About Me

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Okaya, Nagano Prefecture, Japan

December 2015

Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Got up at six-fifteen in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. It's a fine day.

According to some news sources, the major subjects of the latest COP21 hopeful of progress are the agreements with the setting of an objective to reduce the carbon emissions not only from each developed nation but also from each developing country, and perhaps with the legal obligation to it. China, the US, and India are the largest, second-largest, and third-largest carbon-emitting countries nowadays. The proper control over the growth rates of the GDPs of both China and India, the populations of which add up to about 40 % of the world population, should be the most effective and realistic way during the period when the active promotion of the nuclear power generation is still premature in most developing countries. China's recent attempt to abstain from its unreasonably rapid growth on its own initiative is preferable. The rapid increase in India's GDP growth rate and carbon emissions following that in China is one of the deepening public anxieties. Taking various energy-saving measures by each individual and various low carbon-emission measures by the government and the power and the auto companies against the emerging climate changes is what the US should go further ahead with from now onward. In addition to the energy-saving measures by modernizing their domestic articles and automobiles, China, India, Brazil, and ASEAN need to place a special emphasis on the modernization of the manufacturing and power plants whenever possible. As ever, what the governments of all the countries should urge are the administrative guidance of their peoples and enterprises to the right courses and the international political cooperation with each other, and what the enterprises of good stand in the developed countries should pursue are the technical innovations in terms of the power efficiency and generation and the promotions of them.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Got up at six-fifteen in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese one-pot meal for dinner. It's a fine day.

I purchased a laser pointer for my presentation about ten years ago. My laser pointer can emit only a faint red-laser beam. For most civil portable uses, this sort of low-energy laser device should be sufficient enough. Although it's weak, any irradiation of an eye with a laser beam must be avoided, except for some medical treatments by an oculist. The recently growing prevalence of the blue- or green-laser portable devices that are capable of carrying a higher energy over a longer distance and have been sometimes misused for some nasty pieces of harassment against a pilot on the cockpit seat of a plane and an athlete on the field of a stadium is really troublesome.
Of course, the treatments of and the trades in the laser cannons that some munitions companies have been developing should be very tightly regulated. Fortunately, these laser weapons, which are contrived to heat a pinpoint on a distant object up to a few thousand degrees C or above, can't come in portable size at the present time. Although the laser module itself may be rather easily downsized to some extent, neither the cooling system nor the power supply system can't do. These weapons must be very tightly restricted only to defensive military uses. In view of the times when there often appear the assault rifles, which are the typical military guns, on the TV and Internet news reports about the criminal scenes on the streets, the governments shouldn't be so optimistic about the possibility that these military laser weapons will fall into the hands of the criminal groups when these can be downsized significantly in the future. It's my belief that a portable laser gun isn't the future weapon that enables an officer to arrest the suspects or a civilian to defend his/her family against the offenders without risking anyone's life.

Thursday, December 3, 2015
Got up at six-fifteen in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a dish of Italian pasta for dinner. It's rainy to cloudy.

According to the Higgs mechanism, the existence of the scalar field prevailing among the entire universe appendixes a mass to most of the subatomic particles. The presence of a massive matter always accompanies the distortion of the space-time continuum around its center, which leads to the gravitations toward other massive matters according to the general theory of relativity, which was experimentally proven with the famous observations of the gravitational lens. In the framework of the quantum field theory, by the interaction with the Higgs boson, the mass is given to some subatomic particles, and by the interaction with the graviton a massive subatomic particle feels the gravity. As a derivation from his general theory of relativity and probably on the analogy of other physical phenomena, Prof. Albert Einstein presupposed that the distortion of space-time might propagate like the wave. This is so-called the gravitational wave. Because of some technical difficulties or others, however, none of the large-scale simple experimental apparatus has detected any clear indication of the gravitational wave so far.
It's my understanding that the absence of the gravitational wave from the universe isn't necessarily contradictory to what the theory of relativity describes at base. Someday, it will be confirmed whether or not the gravitational wave really exits. Subjectively speaking, it's delightful to consider that the space-time continuum may be rippled. According to Cosmology written by Prof. Steven Weinberg, the possible detection of the gravitational wave may allow the cosmologists to observe a remnant of the universe at a very early stage.

