About Me

My photo
Okaya, Nagano Prefecture, Japan

July 2010

Thursday, July 1, 2010
Got up at eight-fifteen in the morning. It's a rainy day. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and an American meal for dinner.

Friday, July 2, 2010
Got up at six-fifteen in the morning. It's a rainy day too.

The data on the hard disk connected to my computer vanished probably after this diary on my blog site was updated last night. However, most of the vanished data have already been recovered, fortunately. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and pieces of Central Market's pizza for dinner.

Saturday, July 3, 2010
Got up at nine o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch. Went out shopping at grocery stores this afternoon. Ate a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

Sunday, July 4, 2010
Today is Independence Day. Got up at ten o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a dish of Japanese noodles for dinner. Stayed at home for the entire day.

Monday, July 5, 2010
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a Japanese-style meal for dinner.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Got up at seven-thirty in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a Japanese-style meal for dinner.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a Japanese-style meal for dinner.
Fortunately, the shrubs that are planted for ornament by the front door of my house have been recovering from a disease, thanks to the treatment with disease control.

The following letter was sent to some agents of Coldwell Banker this evening:
Ladies and Gentlemen,

The following is information on my house:
12720 Twisted Briar Ln. Austin, TX 78729
Size                        2568 sq ft
Year Built              1996

Sold at         N/A
Listing Price           $239,900 in 2010 (May)
Listing Price           $229,900 in 2010 (June)
House Price (Tax)   $259,703 in 2009        
House Price (Tax)   $272,852 in 2008
House Price (Tax)   $259,056 in 2007

Eppraisal Price        $241,271 in 2010
Cyberhomes Price   $249,122 in 2010

The following is information on the two houses in my neighborhood which were sold in 2009:
Real Estate [A] in Timberwood
Size                        2305 sq ft
Year Built              1996

Sold at        ~$238,461 in 2009 (May)
Listing Price           $249,900 in 2009

House Price (Tax)   $250,586 in 2008
House Price (Tax)   $234,648 in 2007

Eppraisal Price        $223,271 in 2010
Cyberhomes Price   $229,367 in 2010

Real Estate [B] in Timberwood
Size                        2280 sq ft
Year Built              1998

Sold at         ~$244,745 in 2009 (April)
Listing Price            N/A        in 2009

House Price (Tax)   $255,076 in 2008
House Price (Tax)   $242,633 in 2007

Eppraisal Price[Ref] $241,271 in 2010
Cyberhomes Price   $233,175 in 2010

    Compared to the above-listed trade information of two houses in the subdivision of Timberwood last year, both the previous listing price and the latest listing price of my house are rather cheap. It seems to me that the appropriate listing price of my house should be in the range of $260,000 ~ $270,000, targeting the selling price of $250,000 ~ $260,000. It's found out recently that Eppraisal and Cyberhomes estimate the prices of my house at $241,271 and $249,122, respectively.
    However, the original listing price of my house was set to be $239,900, because one of my neighborhood's houses wasn't shown to advantage. That house still makes a poor show. The other reason why a low price was set is that the listing price for my house that you suggested to me is very low ($219,400 ~ $229,400).
    So far, you have shown my house to only one family and two buyer's agents for the last two months. On my own decision, the listing price of my house dropped down to $229,900 by $10,000 early in June 2010 because of too few numbers of visits from possible buyers to my house. It is my belief that the further price reduction from $229,900 doesn't make sense.  It's doubtful that the US real estate business has turned progressively worse since spring last year and has turned so worse since the end of the period valid for a tax credit in spring this year.
     Last Thursday, although you made an appointment for a showing, no person visited my house for information during my being out of the home. It seems to me that unmanly dishonest behaviors by other people outside your and my business are rampant around. Your frank opinion will always be welcomed.

Property information on my house can be found on a website of Realtor.com.

Yasuhito Shiho

Cf. Selling prices above are estimated, on the basis that a selling price is approximately equal to a price for property tax in the same year.

