About Me

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Okaya, Nagano Prefecture, Japan

October 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a Japanese-style meal for dinner.

Actually, the colder climate suits my health because my native country is Japan. However, my health condition is rather sensitive to a change in temperature. In most cases, a change of season has sometimes hurt my health since my childhood. Catching a cold often upsets my stomach during sleep.

Thinking back to the past, during the summer of 2003, a series of duties kept me quite busy as always. A Chinese coworker whom some radical feminist and liberalist groups backed up made me very busy frantically for some unknown reason. That summer the office temperature, especially around my desk, was kept so low that either an overcoat or a sweater had to be worn. The temperature out of doors was above 90 degrees F (32 degrees C) and that nearby my desk at the office might be kept below 50 degrees F (10 degrees C). It's my understanding that overworking for a long time in a very cold room, especially in Texas in the mid-summer of 2003, ruined my health condition badly. Even now, the cold air of air-conditioning sometimes causes both a shiver and a dull headache. Overworking in a stressful working environment led me to an autonomic imbalance. Once "the coughing with phlegm" started, it wouldn't stop those days, especially when lying down on the bed. My persistent coughing was associated with tough phlegm in the throat.

It escaped my notice those days that some radical feminist and liberalist groups here gained influence and considered hard work, automation, efficiencies, and simulations as badness simply because a type of management could potentially reduce their jobs while uttering this slogan and adopting these methods. They tend to love a more socialistic society even though they know its problems. A frenzy of such groups intentionally took the offensive acts in the rear.

Had taken some prescribed medications from late 2003 until 2004 or 2005. TRICOR, ALTACE, and HYGROCHLOROT were regularly taken for the purpose of the reduction of both blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It's safer to work on the assumption that no medicines are entirely free of side effects, as well known. According to the instructions, ALTACE may cause a "dry cough" as a side effect. NEXIUM was added to my medications in order to suppress my coughing due to a possible problem in my digestive system. After waiting for quite a while, my cough didn't stop. Then, ALTACE was first given up. Some time in either 2004 or 2005, all the rest medications of mine were stopped because it seemed to me that lowering my weight was better than taking those. Probably, taking ALTACE wasn't the cause of my obstructive cough because it's known to lead to dry cough. It's uncertain whether taking all of these medicines together had any influence on my health or not.

During this period, medical examinations didn't detect any infectious diseases relating to coughing in my body. Many protective inoculations including whooping cough, MMR, etc. were vaccinated in my babyhood and childhood. Many additional vaccinations against several diseases including varicella, Hib, influenza and etc. and a medical examination including HIV test were done as a part of the process to obtain permanent residence in the US in 2001. Needless to say, the result of HIV test was negative (see below).

Improving workload management, wearing a down overcoat at the office, installing a heater on the backrest of my chair, covering the duct of air-conditioning over my desk with tapes, stopping any medications, taking supplements instead, taking a hot bath every evening and time healed my health to some extent and helped stop coughing some time in 2004.

A couple of months after my coughing stopped in the late 2004, an Indian coworker started giving a cough theatrically with implied meaning. It's still unknown what it meant. He left Austin Texas after a while in 2004. The Semiconductor Products Sector of Motorola was officially spun off from it at the end of 2004. Since the SPS's spin off until now, some groups have started making troubles for me more aggressively than before. More than half a year after my coughing stopped, in 2005, American female coworkers, Chinese coworkers, German coworkers, Taiwanese coworkers and other Indian coworkers also started giving coughs theatrically with taking the trouble to come near my desk with either the same implied meaning as before or a different meaning. After a certain period of time, the rule that they were following was realized. It seems that they intentionally gave coughs when the compass of my job responsibility was widened. Why can't people here speak more straightforwardly?

Time has healed my health condition gradually since then.

Friday, October 2, 2009
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and pieces of California Pizza Kitchen's pizza for dinner.

