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

There are several ways to categorize societies in the world. One of the most important categorizations is based on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. One group doesn't support the use of nuclear reactors for peaceful purposes, and the other does support it. The former group is mostly made up of a majority of people in some aggressive countries that are currently or have often been at war and have already possessed their nuclear weapons. The latter group is mainly made up of a portion of people in some less aggressive countries that aren't currently at war and have already possessed their nuclear weapons, and a portion of people in many other countries that haven't yet possessed their nuclear weapons. Here, people who aren't interested in this matter are excluded.
The former group doesn't like the peaceful uses of nuclear energy simply because the widespread of nuclear reactors is inconvenient for its member countries. To put it plainly, the widespread of nuclear reactors could widen the scope of risk of the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Especially, the exports of nuclear reactors to some opponents of the countries in the former cannot be overlooked, though all of the countries in the former are already armed with nuclear weapons. There should have been a large number of adverse criticisms of their unfairness and egoism. In the late1970s, the former realized possible risks related to nuclear terrorism and decided to abandon the peaceful uses of nuclear energy while maintaining their nuclear weapons in their arsenals. Instead of the use of nuclear reactors, the former decided to continue to rely on coal-fired power plants and to pursue alternative sources of energy such as wind power and solar power for electricity generation. Different from their expectation at that time, however, some grave problems have arisen. The increase of the world demand for energy is much beyond their expectation because of both excess increase in world population up to 6.9 billion and rapid progress in the developments of several developing countries with large populations. The possible changes in the Earth's climate have been beginning to worry people. The situation of the energy and the ecology issues are currently worsening. If these problems unexpected in the 1970s hadn't arisen, their decisions about three decades ago might have been justified and agreed upon. An undeniable fact is that the former group will never force all of the countries in the latter group into compliance because some countries in the latter are powerful advanced countries.
The latter group has a penchant for the peaceful uses of nuclear energy because most of the countries in the latter don't have any serious opponents in the world presently. Some of the advanced countries in the latter have been advancing both the safety and the performance of nuclear reactors. Especially, the nuclear-fuel-rich countries want to move ahead with the peaceful uses of nuclear energy for their own benefits eagerly. Unfortunately for the former group, some of the advanced countries in the latter group have ever sold their nuclear reactors to the opponents of the former group and the friendly nations of its opponents. Those trades might have led to some conflicts among large countries on both sides, out of the public eye in a variety of ways.
Considering based on the above-mentioned facts, what has to be carried out are the reconciliations of the countries in the former group with their opponents, as early and sincerely as possible. The former group should be incited to violence and vice versa. The countries in the latter group should refrain from exporting any nuclear reactor to the countries with unstable political conditions until the former attains some progress in peacemaking in the future, hopefully in the near future.
The recent maneuvers made by the former group in order to throw away the funds, the good and the efficient uses of which have to be made, in vain seem to be too inferior. They just don't want the funds to be used for the areas rather inconvenient for them, especially for the advancements of the technologies of nuclear fission and fusion reactors. These sorts of acts by ways of stirring up pressure groups, political groups, entertainment and manufacturing industries, academic organizations, and charitable institutions to the disturbances aren't necessary at all. They should set their wits not to hinder the advancements of the necessary technologies but to achieve the peacemaking processes.

Thursday, October 28, 2010
Got up at seven-fifteen in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal and a side dish of salad for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner.

Who should be a good example for people in the world, a simple-minded straightforward person, a complex-minded scheming person, or another type of person? Naturally, there should be many various opinions. The answer varies depending upon the when and the where. There have to exist diverse people in character in the world.
My role model is a complex-minded straightforward person, who understands the fine points of strategies, uses knowledge for self-defense, and behaves simply, calmly, and sincerely.

Friday, October 29, 2010
Got up at seven-thirty in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal and a side dish of salad for lunch. Went out shopping at a grocery store this evening. Ate pieces of Archer Farms' pizza for dinner.

Saturday, October 30, 2010
Got up at nine forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal and a side dish of salad for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. Stayed at home for the entire day.

Sunday, October 31, 2010
Got up at ten-fifteen in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal, a rice ball and a side dish of salad for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner. Stayed at home for the entire day.

A beckoning cat is a sort of object that it is hoped will bring fortune. A beckoning cat is a very popular good luck charm in Japan. In most of the sushi restaurants in other countries outside Japan, a beckoning cat is mostly placed near a cash desk. There is a small difference in the look of a beckoning cat between the US and Japan. A beckoning cat in the US has a rather tasteless face. Probably, it's designed not to scare American children.
In China, a statue of the valiant warlord "Guan Yu", who is one of the strongest steadfast warriors found in Sanguo Zhi, one of two sworn brothers of Liu Bei and became a famous general of Shu in the Tree Kingdoms period, is placed near the entrance of many Chinese restaurants. Guan Yu is over 7 feet tall (cf. Wikipedia), has a ruddy face and long whiskers, and carries a huge "Blue Dragon" broadsword. Guan-di Miao is the mausoleum that worships Guan Yu as a Taoism deity. Different from a Japanese beckoning cat, it is hoped that a statue of Guan Yu will protect fortune.