Thursday, July 8, 2010
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

In Japan, a height-measuring device, which looks like a pair of giant vernier calipers (nonius), is generally used when one's height is taken. My height is accurately 6 feet 1 inch.
On the other hand, in the US, a height-measuring device isn't so popular. One's height is mostly measured without taking one's shoes off. It's often measured with the ruler put up on the wall, without using any vernier. Here, my height can be about 6 feet 3 inches including both the height of the sole of a shoe and the puff of hair additionally when an American style height-measuring method is used. This is why my height on my previous driver's license was 6 feet 3 inches. An employee of the Texas Department of Transportation measured it when my driver's license was renewed in the spring of 2001.

The following letter was sent to Coldwell Banker Real Estate Corporation this evening:
Dear President and Chief Executive Officer of Coldwell Banker Real Estate Corporation, Mr. Jim R. Gillespie,

    The letter is addressed to Mr. Jim R. Gillespie because it's questionable whether the unfair business practices that are widespread these days may be involved in the transaction in my real estate prepared by an agent of Coldwell Banker Real Estate Corporation. Unfortunately, Asian pressure groups, especially in the local community, have ever been hindering my businesses in various ways by approaching and instigating some American groups including other minority and religious groups for the last decade and longer. There seems to be a great possibility that they have persistently been bothering me in this transaction of real estate.

    Two houses in my neighborhood in the same subdivision were sold at prices nearly equal to or lower than their house prices for property taxes by about $10.000 last year. However, one of your real estate agents suggested the listing price for my house of $219,400 ~ $229,400, which is lower than the house price for property taxes of my house by about $30.000 ~ $ 40.000 (12% ~ 16%), to me. He has shown my house to only one family and two buyer's agents for the last two months. It's doubtful that the US real estate business has turned progressively so worse since spring last year.

    I would appreciate it if you could help your agent and me resolve these dealings.

Sincerely Yours,
Yasuhito Shiho

Friday, July 9, 2010
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and pieces of California Pizza Kitchen's pizza for dinner.

Saturday, July 10, 2010
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal and a piece of pizza for lunch, and a Japanese-style meal for dinner.

Looked after the front and backyards of my house. During mowing, the blades of my lawn mower accidentally got the rubber hose that a neighbor left in my yard. Stayed at home for the entire day.

Sunday, July 11, 2010
Got up at eight-thirty in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch. Went out shopping at grocery stores this afternoon. Although it's uncertain where the responsibility for a small damage to the hose lies, it was repaired on my responsibility. Today, it's found out that another neighbor has also left its rubber hose near the borderline between its yard and my yard, by a strange coincidence. Fortunately, the hose is undamaged because it's placed outside my yard. Ate a Japanese-style one-pot meal for dinner.
According to a real estate website, the average Austin local, Texas state, and US national home values as of now are nearly equal to those about this time last year. The price of my house for property tax in 2010 is also nearly equal to that in 2009.

Monday, July 12, 2010
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a Japanese-style meal for dinner.

Today, eppraisal.com, which provides home values, neighborhood information, and real estate market analysis, isn't available. The real estate information about the Eppraisal price can be found at the website disappeared, too. It seems that those are rather large-scale concealments, actually. Who did those acts? As always, their ways of doing are satanic.

    "This is an interesting topic found in the BBC online news today". The following are my comments on it:
For the last decades, various improvements in the field of the development of fighter aircraft, especially in electronic control systems and stealth technologies, have been made. While aircraft have become far more sophisticated than they used to be, their maneuverability hasn't made striking progress because of the limitations of the pilot's physical strength. Potentially, the concept of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) may enable to boost the maneuverability of airplanes significantly in the near future. However, the UAV has a potential problem. The remote control of the UAV may be jammed rather easily. A hacker may be able to hijack it remotely. Therefore, in this stage, the UAV can be effective against only an unmodernized adversary, as long as it has to be controlled wirelessly. A breakthrough technology may fix this problem in the future.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

Today, the website of eppraisal.com became available.

A breakthrough technology in the UAV may be artificial intelligence. Probably, it will take a considerably long time to bring an aerial vehicle equipped with AI to completion. As well known, a computer perfectly defeated a chess champion about one decade and a half ago. Only for a specialized task such as plane-to-plane combat that is much more complicated than a game of chess, a computer will be able to defeat an ace pilot sometime in the future. For the multipurpose missions that require flexible responses, however, it seems that a human pilot will still have the advantages over a computer.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a Japanese-style meal for dinner.