Friday, December 4, 2015
Got up at six-fifteen in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. It's snowy to fair.

The advancement of the semiconductor technology node relying on the improving scalability of the FinFET structures utilizing the configuration of either the double-gate or the triple-gate may continue for a while. One of the technological breakthroughs after completing advancing the technology node following the ITRS roadmap may be the photonic integrated circuit, as written in my diary several times before. Once the practicability of the photonic integrated circuit SoC is proven and the mass production of it for PC and mobile applications is started, a new direction of the semiconductor chips will be clearly established. Because the use of the partially photonic integrated circuit is also advantageous for multi-core processing, it should soon be adopted to the multi-core SoCs and multi-core processors for higher-performance computing applications. Depending upon the ability to miniaturize the Si-based photonic devices and the optical cables integrated on a chip, the substitution of the optical fiber lines for the conventional metal lines might gradually step inside the cores and/or the memory banks on a chip in the future.
Although the mass data communication between the logic cores and the embedded memory banks through the optical fiber lines on a chip enables to improve the system speed significantly, the capacity of the memory banks on a chip shouldn't always be sufficient. Therefore, the success of the photonic integrated circuit SoC won't take away the necessity for the high capacities peripheral memory banks such as the solid state devices or other advanced ones for the high-performance computing applications of high-end PCs, servers, workstations, and supercomputers afterward. For the profitable mobile applications, however, the additional installation of any peripheral memory banks in the mobile devices with the future SoC may not be necessary.
Another technological leap may be the innovation of the compound semiconductor channel instead of the Si channel. By the use of compound semiconductors, the switching performance of the photonic devices integrated on a chip can also improve efficiently. The compound materials that aren't toxic may be smoothly introduced to future SoCs and processors.

Saturday, December 5, 2015
Got up at six forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. It's a fine day.

Sunday, December 6, 2015
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast and a Japanese meal for lunch. Went out shopping this afternoon. Ate a Japanese meal for dinner. It's a cloudy day.

Monday, December 7, 2015
Got up at seven-fifteen in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese one-pot meal for dinner. It's a fine day.

Due to the chilblain, the first, second, and third fingers of my right hand are rather swollen. My chilblained toes and heels are mildly itchy too. The cold weather in a highland of Japan during the wintertime has started bothering me. My ability to think has been congealing gradually and gradually.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Got up at six-fifteen in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. It's a fine day.

Today, I noticed that the English name of the university at which I graduated in physics in my twenties was changed though the Japanese name of it was unchanged. It used to be called "the Science University of Tokyo" in English. For some reason or other, it was renamed "the Tokyo University of Science" previously. I also noticed that there's an abbreviation of "Tokyo Institute of Technology", which I proceeded to the master's degree in materials science after passing through the undergrad courses of the university above. "Tokyo Tech" is short for it. It seems to me that both were brought around the ways of naming the internationally prestigious universities and institutes, e.g. MIT and Caltech in order to be more successful in receiving worldwide recognition.
Some of the honor students and graduates from these Japanese universities and technology institutes may be comparable with those from MIT and Caltech if the cramming education system of Japan since early childhood hasn't made the abilities of their brains excessively oriented toward only memorization and the molds fettering their minds are sloughed off in their specialties properly at a proper stage.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Got up at six-fifteen in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a dish of Japanese pasta for dinner. It's a fine day.

The crude oil price that the winds of various world affairs and the decisions by the OPEC and other oil organizations have been influencing dropped down below $38 per barrel recently. The crude oil price is still one of the dominant influences on the world economy and will remain so for a while. The recent downward tendency of it has impacted positively on the economies of some countries and negatively on those of others. The influence of the trend on the living of my wife and me is very minor.