What would be the future leading industry? The future leading industry should have distinguishing features connecting to daily lives of majority of consumers and continue to satisfy their necessities for a long period. As implied by the name, a leading industry should give birth to the business opportunities that other industries are able to enter.
The biotech and pharmaceutical industries may partially fulfill the requirements above, but it's uncertain whether these industries are able to lead the others. These industries are important for all of us and continue to grow. However, ethics and existing laws should limit their expansion. In the future, the biotech and pharmaceutical industries may rapidly expand in the country where there is no tight regulation on these matters, such as China. This vision for the future seems to be full of dangers.
The energy industry also fulfills the requirements above. The auto industry, the computer IT industry and the electrical appliance industry have stood in necessity of high battery capacity ardently. For example, the development of the battery, which currently belongs to the electrical appliance industry, has already enabled it to release many kinds of wireless gadgets and will also enable the auto industry to release practical electric cars with half a decade on the market. It can be said that the battery has led several industries, but it isn't a new concept and won't become a new industry itself. The idea that enables us to replace the existing electric grid potentially, such as fuel cell, may bear fruit and could change our life style in the future. Moving to this direction will energize other industries. However, it will require enormous expenses. Indeed, this is a higher-risk investment. 
The entertainment industry also satisfies the requirements above. It has ever been growing rigidly and continued to lead other industries. The gaming business seems to be almost unaffected by the recession. However, it seems to me that an expansion wouldn't be expected in the near future. This is a rather lower-risk investment.
The truth of the matter is that what we have seen recently and will continue to see for a quit long period is "the revivals of former leading industries" in "the rising counties" because the considerable investments have been flowing forward the rising countries. The auto industry, the computer IT industry, the electrical appliance industry, the apparel industry and other former leading industries have been growing and have lead other industries there. Obviously, the investments to familiar industries in rising countries entail lower risk, because they were proven to grow previously. Unfortunately, this situation should delay the rise of the future leading industry in the developed countries.
Who would invest their own funds to higher-risk industries in the developed countries?  Some investors will do, but the majority of them won't. This is a problem of capitalism.
The description above is my opinion on the present economic condition in terms of the future leading industry. What has to be done seems to be obvious. Briefly speaking, the answers are the right decisions on the future courses and the well holding of the reins. If trends toward the globalization of industries are the course of nature and have to continue, leaving bulls untended will deepen the seriousness. Instigating them to go will make the future situation worse increasingly.
Highly developed capitalistic nations have to bring in necessary elements from socialistic nations to some extent. On the contrary, communistic nations have to bring in necessary elements from capitalistic nations. It goes without saying that both nations shouldn't introduce unnecessary pernicious elements.
For highly capitalistic nations, more regulations on oversea businesses may be inevitable. It's obvious that these regulations cause inconvenience for currently successful multinational corporations. Such strong regulations that backlash against globalization might happen isn't necessary simply because they make the economy sluggish, as well known. Who on earth could set proper regulations, in order to avoid the relapses of the recession, the bubble economy, the environmental destruction, the Cold war structure and so on? An aggressive bull may irresponsibly say that the bubble economy and even the recession are necessary evils in a sense, and the environment and the world security aren't my business. Bulls don't want to be reined by the government but they may accept the control by themselves. The decision-makings on both the adjustments of the courses and the establishments of the regulations to hold/relax the reins by leaders of multinational corporations (head bulls) from not only the interests of a corporate and an industry points of view but also nationwide and worldwide points of view, in a longer view, at a Federation of Economic should be required. This is a less socialistic way. If bulls are left untended, the burst of bubble or the recession may return soon and environmental destruction may get more ugly.

Saturday, October 3, 2009
It's a rainy day. Got up at nine o'clock in the morning. Ate a Japanese rice bowl for lunch, and a bowl of Japanese noodles for dinner. Stayed at home for the entire day.

Sunday, October 4, 2009
It's a rainy day. Got up at ten o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch. Went out shopping at grocery stores this afternoon. Ate a dish of pasta for dinner.