At about 4:30 AM this morning, my wife told me that there was an intruder knocking loudly on the wall of my house again. She guessed that it might knock at the metal gutter. That raccoon came back.

The following letter was sent to some agents of Coldwell Banker this evening:

The reason why your estimation ($223,200 to $227,700) of my real estate is lower than the real estate price for property tax, the eppraisal price ($245,559), and cyberhomes price ($249,122) are that you used 1 to 2 miles radius. The radius of 1 to 2 miles is too large in one sense and too small in the other sense.
What you have ever shown me is the average value of the latest selling prices of the real estate, the conditions and sizes of which are comparable to my real estate, in all subdivisions in a 1 to 2-mile radius. In the circular area with a radius of 1 to 2 miles centering on my real estate, the subdivision of Timberwood, where my real estate belongs, is one of the subdivisions far above standard. The average real estate price of Timberwood is higher than those of adjoining subdivisions by about $100.000 (40%). Therefore, the averaging of the real estate prices in all subdivisions in the area with a radius of 1 to 2 miles results in a very low price.

It seems to me that the following evaluation method gives us a more accurate real estate price than your method gave:
Set a wider range to search homes, for instance, 3, 5, or 10 miles, depending on the difficulty of sampling comparable real estate.
Select the subdivisions, the average real estate prices of which are nearly equal to the subdivision where the targeted real estate is located.
Select the real estate compared to the targeted one in conditions and size, only in the" selected" subdivision above.
Then, average the latest selling prices of the "selected" real estate in the "selected" subdivisions.

If there exists enough sample data of the real estate that is recently sold in the same subdivision as the targeted one exists to estimate its price, the average selling price of the "selected" real estate in the same subdivision gives us the highest accuracy.

According to some real estate websites, the average Austin local, Texas state, and US national real estate values as of now are nearly equal to those about this time last year. The price of my real estate for property tax in 2010 was also nearly equal to that in 2009. These facts tell that both the prices for tax and the selling prices have been almost unchanged for the last year.
It seems that taking the two transactions for neighboring real estate in Timberwood last year into consideration on the assumption that a selling price is approximately equal to a price for property tax in the same year, the selling price of my real estate of $250,000 to $260,000 is reasonable, if there is no negative factor outside my jurisdiction, such as the condition of a neighboring real estate. With due regard to such a factor, the original listing price of $239,900 was decided. Indeed, both the eppraisal and cyberhomes prices of my real estate are located in the middle of these two values (between $255,000 and $239,900). This is my understanding that the proposal prepared by Coldwell Banker has been made to sell my real estate at the bargain price of $229,900 for the last month or so.

Your frank opinion will always be welcomed.

Yasuhito Shiho

Thursday, July 15, 2010
Got up at six-thirty in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a Japanese-style meal for dinner.

Today, one of my blog sites can't be accessed for some unknown reason. It's just my imagination that someone blocked it. To my knowledge, there is no expression in my blog sites objected to by the censors.

It's my belief that the artificial manipulation of real estate prices is a sort of imposture. As well known, the manipulation of real estate prices upward leads to a bubble economy. The big bubble of housing wealth led by countless numbers of excessively speculative buying and fabricated reselling, especially among insiders, aiming only at the boosting of the real estate prices for benefit has to be regulated by the administration to some extent at the early stage, long before it bursts. The regulation of such transactions by the administration, for example by adding special taxes, isn't imposture, naturally. Indeed, such regulations may trigger the burst of an existing swollen bubble when their enforcement is abrupt and past remedy. A soft landing is always desirable for the economy.
It seems that, on the other side, the equalizing of the real estate price by artificial manipulations advances the tendency toward socialism. As a matter of course, it will lead to an economic slump.
A free market with "limited" controls by the government to prevent future economic collapse is desirable. Any excess control is unwelcome.

Friday, July 16, 2010
Got up at four-thirty in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and pieces of Central Market's pizza for dinner. It's a scorching day.

Saturday, July 17, 2010
Got up at four-thirty in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch. Went out shopping at grocery stores this afternoon. Ate a Japanese-style meal for dinner. It's a scorching day.

The denouement of a nasty event was moved forward by one month exactly. What would happen for the next month instead of it is uncertain.

Sunday, July 18, 2010
Got up at five o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner. Looked after the front and backyards of my house. Stayed at home for the entire day. It's terribly hot today.