Thursday, December 10, 2015
Got up at six-fifteen in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. It's a cloudy day.

One of the questions in the questionnaires I recently filled out made me realize the change of the times again. Briefly speaking, the necessity for strict confidentiality of classified information has risen considerably because world affairs are getting worse and worse. Not to mention the business secrets of a company from others, classified information sensitive to the relationships between the nations has to be treated more deliberately than before.
Needless to say, I have never disclosed any business secrets. As far as I know, I have never touched upon the pieces of eyes only, sensitive, or secret classified information that I am bound by the rules to protect. Although a few of what I have diffidently written in my released publications, blog, and others may happen to accord with classified information of either a company or a government, these shouldn't correspond to any breach of confidence because I have never belonged to it. It's impossible for me to know what they have classified. Freedom of speech should be the essence of democracy, as long as no law is violated.

Friday, December 11, 2015
Got up at seven-fifteen in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. It's a warmer rainy day.

North Korea claimed that it now possesses the hydrogen bomb. According to the news topics, most experts in analyzing North Korea's nuclear armament doubted its claim. In view of the location of North Korea and the recent criminal case at the Yasukuni shrine, anyway, the advancement of its nuclear armament should be a piece of unpleasant news for most of the Japanese people, as well as the American people.
About nine years have passed since North Korea first carried out its nuclear test in the middle 2000s. It took the US and Russia only a half-decade to succeed in testing the H-bombs after their first nuclear tests in the middle twentieth century. Because there are at least five thermonuclear powers in the world at the present time and these bombs are only old-fashioned weapons, it should be technically easier for the present Korean scientists and engineers to intensify their nuclear bombs by using the fusionable isotopes. This news topic tells that Korea may be more challenging to the existing thermonuclear and/or capitalistic powers than the Indian and Pakistani are.

The Max-Planck IPP announced that its helical nuclear fusion reactor Wendelstein 7-X was able to sustain the He-plasma at the temperature of about one million K for about 0.1 seconds. The temperature at which the D-T fusion reaction may be ignited is 100 times higher than that temperature or above. They still have a long way to go.

Saturday, December 12, 2015
Got up at six forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. It's a fine day.

The US major companies have traditionally embraced meritocracy, as well known. In some of these major companies, the performances of all the employees are placed on one of the orders from the top to the last after the periodical assessment of them. In such a society, companies attempt to hire people who are highly evaluated by other trustworthy companies, laboratories, and universities in order to be successful in hiring talents with a high probability.
Below is an example of what it may invite subsequently if a Japanese is highly assessed in a major company in the US. Other senior Japanese coworkers, which are usually the few, would try to bring the Japanese-style ways into the city in the US where they live, with the assistance of their American, European, and Asian friends who have regrettably placed the lower orders and see some advantages in introducing the Japanese ways such as the seniority system, surveillance system, gang stalking, handouts local administrative and so on. Behind the scenes, the accusations against him or her that are fabricated by the alleged victims may start circulating around in order to gather accomplices as many as possible. His or her situation becomes even worse than before when the sector of a major company that's located mostly in the city is spun off. Their American friends may additionally take the American-style measure of gang stalking or faked counterintelligence stalking while being oblivious to the good sense of a major company in order to let some of their friends confiscate their accomplishments from him/her. Moreover, their friends may continue to take the measure of stalking by cajoling some Japanese counterparts near them into helping them even when he or she moves to Japan.

Sunday, December 13, 2015
Got up at seven-thirty in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast and a Japanese meal for lunch. Went out shopping this afternoon. Ate a Japanese meal for dinner. It's rainy to cloudy.

Monday, December 14, 2015
Got up at seven-fifteen in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. It's a cloudy day.