My supportive political view in the US is slightly right of center and that in Japan is right of center. From the above and what was written the day before yesterday, my agreeable economic system is a well-balanced capitalism that brings in some necessary essences of socialism moderately, for a nation at the present time. My stance can't be the far right wing because of several reasons including animal welfare concerns. It seems that these opinions are quite ordinary. 
Let me write about a more interesting topic. As written previously, my ideal world system is World Federalism for the world either centuries or millenniums from now. Since my childhood, it has seemed to me that this is in the nature of things. The ancient philosophical schools, the Cynics and the Stoics first advocated World Federalism, in other words, Cosmopolitanism. After WWII, many proponents again called for this doctrine for the peace of the world. The following tells about my version of World Federalism. Although the doctrine of World Federalism is splendid, it's easily understandable that a rapid transition to World Federalism will trigger many conflicts around the world and may just bring chaos. Slowly and steady steps toward the unification of laws and systems, the equilibrium economy and security among nations, and the integration of defense systems under the unified nation, while maintaining diverse cultures, religions, and languages will lead the world to such an ideal system. Although the national borders have to be rigidly fortified currently, they will be gradually lowered when more equilibrium security is achieved over the world in the distant future. Capitalism, socialism, or communism can be in conformity with World Federalism. It seems that, during the transition period to a unified nation, the driving force of capitalism is necessary. In a unified nation, a more socialistic system is appropriate probably. In the early stage of the transition, the currencies of developed countries can be unified. The currency of a developing country after another will become a unified one when its development is completed to some extent. It seems that any exclusive doctrinal content of religions has to be softened, or removed if necessary, as the result of consultations. There's no doubt that it will take mankind quite a long time. The languages can be kept diverse because the advancement of the translation and mobile technologies will fix the problem in communication in the near future.
Actually, dreaming about an ideal future world while either taking a hot bath or dozing on the bed is a pleasant pastime. Thinking about a distant future world could help us realize what has to be done for the world decades from now and then what has to be done for the world years from now. Spending all their time immersed in power games between two major parties and among cliques only might be rather boring. 

Monday, October 5, 2009
Got up at eight-fifteen in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a Japanese-style meal for dinner.

Today, my wife found another hole in the window screen of her room. Someone might take another shot again when we went out shopping yesterday afternoon. Either a stone or a plastic/lead bullet hit the window covered with the window screen, again.

The necessary condition for the people who may gain my support is that we have something in common the goodness of human nature, opinions, tastes, shape, and so on. A person who thinks logically comes under this condition.
The sufficient condition for the people who may gain my support is that they have admirable characteristics hard to obtain, such as magnificent writing skills or a good family.
Whether the first generation, the second generation, or the third generation is meaningless to me.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Got up at seven-thirty in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a Japanese-style meal for dinner. Read a technical paper.

Attached below is the photocopy of the wire transfer form used for a transaction to send ¥250,000 to a Japanese Scholarship foundation in late 2007. Since 1995 until 2006, the returns of my Scholarship loan have been done yearly by automatic deduction from my bank account in Japan. In 2007 and 2009, the yearly amounts of my Scholarship loan were directly wire-transferred from my bank account in the US to a Japanese Scholarship foundation because of a shortage of the balance of my bank account in Japan. In 2008, the shortage of my bank account was temporarily solved by adding a small amount of money to it. An international Money Order was made and sent to my mother on September 4, 2008, as written in my diary. She cashed the Money Order at a local post office in Japan and then transferred it to my bank account.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

My surname, 志甫 (Shiho) isn't so common in Japan. My surname has the same Japanese reading as a rather ordinary first name of a Japanese woman. My grandfather was born and bred in Toyama-ken Japan. From what people say, my surname "Shiho" is somewhat ordinary there. According to a website, currently, there are only about 400 people in Japan and about 160 people in Toyama-ken, whose surnames are 志甫 (Shiho).
The source of the surname "Shiho" in Toyama-ken Japan is probably the name of one of the major pharmacies founded there in the Edo period. Some of them are descendants of a Toyama pharmacist, and ancestors of others might be named after it in the Meiji era. Toyama pharmacies were established in Toyama-han in the mid-term of the Edo period (1751-1763). Their medicines have been sold nationwide since then.
The uncommonness of my surname might give rise to confusion. Needless to say, my gender is male, and my nationality is Japanese. My grandmother was born and bred in Ishikawa-ken Japan. My maternal grandfather and grandmother were born and raised in Aomori-ken Japan. To my knowledge, all of my ancestors are Japanese. It's unknown where an ancestor of mine hundreds of generations back came from. Nobody knows.

My first name, 康仁 (Yasuhito) isn't so common, either. My father named my first name,
using a character 康 (Yasu) in the first name of him
and a character 仁 (Hito) in the personal names of the successive Emperors of Japan.

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Got up at six forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a Japanese-style meal for dinner.