Monday, July 19, 2010
Got up at six o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a Japanese-style meal for dinner.
    "This is an interesting topic found in the BBC online news today". The following are my comments on it:
Currently, any newly developed laser weapon doesn't possess enough power to shoot down a flying object such as an aircraft and missile "in a moment". A laser weapon is too large in size for airborne purposes. It consumes a massive amount of energy while generating wasteful heat in a system, the dissipation of which has to be carried out indispensably without melting itself.
When the efficiency ratio of the energy conversion from electricity into a laser of either a solid-state or a gas laser improves beyond a certain level, a laser weapon will become more practical in the future. In a new phase, a laser weapon could hold a dominant position over any others.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Got up at six o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a Japanese-style meal for dinner.

For the last three months, several prankish messages about the unknown order for photos at Walgreens have been left on my answering machine. Today, a naughty message about the same matter was left. No order for our photos has been given since the late period of 2008 until now.
These prankish messages remind me of previous mischievous acts by unidentified groups. The color of all of my wife's and my photos printed by Sony's, HP's, and other photoprint services in 2006 and 2007 were darkened to an unacceptable degree. An unnaturally edited photo is undesirable. My wife thinks that some American minorities, Japanese, Indian, and other Asians have been pulling strings behind the scenes. Since then until 2008, the orders for our photos had been placed at the Eastman Kodak website because of the best quality of its photoprint image.

    "This is an interesting topic found in the Times News today". The following are my comments on it:
It's just a transit point for China. In the near future, China will consume two, three, four, or five times more energy than the US does, simply because China's population is about five times larger than the US's. India's population is comparable to China's. The total population of ASEAN is about two times larger than the US's population. The overall population of China, India, and ASEAN is about 3 billion surprisingly. Both the economies and energy demands of the above-mentioned countries in Asia which sustain about half of the world population are currently growing at an accelerated pace, as well known. Their energy demands can double, triple, quadruple, or quintuple in the near future. Moreover, the world population is growing very rapidly and may reach 10 billion by 2050.
At today's usage rates, the proven reserves of fossil fuels can satisfy our energy needs for the next 50 to 150 years. While the reserves of fossil fuels continue to be discovered for a while, the global growth of the demand for energy is already or will soon be faster than that of the supply of energy gained with the newly discovered reserves of fossil fuels. The day when all of the fossil fuels on the earth will be drained isn't far distant unless the situation changes.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Got up at six-fifteen in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a Central Market's meal for dinner.

Thursday, July 22, 2010
Got up at six-fifteen in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a Japanese-style meal for dinner.

It seems that one takes the role of a baby face and the other takes the role of a heel in professional wrestling. A senior crafty wrestler who has strengthened both by training the former, especially in finance, and giving the latter a dangerous weapon with or without knowing it for the last two decades is recently setting the former on to fight with the latter somehow. A society that both a senior wrestler and a junior baby face belong to is currently trying to rouse a spectator's hostilities toward a heel.
An awkward show may continue without leading to any hard brawl and without dragging some neighboring spectators into it for quite some time. A heel, whose favorite tactics are threats and chicaneries, shouldn't be a successful example in order to prevent copycat crimes by its followers in the rings of professional wrestling on the other side of the earth.
Needless to say, this sort of show doesn't entertain me, at all.

PS Most professional wrestling shows have some elements of entertainment. However, some of them are serious martial arts.

Friday, July 23, 2010
Got up at six o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and pieces of California Pizza Kitchen's pizza for dinner.

    "This is an interesting topic found in the BBC online news today". The following are my comments on it:
The top quark may have been generated and would soon be identified in Europe also. It's like a sort of magic with the equivalence principle between mass and energy that the collision between a proton and an antiproton or between two protons at a speed close to the speed of light may lead to the creation of a top quark, the mass of which (top mass) is about 186 times larger than the mass of the proton.
So far, however, the Higgs boson has not been found yet.

Saturday, July 24, 2010
Got up at six o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a Japanese-style meal for dinner. Stayed at home for the entire day.