Another object in making up a story that an alleged victim suffered for his or her careless behavior and other frame-ups is the justification for grabbing his or her rights and achievements while escaping his or her attention. If it's beneficial to a group as a whole to which they including an alleged victim belong, they may assert without shame or try to make believe that an alleged victim suddenly replaced him or her. That sounds supernatural. It seems to me that the conspiracy by an alleged victim is one of the usual measures of the Asians who learned from the Americans originally and modified it to fit their own tastes.
There is another way to aim at the same outcome. When he or she notices that some people often attempt to impose an opinion on him or her, and/or he or she often encounters a person who somewhat resembles him or her around, he or she has to be more careful than usual. That's a sign that a group is attempting to replace him or her for their benefit. According to a fable, the appearance of his or her doppelganger around may be an ill omen. It seems that the doppelganger isn't just a symptom of hallucination but a card of the favorite extortionate trick of the obsolete fellowships that are still hanging out the modern societies. It seems that the Japanese learned this sort of conspiracy by imitating the German or another European proficient in psychology.

The crude oil price dropped down below $36 per barrel recently.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Got up at six-fifteen in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. It's fair to rainy.

My personal opinion is that a married couple should have a family name. I don't support the legalization of separate family names for a married couple.
If some modifications to the system of surname of Japan have to be implemented for better, I propose an alternative plan that a newly married couple can decide their own family name when they marry. A couple may name a nuclear family that they have just created an independent family name. Of course, if they want, a couple may select the family name of either the husband's or wife's forefather. If they get divorced, unfortunately, each separated individual can select out of two choices, either his/her former surname or their family name. The individual of a separated couple who maintains parental authority after the divorce may keep his or her family name unchanged temporarily until their children reach a certain age. If his fiancé really wants it, a man who was born as a second son or a younger son of a family may accept more receptively an aforementioned choice of having either a newly named family name or a family name of her forefather, than the one who was born as a firstborn son may.
The implementation of this minor modification will help promote equal rights for men and women and the flexibility to the slowly diversifying society in Japan. It seems to me that this modification won't cause any unmanageable confusion at the present day when the social security number (my-number) system is just about to begin. However, the modification to the system of surname may bother some of the people who come from a good family if many new couples start naming their nuclear families after a good family.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Got up at six-fifteen in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. It's cloudy to fair.

Recently, a Russian demonstration nuclear fission reactor BN800 started generating and transmitting electricity. According to the news report, it's a fast breeder reactor with a liquid-sodium coolant. This sort of reactor is advantageous to minimize the wasteful uses of the fissional and potentially fissional isotopes without causing rapid nuclear proliferation. In a simple phrase, it may allow, "Spend one bunch of fissionable fuel, and get one free". As well known, however, there are some difficulties in the treatment of the coolant of liquid-sodium that is very reactive to the element of oxygen, which exits abundantly in the air, water, and so on. Without resolving the safety problem, the time hasn't been ripe for mass production of the fast breeder reactor for its practical power generation use. Anyway, it's much more difficult to resolve all the deep problems of the fusion reactor than to resolve only the safety problem of the fast breeder fission reactor.

Thursday, December 17, 2015
Got up at six-fifteen in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. It's cloudy to snowy.

Now is still the time to rely chiefly upon the energy sources of oil and gas for power generation and automobiles while forwarding every project to economize energy use gradually and steadily. The cost reduction of the existing renewable sources of energy and the innovation of the new ones should continue to be desirable.

The US Federal Reserve Bank announced that it raised the interest rates from 0-0.25 % up to 0.25-0.5 %. The interest rates will be raised accordingly step-by-step next year. The schedule sounds reasonably prudent.

Friday, December 18, 2015
Got up at six-fifteen in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. It's a fine day.

The crude oil price hasn't touched the bottom yet. It dropped down below $35 per barrel recently.

Saturday, December 19, 2015
Got up at six forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. It's a fine day.

Sunday, December 20, 2015
Got up at seven forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast. Went out shopping this morning. Ate a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. It's a fine day.