Since late 2004, some radical elements of Asian groups and religious majority groups containing American feminists and liberalists have started making trouble for both my wife and me more aggressively than before. In order to exorcise evil spirits from the places around us, my visits to the places where conservative people usually gather were made several times over the last five years. The following shows those places in the US, Italy and Japan:
(1) Presidential Gala in Washington DC in May 2005
(2) Presidential Gala in Washington DC in May 2006
(3) St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican in November 2006
(4) The Imperial Palace Plaza in Tokyo Japan in December 2006

It seems that my visits to those places had no positive effects. Contrary to my expectations, my visits might have the opposite effect on those groups. Instead, some conservative people have surprisingly shown their liberal sides since then. It was a rather strange event, indeed.

The shrewd tricks of some of those groups to deceive people into assisting them with clever words and/or what people want became known to me those days. It was also known that they used the same Mephistophelean tricks for wheedling my wife's and my parents and relatives unfortunately. More unfortunately, they used their usual measures to coax a number of Japanese people indirectly related to me. They were easily corrupted by inflaming their jealous nature and avaricious nature because most of them were ordinary people. Things have already gotten complicated and are still getting complicated more and more. Fortunately, what they have ever done became understandable and what they have been doing is somewhat predictable. However, the only protection against those ruses interests me now.

Friday, October 9, 2009
It rained hard this morning. Got up at eight o'clock. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and pieces of Central Market's Pizza for dinner.

The British magazine, Times Higher Education released its QS World University Ranking 2009 recently. All of the universities ranked in the top ten have ever been widely admired. What is amazing is that all of them are in the English-speaking world. 19 out of the universities ranked in the top twenty and 24 out of those in the top thirty are in the English-speaking world. According to Wikipedia, 40% of the weight is given to the peer review score for this ranking. 
The topic above suggests that English speakers have huge advantages in raising their reputations internationally over non-English speakers. Indeed, they have had advantages for the last several decades, as well known. This is an undeniable fact.
Although only 5%/5% of the weights are given to the international staff/students scores, feeble scores of Universities in Japan in these categories also drag them down in the ranking to some degree.  The insufficiency in these scores is also associated with the language issue.
Each country has its own language and literature. Many believe that language and literature with the culture of each country have to be protected. In the near future, the advancement of translation and mobile technologies will hopefully help make it easier for nonnative-English-speakers to be recognized in the world.

Saturday, October 10, 2009
Got up at eight-thirty in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch. Went out shopping at grocery stores this afternoon. Bought a platter of BBQ meals at PokeJo's restaurant because my wife wants to eat it. Ate a BBQ meal at home for dinner.

Sunday, October 11, 2009
Got up at eleven o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a Japanese-style meal for dinner. Stayed at home for the entire day.

Sometime in the week before last, it seemed that a Korean group, a Japanese right-wing clique, and an American right-wing clique had started to spy on my wife's and my conduct, as successor to a Taiwanese group and an American left-wing clique, and to take some weak-threatening attitudes toward us. It's uncertain why an American right-wing clique meddled in other Asian's stupid spying game and whether a clique can be regarded as conservative or not. Probably, they are pretending to be deceived by these Asian groups simply because it's convenient for them. There may be a tie between them based on religion and a marital relation.
Since yesterday, a Chinese/an Indian/a Latin American group and an American right-left mixing cliques might have already started pulling wires. Different groups have appeared one after another weekly.

There are several groups committing spying activities here. The following shows three of the teams mentioned above:
Blackmail Team --- a Korean group, a Japanese right-wing clique, and an American right-wing clique
Some of the Blackmail team members have used violent acts by way of a threat. Their criminal acts caused some damage to my property. The damages to the tires of my vehicle by inserting nails might lead to a serious accident. Indeed, this sort of frustrated people can be easily handled. However, a trap that is designed to induce a target to be a perpetrator has to be carefully dealt with. In this case, good anger management is the key to success.

Fame & Brand Team --- a Taiwanese group, a Vietnamese group, a Japanese Education clique, and an American left-wing clique
Rising Mammoth Team --- a Chinese/Indian/Latin American group, a Japanese left/center-economy clique, and an American right & left mixing cliques
Continuous and pertinacious acts of spites by both the Fame & Brand Team and the Rising Mammoth Team had harmed my health previously. Their ways of doping are designed to hider any positive activity inconvenient for them politically. In a democratic society, obstructive tactics may be usually seen but over-disturbance by hysteric groups is unacceptable. Unfortunately, this sort of political method is always poisonous in a creative society. In my case, my hard work brought upon me their over-disturbance and cheating. Although the proverb says, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do", here an outsider can't.