The top quark is one of the quarks, which include all sub-atomic particles that interact by means of the strong force. The top quark is the heaviest quark, its electric charge is +2e/3, its spin is 1/2 and its baryon number is 1/3. In 1994, the existence of the top quark was experimentally confirmed at the Fermi Laboratory.
The quark has six flavors, namely "Top" as cited above, "Bottom", "Up", "Down", "Strange" and "Charm". Although the quarks have not been directly observed, the existence of all six types of quarks has already been confirmed in particle accelerators around the world.
Truly, the choices of some words used in the field of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) such as "flavor", "strange" and "charm" are very cheerful. One flavor has the strangeness of –1 and another flavor has the charm of +1. These words sound like the properties of either foods or fragrances. It's unknown whether some strict senior physicists wore discontented looks because of these naming those days.

Sunday, July 25, 2010
Got up at six-thirty in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch. Went out shopping at grocery stores this afternoon. Ate a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

Monday, July 26, 2010
Got up at six o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a Japanese-style meal for dinner. It rained heavily and the ground was soaked with water down to the depth of the tree roots this evening.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Early this morning (about 5:00 AM), a neighbor had given a number of loud coughs. As written previously, more than half a year after my coughing stopped in 2005, the Asian pressure groups and their American partners had started giving coughs theatrically taking the trouble to come near my desk with a meaning. The shrubs that are planted for ornament by the front door of my house have been recovering from a disease, since good disease control has been applied to them since June 2010. Last year, a disease of the shrubs wasn't caused due to the growth of fungus but by the spraying of inadequate pest control.

Got up at seven o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

It needs no saying that the management of the funds is very important. The imprudent broadcast sowings of the funds especially for popularity and award-seeking by politicians and public figures under the clothing of charity have to be avoided. In many cases, it seems that the funds have ever been used in vain without obtaining my approval so far. It is intolerable that some foolish uses of the funds might have threatened our peace and the world peace.
All of the Mephistophelean people responsible for deceptions by imposing some absurd rules and opinions on me at the meetings or through mass media for the purpose of the broadcast sowings of the funds have to be punished appropriately. The funds that have ever been spent upon such injudicious purposes must be restituted.

From 1997 until 2000, some employees of Sony had come near to me and muttered that they were obstructing my actions in order to prevent my monopolizing or something.
People who graduated from technical colleges in Japan have told me many annoying topics from 1997 until 2001. One of them told me proudly that his teacher advised him to behave politically and have the last laugh in society. That guy also told that he would like to take up another employment by bringing information for in-company use as the attractive bait. Another person who graduated from a technical college recommended Sony's products to me several times those days. He was sent to jail for a reason. It's uncertain whether they were involved in a scramble for the funds or not.
It goes without saying that my relations with female (present- and former-) employees and interns at both Motorola and Freescale Semiconductor are very clean. There is no custom of shaking hands with Japanese employees for greeting. Some little birds told me that the Asian pressure groups and their American partners spread some make-up stories about my relations with women from 1997 until recently. It seems that the reason why they disseminated such rumors is that they tried to defraud me of a position or to use the funds for their convenience.
One of my co-workers who is a Canadian and used to work at Hokkaido University told me that he would like to work for Sony sometime in 2004. He may be still undecided. Instead of Sony's product, the publicity women and men who advertised Apple's products and Motorola's products had very frequently wandered around me everywhere from 2004 until 2008. Recently, publicity men of Japanese automobiles have been busy in pushing me its products.  It seems that too much of a hard advertisement is counterproductive.

Any use of the funds in the development of cell phones, smartphones, hybrid vehicles, electric vehicles, semiconductor chips, supercomputers, satellites, space stations, new energies, and robots, the advances of medical and science areas, the assistances of developing nations including foundry companies, and the aids to the disaster areas have never met with my approval. Therefore, all of the funds have to be returned.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Got up at five-thirty in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a Japanese-style meal for dinner. It rained very heavily and the ground was soaked with water deep down below the depth of the tree roots today.

The Asian pressure groups and their American partners have recently become more careful about what they do than previously. However, some of them still hinder my Internet access sometimes. It seems that the Earthlink Internet provider, which has offered me its service for the last eleven years or so, has conspired together them. It is to be desired that Earthlink has never disturbed my privacy.