Monday, December 21, 2015
Got up at seven-fifteen in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. It's a rainy day.

By soaking my hands in hot water for a few minutes a few times per day, my chilblained hands have been curing gradually since last week. A grip of my right hand has almost been regained.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Got up at six-fifteen in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. It's a fine day.

Just to make sure, I again wrote the sentence that my wife and I have never bought any lottery ticket since 2006. Only for half a year in 2006, I had occasionally bought some lottery tickets at the gas stations in the vicinity. Except for those purchases, I have never gambled on any others since 1995.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Got up at seven-thirty in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and pieces of pizza for dinner. It's cloudy to rainy.

To the best of my memory, the International Space Station is scheduled to drop from the present low orbit of the Earth after all the scheduled missions are complete in the course of time. It seems to me that some modules of the ISS may be reusable for NASA's new project to build a new space station orbiting around the Moon of the Earth when the parts of the modules whose service lives are going to end or whose functions have been out-of-date are replaced by the brand-new ones. In order to perform the transportation of these reusable modules from the present orbit up to the Moon's orbit, either a spacecraft like the retired space shuttle or a set of attachable rocket modules that is capable of either towing or thrusting these modules has to be developed. This reuse plan sounds narrow-minded but may help reduce the enormous cost to construct and launch the station around the Moon if many of the operating modules of the ISS are reusable.
After the transportations of some useful modules of the ISS from the present orbit around the Earth into an orbit around the Moon are completed successfully, the new modules that are designed for mining on the surface of the Moon and transit to another destination may be carried to there and docked with the other modules.

Thursday, December 24, 2015
Got up at six-fifteen in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a dish of Japanese pasta for dinner. It's fair to cloudy.

This sort of idea of being oriented toward cost reductions and energy savings in a space project will be somewhat inescapable in the era when people have to rely chiefly upon the finite fossil sources of energy while generalizing the existing renewable sources of energy and economizing the entire energy uses desirably in order to manage the emerging climate changes. A spacecraft that is refuelable in an orbit while going around the Earth may also be useful for the purposes of clearing up the increasing mess in the Earth's orbits.

Friday, December 25, 2015
Got up at six-fifteen in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. It's a fine day.

The introduction of the reduced consumption tax rate to some sorts of necessities would be beneficial when the base consumption tax rate is raised considerably. The planned introduction of it may signify that the base consumption tax rate of Japan will increase over and over. If the Japanese government is intentionally navigating the course of Japan pretty close to socialism, the introduction of it may be what they want to do. 
As the social system of a country leans toward socialism more, in general, its national wealth should decline increasingly and then its national power should also. In view of its modern history and the vigorous rise of its neighboring countries, Japan has to maintain its strength at least for the next half a century for the safety of its future generations. The other disadvantage of introducing the itemized reduced tax rate is obviously the complicatedness of everyday trades and the troublesomeness in preparing the tax return by the sellers. This is why I prefer one of the simplest ideas of tax-free only on uncooked rice if really necessary, as written previously. Both the delay of a retirement age and the enhancement of meritocracy seem to be inevitable.

Saturday, December 26, 2015
Got up at six forty-five in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a dish of Japanese pasta for dinner. It's a fine day.

Sunday, December 27, 2015
Got up at eight o'clock in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast. Went out shopping this morning. Ate a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. It's a fine day.

Monday, December 28, 2015
Today is our 14th wedding anniversary. Got up at seven-thirty in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast. Went out shopping this morning. Ate a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. It's a fine day.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Got up at seven-thirty in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. It's a fine day.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Got up at seven-thirty in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for lunch, and a Japanese meal for dinner. It's a fine day.

Thursday, December 31, 2015
Got up at seven-thirty in the morning. Ate a piece of bread for breakfast, a Japanese meal for lunch, and a bowl of Japanese noodle soup for dinner. It's a fine day. We have had a long-term warmer climate here. The world weather outlook for this winter is mild.