There are many other teams, indeed. The following is the team that may also be taking part in the activities above:
National Defense Team --- a Russian group and a Japanese center-bureaucrat clique
They are almost invisible to my senses. However, what they want to do seems to be obvious.

Monday, October 12, 2009
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a Japanese-style meal for dinner.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a Japanese-European-style meal for dinner.

My opinions on the World Federalism were described in my diary on October 4, 2009. In my diary, the milestones that have to be reached for the achievement of my version of the World Federalism were specified. Today, some detailed explanations on each milestone will be added in ascending order of difficulty:

(1) Development of the advanced mobile translator
Probably, the next decade isn't enough to develop such an advanced mobile translator, though all of the necessary functions such as translation software, a small computing system, a speech recognition system, and a good battery have already existed. It seems that a desired mobile translator will be released within the next thirty years.

(2) Unification of the currencies
Theoretically speaking, the unification of the currencies in the developed nations can be rather easily done though there are political problems blocking its progress. If the agreement of the unified currency in the current developed nations were to be obtainable, it should not take so long time. Within 50 years, the first stage of this goal can be attained. The currency of a developing country after another will become a unified one when its development is completed to some extent.

The two milestones above may be somewhat attained in my lifetime.

(3) Equilibrium economy and security among nations
Equilibrium economy and security have been making progress steadily. It takes mankind centuries to attain an equilibrium economy and security among nations. Controlling the pace of the growth of the economy in developing countries has to be kept lower than the certain level that the UN can set with due regard to the preservation of the environment. The security of developing countries may improve with advancing the economy there. It isn't necessary to wait for the completion of World Federalism until this goal is achieved.

(4) Unification of laws and systems
It takes mankind centuries or longer to unify laws and systems in the world. It seems that both the permeation of useful essences of the liberal capitalistic economy into countries in the communist and socialist blocs and the adaptation of some necessary socialistic systems to highly developed capitalistic countries can fill the gap between nations in laws and systems in terms of business. The criminal law, which is a system of rules dealing with crime and social relationships, may be somewhat unified when people are coming and going among countries more frequently.

(5) Integration of defense systems under the unified nation
The integration of all defense systems under the unified nation may be achieved at the final stage of the transition to World Federalism. It's easy to say but very difficult to achieve. If this goal were to be attained, the future unified nation could take swift measures to stop violence by avoiding the delay due to international politics. Unfortunately, as seen in the world currently, the UN is almost incapable of settling conflicts.

(6) Mitigation of exclusive doctrinal contents of religions after consultations
Probably, this is the most difficult and time-consuming goal. No one can imagine how long it will take for humankind to achieve this goal. Someone may say that this isn't necessary. Obviously, it's a matter of opinion.
Without making at least a little progress in the mitigation of exclusive doctrinal contents of religions, especially in Western and Middle Eastern countries, the plan for World Federalism may meet with a hitch at the very early stage.

World Federalism will bring several advantages. As well known, there may be no possibility of a war between countries in the unified nation of World Federalism. Even in this ideal future world, there will be a possibility of terrorism by a cult group or a racial group. Defense system integrated under the future unified nation will clamp down on their violent acts, without causing a risk of retaliatory terrorism against a regional country. In other words, the situation will change from gangs versus gangs into the government versus gangs. Most territorial issues between countries will be resolved as a matter of course. 
The degree of freedom/control of the economic system may be decided democratically. It seems that a more socialistic system is appropriate for the future unified nation. If people of the future world would still like fair freedom and competition, a more capitalistic system may be selected by voting. If people in time to come would like to be more tightly controlled by the unified nation because there is no place where they have to pioneer and develop, except outer space, a more socialistic system may be.
The customs and traditions of cultures and the families peculiar to all the regions may be maintained.
In the future unified nation, people will be able to enter any regional country without having a visa, except for limited special regions. People will migrate to any country without having the right to permanent residence. A national border will become like a state border.