The Asian pressure groups and their American partners have ever tried to impose their views on me behind my back by searching my wife's and my purchases and our Internet accesses for our likings and by choosing only what is convenient for them for their frame-ups. They have also tried to obtrude the unpleasant view of me that my being just a viewer is my wish. This view isn't right.

Thursday, July 29, 2010
Got up at six forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a Western meal for dinner.

The online news sites of USA Today, which Gannett Company publishes, sometimes carry strange topics. Today, it reported on the prices of real estate. One topic says, "Homes will sell… if priced right". It's quite reasonable. The other says, "Is your house worth what you think?" It's rather menacing.
According to Wikipedia, the present CEO & chairman of Gannet Company graduated from UT Austin. Well, it seems like a good idea that a community in Austin TX is trying to help sell my real estate at the right price (Eppraisal Price of $245,559, Cyberhomes Price of $249,609). The proposal to sell my real estate at the bargain price of $229,900 has been made on the market, as written previously. They may think that its current pricing is too low.
According to the website of eppraisal.com, the average Austin local, Texas state, and US national home values dropped down to "$0.00" surprisingly in June 2010. Have you ever heard on the grapevine that there has been any socialist or communist revolution broke out in the US recently? It should be either just an error or a mischief.

    "This is an interesting topic found in the BBC online news today". The following are my comments on it:
Some researchers and their patrons want to believe that there could be a possibility of fossil fuels existing in the deep underground of the planet Mars. It seems to me that its possibility is very small at this stage. However, it isn't zero.
Even if fossil fuels were to exit on Mars, interplanetary transportation of them from Mars to Earth couldn't be commercially practical notwithstanding its possibility. In other words, the cost of interplanetary transportation of fossil fuels is higher than the price of transporting fossil fuels. Probably, there exists uranium on another planet. An interplanetary transportation of nuclear fuels to the earth may be commercially practical because of their high energy efficiency (energy gain per unit mass). However, the transportation of nuclear fission fuels to the earth involves considerable danger. When a cargo ship enters the atmosphere of the earth, an accident may lead to a catastrophe. Some of the nuclear fusion fuels, for example, Helium-3 for the D-He3 reactor, that are rare on the earth and aren't fatally poisonous may be rather safely transported to the earth. Therefore, in terms of energy resources, people should mostly be self-sufficient on the earth.
Mankind may need to outsource rare resources such as precious metals, rare earth elements, etc. from other planets and satellites in the future. It seems that our needs for the other types of base materials such as Fe, Al, Li, Na, Zn, Ti, Mg, Ca, plastics, etc. can be satisfied with recycling on the earth.

Friday, July 30, 2010
Got up at six o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and pieces of Central Market's pizza for dinner.

In retrospect, about a month before my marriage to my wife at the end of 2001, my wife told me that she had a relative who was a member of the Imperial family of Japan. That was her misunderstanding. Really, what she told me surprised my mother and me those days.
A true story is that the wife of my wife's uncle is a descendant of a samurai. My wife is neither a member of the Imperial family nor a descendant of a samurai. Indeed, peers and peerage shall not be recognized in the Constitution of Japan.

   "This is an interesting topic found in the BBC online news today". The following is my comment on it:
A bright spot in this incident compared to the explosion of an oil pipeline in Dalian is that there is no leaking oil and no catching fire on the tanker. Probably, the side plating of the tanker is thick enough to endure the impact.

Saturday, July 31, 2010
Got up at six forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch. Went out shopping at a grocery store and a BBQ restaurant this afternoon. Ate a BBQ meal for dinner.

Today the maximum temperature was 101 degrees F (38.3 degrees C).

"This is an interesting topic found in the BBC online news today". The following are my comments on it:
It's about the size of a melon (8" in diameter, 18.6" in circumference) surprisingly. According to the news sources, their impacts made several holes in the roofs of some residences in a region of South Dakota on July 23, 2010. Hailstones can form and grow to the size of a golf ball or larger in cumulonimbus and/or while falling from it. In my guess, before hailstones of golf ball size reach the ground, they ride a strong ascending air current, gather together by coincidence, and then become hailstones in the size of a melon in a cold atmosphere, and then fall again after an ascending air current stops. This may be just a sort of dubious story.
However, it's obvious that the impact of any giant natural hailstone can't leave a large dent in the side plating of the tanker. It might be a hit-and-run.