Needless to say, what individual countries have to accomplish for the next decade or the next five decades is different, depending upon their current circumstances. The leaders who are accountable for making decisions in the responsible positions have to fulfill their responsibilities.
The success of World Federalism requires compromise by all countries, business negotiations, and consultation among religions. Excellent mediators have to be found in order to lead the world to World Federalism. It's hardly believed that such mediators can be found in the current UN.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch. Read a technical paper. Ate a Japanese-style meal for dinner.

It seems that mental fatigue has accumulated in my brain recently. Thinking about non-technical and non-scientific matters for the last two weeks might help recover my brain from fatigue to some degree.

As written a couple of days ago, different groups have appeared one after another weekly. Today, three of them (1, 2,3) appeared. How restless they are!

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Got up at six forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner. Read a technical paper.

Judging from the news around the world, the majority of Americans tend to go from one extreme to another. It's uncertain whether this is a taste of the West or not. It seems that the principle of two rival parties competing for power in their political systems might have developed their tendency. Probably, this isn't true.
On the other hand, it seems that the majority of Japanese don't like to express an extreme opinion. This might be one of the reasons why the Japanese Government had held the one-party system for quite a long period. However, the pressure from outside changed the old-fashioned system in Japan. Indeed, the two-large-party system is better than the one-party system in terms of several aspects. It's important for Japan to maintain the two-rival-party system, especially to have flexibility in international situations. It goes without saying that each party should have distinct beliefs. As long as the two-large-party system is kept, Japan may be able to take bolder and more strategic measures than before. It's probably under way.
In either the three-party system or multi-party system, there is always a possibility to transform it into a sticky one-party system, as the result of a factional conflict. Currently, the two-large-party system seems to be the best choice, though there is a lot of waste and inefficiency in the two-large-party system, as seen. In the nature of things, it takes a long time for good democracies to make progress.

Friday, October 16, 2009
Got up at eight-thirty in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and pieces of California Pizza Kitchen's pizza for dinner. Read a technical paper.

The limitation of nuclear tests should be continually advocated worldwide. If it were to be really possible, nuclear weapons should be completely abolished, as written in my diary several times.

Either a NASA scientist or a Hollywood movie producer may say, "We need nuclear bombs to crush a large meteor to pieces in the future". "Did you see the movie, Armageddon or Deep Impact?" Indeed, this is partly right, but partly wrong. Mankind will need a very powerful bomb in order to protect civilization on the earth sometime in the far future. As well known, small meteors continually shower the earth but most of them burn up in the earth's atmosphere. If a meteor larger than a certain size comes, it won't burn up in the atmosphere and will reach the ground of the earth. If a Texas-size meteor were to come, its impact on the earth could wipe out mankind.
The important question is when it will come. So far, mankind has never found such a big meteor coming to the earth, within my knowledge. Even if mankind finds a big meteor coming, it should take decades, centuries, millenniums, or longer from its discovery for it to reach the earth. Mankind will have enough time to recreate nuclear bombs when they are necessary in the distant future. Either a couple of months or half a year may be enough to build them all. 
A Pentagon brass may say, "The destructive power of our current thermonuclear bomb isn't enough to break a Texas-size meteor to the pieces."  "We will need a higher-power bomb to do it". Actually, this is true. In the distant future, mankind may need to restart developing a higher-power bomb than a hydrogen bomb, unfortunately. Hopefully, mankind will not start its development until World Federalism completes, because there is no risk of nuclear war breaking out in the future unified nation. The developments and tests of such dangerous weapons should be carried out into outer space and these bombs should be kept in the arsenals on the moon, on Mars, or on another planet, in order to make provision against a catastrophic emergency due to a large meteor. Anyway, this is a story about the faraway future.
Therefore, even from an SF-like viewpoint of the protection of the earth against a gigantic meteor, there is no problem with the abolishment of nuclear weapons at the present time. To put it briefly, it's too early for mankind to possess nuclear weapons.

Saturday, October 17, 2009
Got up at eleven o'clock in the morning. Ate a piece of California Pizza Kitchen's pizza for lunch, and a Japanese-style meal for dinner.

Recently, a Taiwan PC maker "Acer" attained second place in the PC sales ranking, according to the Nikkei online news. HP can somehow keep the top position in this period. The US PC industry chose the way to the price competition by relying intensely on outsourcing its manufacturing and selling its products online. As a matter of course, more price-competitive companies in rising Asian countries are making the US companies worried. It seems to me that American tends to go from one extreme to another in many cases. An extreme act outsourcing of PC manufacturing has led them to this situation. Hopefully, this is within the range of their expectation.
On the other hand, in the semiconductor industry, rising Asian countries have started learning circuit designs since long ago and may have already made the US semiconductor companies anxious even in this area. Bringing in circuit design requires a much shorter time and lower cost than bringing in process technology in a country. This may be a warning to the US semiconductor industry that high-end process technologies and manufacturing have to be kept within the country. Moving toward fabless will lead to going everything overseas as a result, deepening the subsidence of employment by taking the job responsibility out from underneath, and lowering the value of most US semiconductor companies, with a few exceptions. It may safely be said that this is a part of semi-artificial selection often seen in a competitive society. Moving toward fabless has helped accelerate it.

Sunday, October 18, 2009
Got up at nine o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch. Went out shopping at grocery stores this afternoon. It seems that the Blackmail Team hired a pair of small comedians driving an old Nissan Z and sent them to make a performance at the parking lot of HEB. However, their performance didn't interest me. Ate a Japanese-style meal for dinner.

It seems that a schemer party really wants to get Iranians to participate in the struggles with extremist groups near the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, though there is almost no possibility of that. Its artifices for the last half a year seem to be ineffective because they are illusional and obvious. There are concerns as to whether such an artifice will just inflame sectarian strife again and cause a delay in the withdrawal of the US troops from Iraq or not.

Monday, October 19, 2009
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

My wife and I used to go and eat raw oysters on the half shell at a seafood restaurant in our neighborhood sometimes in autumn and winter. We have never gotten food poisoning from eating raw oysters. Needless to say, the cause of my sickness in 2003 was unrelated to food poisoning simply because my wife, who ate the same foods at the same restaurant at the same time, didn't get sick at all. We haven't recently eaten raw oysters since our regular seafood restaurant was shut up in some time in 2004 or 2005. We still enjoy sitting around a Japanese one-pot meal with oysters at home in the winter season.

Indeed, the raw ham, which is not boiled after being smoke-cured, might have led me to food poisoning at a restaurant in Japan in the spring of 2004. That occurrence happened about half a year after my persistent cough started in the autumn of 2003. Alamo Drafthouse Lake Creek in Austin Texas served a dish of toxic meal in 2007. It seems that either the Blackmail Team or Fame & Brand Team intentionally did that about four years after my persistent cough started. Let me make it crystal clear that these food poisonings weren't the cause of my illness with coughing.

The main cause of my sickness was overwork for a long period of time in an unhealthy environment in the mid-summer of 2003. Sudden and extreme changes in atmospheric temperature by hours and hours for months ruined my health condition. Thinking back to the past, it seems to me that hysteric disturbances were motivated by a sense of rivalry between pro-Texas Rising Mammoth cliques and pro-Massachusetts Fame & Brand cliques. To tell you the truth, their rivalry was no concern of mine because of being busy those days.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a Japanese-style meal for dinner.

If a typical high-ranking official in the People's Republic of China is asked the question "What is China's current economic system?" he/she may answer with an air of confidence "It's communism." If a member of the board of a company in Hong Kong is asked the same question as above, he/she may whisper stealthily "It's a communism with free market, or it would be either a form of socialism or a form of capitalism, hopefully..." Needless to say, there is an impassable gulf between capitalism and communism. It's uncertain whether in China there continues to exist a contradiction between these systems or not.
In spite of its contradictory system, its economy is solidly growing. It's estimated that China's annual production of cars in 2009 will exceed the ten million mark, according to the Nikkei online news. China will attain the top position in annual car production this year. In the global recession, a potential ability of China's economy more distinctly appears. 
Although the ratios of sales of hybrid cars among the total car sales in the developed countries are increasing, the sales of regular vehicles in rising countries are overwhelmingly increasing yearly. Ten million of annual car production is only a process of development because of its huge population. As its domestic demand expands, the carbon emission rapidly increases. The expansion of its domestic demand is nearly out of control by the West at the present time.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a meal for dinner.

My career has never included any research and development of either semiconductor photolithography or synchrotron radiation. My academic background includes the study of solid-state physics and that of semiconductor surfaces using advanced electron microscopy, and my career includes manufacturing, research, and development of devices and other process technologies in the semiconductor industry. The books about Quantum Field Theory, Cosmology, and other advanced Physics Theories sometimes absorb my interest for the sake of my own education.

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Got up at eight-fifteen in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a meal for dinner.

Friday, October 23, 2009
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and pieces of Central Market's pizza for dinner.

After a long time of silence, a computer hacker attacked my computer this evening.

Saturday, October 24, 2009
Got up at ten forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a bowl of Japanese noodles for dinner.

In the case of the European Union, its formation has brought benefits to Europe in terms of several aspects such as strong common currency and unified actions in both security and foreign policy. The EU was rather easily formed in the 1990s because it was based on the European Community and most of the leading members of the EU were developed countries of Western Europe. On the other hand, the degrees of development of countries in other regions of the world aren't as uniform as those in Western Europe. Moreover, there exists a lack of uniformity in the systems and policies in the other regions. It should take a considerably long time even for the Asian region, where most countries are currently rising, to attain an EU-like community.
The formation of communities like the EU in different regions of the world may be rather an interesting idea only as a transitional phase to a unified nation. The reason why it should be temporary is that the world composed of several large communities, each of which has a peculiar religion, race, and culture, is more dangerous than the present world because of the higher possibility of a greater war breaking out. Although a NATO-like organization, which consists of country members in a community, may be formed and may be advantageous to deal with local warfare, there exists a higher risk of greater wars among communities. In this scenario, the situation may become an old well-armed big gang versus a new well-armed big gang. Rival big communities may fight for their beliefs, the possession of dormant resources, or something else, instead of the acquisition of an overseas colony, in the future. As written previously, this problem will be fixed by establishing a unified nation.
In the era of globalization of the world economy, the acceleration of the formation of an EU-like community among neighboring countries in a particular region seems to be rather meaningless and out of date. The formation of such a community in the developing region is mainly aimed at accelerating the development of developing countries in it, without emphasizing the preservation of the environment while excluding interferences by developed countries. Therefore, this idea may entail some risks in terms of not only security but also ecology, but it may be acceptable only as a dangerous transitional stage to a peaceful unified nation. It seems that, for the Asian economy, either an EC(European Community)-like community or the reform of ASEAN plus Three is sufficient for quite some time. The transition to a unified nation may be achieved more safely by relying on unification led by an international organization, which is founded to form a unified nation and to maintain international cooperation to achieve its goal without differentiation based on religion and race, than by forming communities like the EU in different regions of the world. If the current UN could correct flaws in its character and play a key role in settling conflicts in the Middle East in the near future, it might become able to develop into a future unified nation. Leaders should keep clear of danger because there exist destructive weapons around the world at the present time.

Sunday, October 25, 2009
Got up at ten forty-five in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch. Went out shopping at grocery stores this afternoon. Ate a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

Monday, October 26, 2009
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner.

What Japan has to do currently in terms of national security is the expansion of its own defense capability gradually and steadily without emphasizing offensive strength, to the extent corresponding to its GDP in an extreme case, as the most important matter and either the conclusion or the renewal of a trustworthy defense treaty with a nation for mutual benefit for a long period of time covering up its weakness as the secondary important matter. Needless to say, Japan shouldn't possess any nuclear weapons for all the world.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a Japanese-style meal for dinner.

A computer hacker attacked my computer several times this morning. A backup copy of computer files to an external hard drive was made this morning.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. A computer hacker attacked my computer once this morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner. Read two technical papers.

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Got up at eight-fifteen in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and a Japanese-style meal for dinner. A computer hacker attacked my computer several times.

The hailstorms in March and June of this year did not cause any leakage in the roof of my house. Therefore, no roofing service was necessary.

Friday, October 30, 2009
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch, and pieces of California Pizza Kitchen's pizza for dinner.

Saturday, October 31, 2009
Got up at six-thirty in the morning. Ate a bowl of cereal for lunch. Went to see the movie "New York, I Love You" at the Regal Arbor 8 Cinema this afternoon. Ate a meal at La Madeleine this evening. 

Created my weblog at http://yasuhitoshiho.blogspot.com/ and added my diary to it.